
Type: Posts; User: ZacharyB93

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  1. A Question About 9 Shot MOAB Kits - Isolating Each Shot?

    Good morning all!

    It has been a little while since I have posted here, but I have a question.

    I recently discovered a 9 shot MOAB kit that I am interested in incorporating into this...
  2. Replies

    Question about firing mortar shells

    I recently came across a video on YouTube of someone who drilled two holes in the bottom of their Dr11 mortar tubes. They then daisy-chained each tube together by connecting firework fuse from tube...
  3. Replies

    Where are you getting your MJG initiators from?

    Where are you getting your MJG initiators from?
  4. Replies

    Newbie - Extending Talon Ignite Wires

    Good evening everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!

    As you all know, I've been asking a lot of questions, trying to learn, and tonight is no different.

    Having recently...
  5. Replies

    Newbie - Cake Security

    Good afternoon everyone! I'm back again with another question, this time in regards to safety.

    I have been trying to decide the best way to secure my cakes to keep them from tipping/falling...
  6. Replies

    I feel like at this point we will probably start...

    I feel like at this point we will probably start with the Bilusocn to get our feet wet. As I stated earlier, we really don't have any plans for music being part of the show, or near-future shows,...
  7. Replies

    Newbie - Best Budget Firing System?

    Hello again, everyone!

    First, I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my initial post here on the forum,...
  8. Thank you sir for your time! I am currently...

    Thank you sir for your time! I am currently looking at firing systems, and I'm going to post a new thread asking about those
  9. Great advice!! Thank you!!

    Great advice!! Thank you!!
  10. Great advice! We do have plans for fusing some of...

    Great advice! We do have plans for fusing some of the cakes together, but I was planning on fusing multiple of the same cake together...However it does make more sense to fuse a 200g to a 500g...
  11. Replies

    6" Canister Shells

    6" Canister Shells
  12. That's a great question...and I honestly don't...

    That's a great question...and I honestly don't have a great answer. I think the 30 mins was just something we came up with because we thought that was kind of the average, and also because the last...
  13. Newbie - Critique My Show For This Year?

    Greetings to everyone from the Midwest! I am new to the forum, and don't have a lot of extensive experience with fireworks, (especially anything beyond consumer grade), and am very excited to be here...
Results 1 to 13 of 13