
Type: Posts; User: Birdman

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  1. Ah OK.....Picture is much clearer now. Awesome...

    Ah OK.....Picture is much clearer now. Awesome that you're helping this person find the work they seek. I guess my advice was correct but as usual for me, too little too late.
  2. Pretty sure you can really only get this sort of...

    Pretty sure you can really only get this sort of experience on the job. I would suggest they try and find a pyro club and/or try to get their foot in the door with any display company. It's likely...
  3. Replies

    My thought is if people are going to be able to...

    My thought is if people are going to be able to get their hands on them and use them at least they have a rather affordable option to fire these products as intended. I think this could lead people...
  4. Replies

    Thanks for the offer but I do most all of my prep...

    Thanks for the offer but I do most all of my prep and setup in upstate NY. Not very convenient for either us. I didn't realize you were still in my area on the regular.
  5. Replies

    Just starting to think seriously about things....

    Just starting to think seriously about things. I've learned that I don't have to put months of effort into my rather small show. Going with the same model I did last year. Get the product I think...
  6. Replies

    Like others I don't know what day my show will...

    Like others I don't know what day my show will be. A lot will depend on weather. I have some flexibility since most of my audience is at the site for most of the week or more on vacation. Still...
  7. That would be enough to break my will to put on a...

    That would be enough to break my will to put on a show......I think :confused:
  8. Replies

    I thought I read they were no longer going to be...

    I thought I read they were no longer going to be using these devices. I wonder if this is one of the reasons why.
  9. Replies

    The point I was making is that the meaning of...

    The point I was making is that the meaning of "professional use" has been debated. Many would like that to mean only those with proper credentials, such as display companies, could purchase them....
  10. Replies

    The concern is too many people essentially...

    The concern is too many people essentially treating these products as if they were consumer 1.4. There's a reason this product falls under a different classification. It's intended for a specific...
  11. Replies

    This has been my biggest disappointment with the...

    This has been my biggest disappointment with the new AP coming out. Most of it is long duration multiple effect cakes that don't easily fit into a show that's scripted to music. I recently reviewed a...
  12. Replies

    I agree, this one of those questions that if...

    I agree, this one of those questions that if someone has to ask it then it is probably best not to try and answer it. I believe this is something you really need to learn from someone with experience...
  13. Replies

    I did not know BaDaboom accepted your cert.....

    I did not know BaDaboom accepted your cert.. Great news to learn. I'll be reaching out to them at some point in the near future.
  14. Replies

    The live stream won't be available afterwords for...

    The live stream won't be available afterwords for replay? If not, I can wait for the video to be posted. I hope to catch it live. We're switching our new year plans up this year because my son is...
  15. Replies

    I'll try and catch it! If not I'll catch it on...

    I'll try and catch it! If not I'll catch it on replay.
  16. Maybe next year. For those that are not...

    Maybe next year.

    For those that are not familiar, this high school football rivalry is a big deal in this area. It's been played for over 100 years. It routinely sells out Fisher Stadium on the...
  17. Why didn't you tell me you were shooting here!...

    Why didn't you tell me you were shooting here! That's where I graduated High School and is about 10 minutes from my home. I was going to go this year but I was on call for work. If I had known you...
  18. I'm always in a hurry to make sure to clear my...

    I'm always in a hurry to make sure to clear my racks, any cakes that didn't fire and get my mods out of there. This is after the one year when someone thought it was a good idea to just start hosing...
  19. I have to replace a couple speaker terminals on...

    I have to replace a couple speaker terminals on my mods because of this. Cutting them is a great idea!
  20. Replies

    I was never concerned about these products no...

    I was never concerned about these products no longer becoming available. The question I've had, and still do, is who will they be available to.
  21. Replies

    Frankly, probably for the best. I find them to be...

    Frankly, probably for the best. I find them to be stressful shows. The audience is hanging on every cue and effect up until the actual gender reveal. Worse yet is if you are doing them for family or...
  22. Replies

    Here's a daytime gender reveal I did this summer...

    Here's a daytime gender reveal I did this summer for reference:

    BMoore hit on all of the key...
  23. Replies

    I've been meaning to post this but keep...

    I've been meaning to post this but keep forgetting. I used this tape for the first time this year and I can say it was by far the best tape I've used and will not being using anything else from now...
  24. I got a call tonight and he confirmed they didn't...

    I got a call tonight and he confirmed they didn't get smoked because they met their goal and were given a rather "easy" day as a reward. He told me to thank everybody that helped them out. Not sure...
  25. Just wanted to thank anyone that may have helped...

    Just wanted to thank anyone that may have helped out and let you know that they did meet their goal. I spoke to my sons fiancée and the goal was actually 1400, not 1500. We may find out for sure...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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