View Full Version : A Question About 9 Shot MOAB Kits - Isolating Each Shot?

01-13-2024, 12:07 PM
Good morning all!

It has been a little while since I have posted here, but I have a question.

I recently discovered a 9 shot MOAB kit that I am interested in incorporating into this years 4th of July show, but I would prefer to not have all 9 shots go off at the same time. I have never dealt with MOABs before, I primarily use canister shells, and so I'm curious if it is possible to disrupt the fusing in a MOAB kit, where you could prevent all 9 shots from going off consecutively. Preferably, I would like to launch a couple of the shells, but then launch the rest later in the show.

I am assuming this is possible, since it seems to me that each tube is linked by fusing, and that all you would have to do is simply cut the fuse between them and attach your e-fire shroud to it, but I'm just curious if someone could let me know if this is correct, since I really don't want to spend $100 just to tear one apart.

Thanks in advance!

01-15-2024, 03:30 PM
Yes, its pretty simple. I did the same thing this year with my New Years show. I took them off the board and staked them in different firing positions and used them as single shots.