I wish they would leave the salutes out of the 1.4GPRO.
Cakes could tip over, or someone, like a small child, could find an insert that didn't go off and try lighting it.
This recently happened...
Type: Posts; User: Knightmare
I wish they would leave the salutes out of the 1.4GPRO.
Cakes could tip over, or someone, like a small child, could find an insert that didn't go off and try lighting it.
This recently happened...
Thanks for the information.
Well, I figured people would ruin it by doing something rather stupid.
Selling this to consumers who have no idea about safety is dangerous, especially because lots of these items have salutes.
I wanted to find something closer to where I live.
Is there anything else around close to Canonsburg?
Are there any places near Pittsburgh, PA who have contingency storage for rental?
I know Kellner's Fireworks does but I'm looking for something closer to me here.
What will happen to consumer fireworks?
I saw these compound cakes on YouTube. They pretty much make you forget about consumer fireworks altogether. That's how good they all are.
Will they ever...
That would be an awesome idea!
What will happen to regular consumer fireworks now?
200 Gram? - 350 Gram? - 500 Gram?
In my humble opinion, with the advent of 1.4GPRO, they should start allowing consumer fireworks to be flash...
1.4GPRO is awesome!
These are the cakes I have always wanted.
My suggestion for keeping these around is the manufacturers should remove the salutes from these products.
This is an unpopular...
Thanks for the advice!
I am so grateful this was finally approved.
Now, when purchasing display type cakes, do vendors sell the 1/1 cakes you see on YouTube?
I know about display type...
He owns the property.
The Good News
Quick Update
They just called and asked about additional things for approval which is really strange.
Questions were as follows:
1. Have you ever shot fireworks before?
2. What is your...
Okay Cool
I heard about a potential shutdown.
She said she was working on getting it approved quickly.
Maybe this is why.
I had my interview.
I had to make an amendment on my form regarding home ownership.
Sending in property records and a permission form from owner of property.
I don't own my home.
Is this the number for the Martinsburg office?
I honestly don't know what's going on here.
I don't understand what you mean?
Nothing came back on my background check because there is absolutely nothing.
Clean Records
Also, I called back three times and left a message.
License Denied
No Reason
An agent called me for interview.
Unfortunately, I missed the telephone call because of my work.
I called and left a message but never heard back.
I was told this isn't a good sign.
So my...
I wonder when it will be? Does it take awhile?
Will they come out to my house for the interview?
Usually, how long after cashing your check?
They cashed my check!!!!
Interview Next?
Contingency Storage
Clean Record
Everything was mailed Saturday.
Wish me some luck!
Sorry for double posting.
I have this address:
Federal Explosives Licensing Center
PO BOX 6200-18
Portland, Oregon 97228-6200
This is correct right?
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