View Full Version : Fourth of July Pyro

04-10-2024, 11:40 AM
Anyone one here have pyro plans for the Fourth?

04-11-2024, 08:31 AM
My personal shoot is always on the Friday closest to the 4th so that's July 5th this year. So far I have nothing on the 4th itself, but I'm sure that will change. If nothing else I'll be doing dry runs, organizing my supplies, etc. etc.

04-11-2024, 10:55 AM
My shoot varies, so This year the 4th is on a Thursday I think, so the Saturday before for us.

04-14-2024, 09:29 PM
Not sure yet if mine will be on the 4th proper, or on the 5th. I really dislike doing an mid-week shoot, as it ends up feeling rushed to tear down and clean up afterwards. At least that's how it went last year, being on a Wednesday.
I'd prefer to do Friday, but that'll depend mostly on feedback from those attending.

Also working some connections to try and secure a better venue in terms of open space/distance from structures, and may finally have a decent spot lined up that is only ~35 mins drive from my home base. Would be great if that pans out. I'm about to do some additional rack building, and am contemplating upgrading my Cobra hardware to firmware 6.x.x, as it is all still on 5.1.x presently. Have one 18M that isn't behaving quite properly on recharging the LIPO, and have an open ticket with Cobra support to try and resolve that. May need a new charging board, but have plenty of time for that yet.

I do have an Audio Box this year, not certain yet if I'll use it. I don't really want to go to an fully scripted show, I kind of enjoy manual firing, and am working up an old TNT style antique detonator box as a functional prop to do step firing. Mostly as my neices and nephews will get a kick out of pushing the plunger and setting things off. It will be interfaced to external step firing on the 18R2.

I'm awaiting product now, not buying nearly as much as last year since I massively overbought for 2023. I ended up with almost double what I actually shot, so lots of leftover product to use this year. Trying to contain costs about too, since I picked up a significant amount of really nice second hand Cobra hardware.

04-15-2024, 05:44 AM
No pyromusical this year or last year. Step firing a bunch of stuff with no music this year to make room in my container to start the chaos back next year when the 4th is back on the weekend.

My question is, how many of you are already thinking about your display in 2026 for the 250th anniversary? I am, are you?

04-15-2024, 08:35 AM
No pyromusical this year or last year. Step firing a bunch of stuff with no music this year to make room in my container to start the chaos back next year when the 4th is back on the weekend.

My question is, how many of you are already thinking about your display in 2026 for the 250th anniversary? I am, are you?

Yes, I plan on going over the top for 2026 and I've already bought some new equipment with 2026 in mind. In addition to the 250th birthday of the nation, I myself will be turning 50 that year so I'm telling everyone I'm going big in 2026 and then will start scaling back after that since I'll be an old man. lol. We will see if that actually happens.

04-15-2024, 09:18 PM
If all goes according to plan I am going back to Chicago this year and the Patrick fireworks display by the private lake. This will be the weekend after the fourth. I am making my travel plans soon from Pittsburgh to Chicago.

04-17-2024, 10:46 AM
Like others I don't know what day my show will be. A lot will depend on weather. I have some flexibility since most of my audience is at the site for most of the week or more on vacation. Still haven't done any purchasing or scripting. I'll probably start all of that next week.

04-17-2024, 11:53 AM
I always shoot on the 4th. In the last few years, I have had to weatherproof my products. Getting people together on any other day for me will be challenging.

04-18-2024, 05:04 PM
im not sure of the date of the show yet but me and my buddy might change shoot sites for his family show i help out with for the last 3 years and this year being the 4th year. we normally shoot on top of big hill/ valley but we are thinking of going to a campground that allows shotting of fireworks on their lake/ marsh land so we might do a show for the them and call my family and his family over to the camp ground and do it there. if we do it at the campground it will be a bigger show too. as normal i will have all my cameras going and i will try to get more video of the setup in progress instead of of showing the setup all finished and ready to go. my goal is to have that, a ground zero cam, audience cam and my go pro in my head for a pov view of the shooters view. also if we shoot the show at the campground i plan on using my ignite i 18 mod and doing a 1 song pyromusical for the opener and that will be the star spangler banner.

05-31-2024, 06:13 PM
my plans have changed a tad. we are not shooting at the campground. we are teaming up with our 1 friend who is hosting a party on July 6th and he and a few of his buddies are bringing fireworks too so between the 3 of us we should have one hell of a show. i am still shooting the 1 song - 4 min pyromusical at our buddies place now too.