i have gotten cakes with these connectors a few times before,, i didnt love them.. but they worked just fine.. the daisy connection usually isn't that difficult ,, and there is usually visible black...
Type: Posts; User: Mattp
i have gotten cakes with these connectors a few times before,, i didnt love them.. but they worked just fine.. the daisy connection usually isn't that difficult ,, and there is usually visible black...
yeah,, i was very upset to see this store close as well.. it was such a cool property too,, had a bunch of small bunkers from when it used to be a manufacturer, i was really hoping it was for sale...
sorry i kind of skimmed through this post, so not sure if it was fully answered, but i have done this, yes you have to notify them within a certain time period, i cant remember anymore if it was 10...
that is insane!!! those definitely have some extra bang... but any firework would be an "illegal display" there
YES!! i also think its a great course to take. even if you dont shoot 1.3G,, i dont plan to become PGI certified.. but if my personal time allowed for it.. i would take the course every year. not...
not sure if you saw. right around that black friday time they sent out an email saying those prices were all about to change.. and will have a substantial increase.. so i ordered like 2 years worth...
not sure how i feel about that,, im sure it works great for kicking around shooting some things off.. but when trying to put on a coordinated show i dont fully trust the constant reliability of a...
i really like those videos.. its pretty crazy watching watching how they make it all by hand and with minimal safety in mind,, i couldn't believe they were so covered in flash powder, i actually...
sure looks like usage is going up on a pretty steady rise... i feel like 2011 has to be a typo.. but is very odd for someone who seems very organized not to catch and correct it....for it to more...
Wow,, that is amazing looking,, the hang time is unreal for a 1.4… curious if the video is slowed.. or a little special effect help ,,if not,, I want it!!.. LOL
You can google the state laws and certificates you need,,, it’s through NY dept of labor ,, if you thumb through and read the orange book before your interview .. you will have a much better...
Wow,, those are great videos .. thank you!!
Another idea if you cannot get a clear answer.. is to print out a liability waiver form,, stating all liability lies with the parties whos property and who purchased the fireworks .. and any...
The last time I got single shot devices from one of my suppliers … they were from ‘76 proline
Haven’t check recent prices,, but got mine a few years ago from monoprice.. pretty sure they’re 24ga,, and we’re very reasonable
Very cool… crazy that you could just throw shells on top like that
I don’t know if it’s 100% accurate,, but I remember being told they go up about 100’ per inch of shell,, and break roughly half that number,, so a 1.75 consumer shell would go up 175’ and break a...
I have not done this,, but I know people do ,, maybe some of them will chime in,, but it is pretty simple to do,, and seems like your on the right track,, a few months back I was looking to purchase...
HAHA!!!.. wow,, she handled it pretty well!! Didn’t seem to startled at all
Hey man,, congrats!!! I know using it in NY especially where I live I very difficult if not impossible,, but look into some clubs,, there’s a good handful of them that do club events or open shoots...
I don’t know about all or most,, but I do know the company I do work for (and it’s a big name one) … is 100% ALL electric,, no acceptions.. In the peak season you might end up with an older beat up...
25 is bonkers as a local regulation,, In smaller closely housed neighborhoods thats like on your sidewalk I would say at least 50 would be good,,, but technically it should be more like...
Sounds pretty cool to me!!
HA!!! Exactly what he said!!! As soon as I start hearing about universes I get lost !! Which is like the first thing
Yes,, I haven’t seen them in a while,, I also haven’t looked for them,, but there are a few different 1.3g types out there,, these triangle ones, and also a small and large cracker ,, and if you...
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