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View Full Version : Slow ATF license Renewal

03-01-2024, 03:43 PM
Just a heads up. I am getting some reports of slow ATF license renewals up until and past the expiration dates. The inspectors are interviewing ahead of the renewal in anticipation of your renewal, however things appear to have slowed down coming out of the Martinsburg WV office. Over the years there was very efficient woman in that office that was running things. The little bit I gathered, she is either off of work and/or someone else has taken her placed. These could be isolated reports or someone not as efficient is slowing things down.

03-01-2024, 05:23 PM
Yes. I had my renewal interview in October but never got my license in the mail. I ended up calling Martinsburg a week before I was set to expire on Feb. 1 and a very helpful albeit very frustrated individual was able to get me a continuation letter over the phone and got my license mailed out that day. The way she described it is that that all the approval steps get checked off in the system and then someone is supposed to verify that everything is checked off and hit the final approval button. Apparently they last step is to verify all steps of the process are checked off in the system and hit the final approval button and that's where they are dropping the ball.

03-01-2024, 09:27 PM
I’m glad to hear you mention that continuation letter. In referencing one of the current situations I am talking about this license holder needs a current ATF license to get his usual permit. His license expired yesterday. He is past the Inspector visit and they cashed his check a while back. Although I suspect he also pissed around and didn’t send that payment in as fast as he should have. Now he is calling Martinsburg multiple times and no response or talking with someone that sounds like they are lost. I suggested he call his Inspector and perhaps the Inspector can lean on Martinsburg to get things moving or at least get that temporary continuation letter. I have never seen a continuation license letter but I remember an ATF Inspector educating me about it during one of my previous renewals. Prior to whatever is occurring at the Martinsville office, that office was pretty efficient with all of this. Currently, not sure what if anything is occurring. Hope it is temporary.

03-01-2024, 10:26 PM
The continuation letter basically just says the ATF is unable to process your application timely and authorizes you to continue under your previous license. It’s valid for 6 months or until they process your license. As long as you submit your renewal & payment timely they are supposed to enable you to keep operating if the delay is on their end. Miss the deadline and you have to start over from scratch including new fingerprints, etc. I’m hearing that it’s about a 50/50 chance that they actually mail out the renewal application so that’s something you have to watch out for too. Like I said, they were able to e-mail me the letter and finalize my license all while having a 5 minute phone conversation with me so it’s definitely not complicated stuff on their end. Hopefully whatever is going on is temporary.

03-07-2024, 07:42 AM
So perhaps this has something to do with the slow down: Perhaps all the knowledgeable people retired?

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