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11-11-2023, 06:51 PM
Going through some of my items and found these. If you are new to these feel free to ask questions or make a comment.


11-12-2023, 09:54 AM
So your'e right on with the fireballs being new to public displays. I shoot a private display, but like if it's any good, word gets out and all of a sudden it's almost a public display.
This was the first year we incorporated a fireball in our show, and ofcourse at the end, and it ceretaily creates confusion in the audiance. Anywhere from nice to oh what xxxxxx goofed up.
Anyway we did set off a 4 inch the night before and the day of, thinking either the peple would accept or complain to the fire company, no cops or fire people showed off so we set off a 6 inch fireball at the end. I did hear a couple of comments from people who didn't know about fireballs and were concerned something went amiss.

11-12-2023, 11:56 AM
If you search the internet you will find a few of these fireballs in displays unannounced causing concern. For example here in Mt.Healthy Ohio whoever did this display, did it for the first time unannounced. Causing so much concern it will be eliminated from future displays. If you read they had proper approval to use it. If they would have prepared the audience for what to expect , not only would they still be shooting these fireballs at future displays for this event , the audience would look forward to them every year. Further it would give them a competitive advantage over other companies not having the fireball finale effect. Instead they went in with a " Watch how we scare everyone this time" They are lucky they didn't cause a panic with people running and getting injured.

Here is the apology from the Fire Department . Most interesting are the comments from the community. You can see whoever did this display missed a future attraction for the display because they did not go about it the proper way.

Engineer Cat
11-12-2023, 06:31 PM
This is the first year I have crewed with a pro company and one that does the largest fireball currently being shot at public displays. Most of our shoots are in NJ and the AHJ's at each one of these shoots were excited for it. (They are Firemen, of course they want to see a huge fireball). However our lead told me when they first started shooting them it was a problem. People would call 911 and people would post comments online saying stuff like "this wasn't supposed to happen x amount of people died", when that person wasn't even at the shoot.

I can tell you that once you shoot one, the crowed wants it in the following years show. Kids are chanting "fireball, fireball" behind us while shooting the show.

The AHJ know exactly what is going to be shot at the show. The police do not. So when discussed with the police the areas we need secured to keep people from wondering into the shoot zone, our lead always tells them to let dispatch know they will most likely get 911 calls when the fireball is shot. Being that even if you are not watching the fireworks and are instead in your back yard a few blocks away, seeing a fireball rolling up 300 feet in the air, you probably have no idea it was part of the firework show and will call 911.

I don't think the blame should fall on the display company. When the town get's the quote for how much the show will cost, they know if there will be fireballs or not. They pay for the gallons of fuel needed to shoot it. The AHJ already approved this if the town approved the quote. When the AHJ comes to the shoot site to inspect, they have the opportunity to pull the effect from the shoot. And the Police are notified.

So I think it's up to the town holding the event, the AHJ and the Police to take on the responsibility of letting the citizens in town that there will be a planned fireball. We shouldn't have to tell the crowed of people there's going to be a fireball. Unless we are shooting a pyromusical, we don't even have a PA on hand to do that, but the event organizers do. They can be telling the people coming and going all day about it.


11-13-2023, 07:11 AM
I've seen your work Gene, that big fireball is just short of a nuke going off, lol.
After Gene's post, it's probably best for at least us hobbyist to get the word out some way, but at the same time not to attrat to much attention.

11-13-2023, 09:55 AM
The video Gene has posted has three simultaneously fireballs. When you shoot more than one it looks more like a planned event. A single one looks more like an accident to the untrained viewer. The marketing benefits of preannouncing “Something new and different” to this years display will attract more people to come. I’m just not sure what you would call it.
Fireworks companies did these sort or marketing over the years. I remember back before I was into professional fireworks it was all over the Pittsburgh news that Zambelli was going to shoot a fireworks shell that would look like an American Flag for the Pittsburgh July 4th display. I went that year to see this “Special Shell” . I imagined seeing a flag in the air . I watched the whole display and never saw anything that even remotely looked like a flag. LOL But it illustrates the value of letting people know something new is being added. Someone needs to put a marketing name on these fireballs and get the word out preshow that “Something new will be part of this years fireworks display a (insert new marketable name for fireball here) “Come feel the heat” . I am feeling like a name other than fireball needs created.
Back to the topic. Here is another unannounced fireball causing concern in Apex North Carolina.

11-13-2023, 11:29 AM
I am not a fan of fireballs, not even lamperes. Although he has constructed them in the past, the owner of my local fireworks company calls them "anti-fireworks". Building excitement via flash curtains or flights of salutes is one thing, creating fear or terror goes against the "mission" of a fireworks show, in my opinion.

11-13-2023, 04:56 PM
I am not a fan of fireballs, not even lamperes. Although he has constructed them in the past, the owner of my local fireworks company calls them "anti-fireworks". Building excitement via flash curtains or flights of salutes is one thing, creating fear or terror goes against the "mission" of a fireworks show, in my opinion.
That is an excellent point. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

11-13-2023, 06:35 PM
I've noticed from blasting that:

1. A random explosion can get the cops called.
2. An explosion that was preceded by a 6min, 1min and 30 second air horn or siren is much less likely to get the cops called.

11-13-2023, 09:34 PM
I've noticed from blasting that:

1. A random explosion can get the cops called.
2. An explosion that was preceded by a 6min, 1min and 30 second air horn or siren is much less likely to get the cops called.

At Arclight , The problem with you professional blasters using real explosives is you don’t make enough dam noise. LOL. I remember being a kid and all the traffic stopping on the highway getting ready for the blasting on the new area of highway. My dad said they are getting to blast. I was thinking, oh boy we going to hear the big boom now. About 5 minutes go by and then, nothing heard. Then traffic starts moving. I was very disappointed I heard nothing and remain so to this day. LOL
On a side note, around 2019 a new toll highway was going through my local area. The local Facebook Nag Gang was complaining about the blasting. Any loud noise heard in the area they blamed on the Toll Road construction. They complained until I actually videoed one of the blast and how non-event it was. I posted the video on the town local Facebook then they all shut up. LOL
From 2019


Here is video of my friend Jake , I met through my YouTube videos, you can see him in some of my earlier Sportsman Club fireworks videos. He was a professional blaster and now owns a Consumer Fireworks store in Pennsylvania. Over the years he did video of some of his blasting and shared it with me.

From 2010


11-13-2023, 09:42 PM
At Arclight . I will add another one of my real explosive videos from 2009. Back in 2009 I was limited to 15 minute videos. I had to make it a two part video.




11-14-2023, 02:07 PM
That's an awesome video, Dave! Some day I'd like to work on one of these.

11-17-2023, 09:21 AM
I'm not so sure the mission of fireballs are to create fear and terror and I would believe that if they do create fear and terror the % of people that they effect is probably low.
I think a lot of people at the show, are surprised, some might think what just happened, other might have felt some fear an terror, and I would think that most of the people experiencing the fear and terror might not even be at the show, just fear and terror from not knowing or seeing the show.
Fireballs are new, and if they continue in shows people will probably expect to see one go off and the fear and terrot will be gone.