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View Full Version : Neighborhood Complaints

12-30-2023, 09:18 PM
Anyone here had any complaints from their neighbors this year? Or was your shoot free of neighborhood obstacles?

12-31-2023, 08:27 AM
So it took us about 20 years with about 5 or 6 transition years to finally have a fireworks show with no complaints.
I don't know how long it will last but so far it's been about 7 years with no complaints.
No Complaints: No phone calls to my house and no cops showing up at my door.
That does not mean that all my neighbors enjoy the fireworks.
Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems the old compainers died off and were replaced by people who like a commu ity event.
Neighbors come from all around to help, load shells, make boards, set up racks and so on.
People with pets (probably the biggest complainers), know the event is coming published on the local FB page and some just take their pets for a ride for that hour, others give meds, or turn the spa music up.
My whole community now plans their family events around the fireworks.

Again let me state that I am sure some people don't like the fireworks and are pissed, but perhaps because it has become a community event that don't want to complain and be known as the grumpy people(?)

I did not have a complaint last year but I did hear some grumblings about the fireball, my fault, it was the first time we used it here and again most first timers think it was a misfire or something.

All I can can is right now I'm lucky! But I think the whole turn around was the community involvement thing which stopped the complaing.