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View Full Version : Dave any plans to top last years 366 salutes?

04-01-2012, 09:54 AM
hey dave are you going to do anything to top that from last year?

04-01-2012, 11:20 AM
The 366 salutes kept us busy last year. I purchased a couple of cases of 1.3 cakes for some entertainment. Tell you what I will do. I will purchase a case of 2.5 salutes if someone will bring along 9 racks of 2.5 racks. There are 90 salutes in a case. We can experiment with fusing techniques and put something together.
I will buy the salutes if someone else can bring the 2.5 racks, nails and boards. I will also bring along a firing system if someone wants to learn something about these systems.

To folks unable to make it to Kellners Fireworks demo. Do not worry I will have plenty of video. I talked with Scott at Cobra Firing Systems and I will be doing video of his presentation. I have to talk with Bobby Kellner about getting video of the Department of Transportation requirement for display fireworks operators. As far as the Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosive presentation. They have not agreed to any video in the past and I anticipate the same this and every year. However, I will be attending the seminar and summarizing the presentation. I already have video of the Display Fireworks Shooter Class from prior years, I will be skipping that unless they specifically invite me to attend and video.

I will also be selling my ATF video package and pyrotalk T-Shirts. I will also bring along a grill to cook a few things and who knows if you buy one of my T-Shirts you may get a Hot Dog and an Ice Tea. LOL

04-01-2012, 12:39 PM
That sounds great. I LL be purchasing a few shirts from you and im just waiting for my permit to come so I can send in my order. Am I allowed to bring my firing system to use during the open shoot? I know mortars will already be set up but just curious. Looking forward to meeting everyone and to a good time!

04-02-2012, 09:34 AM
I will be buying some t-shirts as well Dave, love the videos very informational. I would prefer Italian sausage, lol. Us short fat italians guys are a sucker for hot sausage in fact I just may bring some.

04-02-2012, 07:59 PM
What day is this? Anything fun going on there on Friday that you guys will be at?

04-02-2012, 09:33 PM
What day is this? Anything fun going on there on Friday that you guys will be at?
There will be a bunch of us there all three days. Dave will be there selling tshirts and hotdogs on thursday. Check out Kellners site for a list of whats going on during the demo days.

04-03-2012, 11:05 PM
There will be a bunch of us there all three days. Dave will be there selling tshirts and hotdogs on thursday. Check out Kellners site for a list of whats going on during the demo days.

Yeah I check it out. My free day is Friday so far. Gonna go to the classes but wanted to know who was going Friday.

04-03-2012, 11:23 PM
Yeah I check it out. My free day is Friday so far. Gonna go to the classes but wanted to know who was going Friday.

There will be at least five of us there for the whole demo weekend. Dave will be the guy selling stuff and we'll be the guys shooting stuff.

Pyro Nation
04-04-2012, 02:52 AM
I am one of the 5..... Travel.... Buy.... Blow up,,,, Drink and Eat... Sleep...... do all over again... for 2 more days..lol

04-04-2012, 07:47 PM
I am one of the 5..... Travel.... Buy.... Blow up,,,, Drink and Eat... Sleep...... do all over again... for 2 more days..lol

I dont think it gets better than that.

Pyro Nation
04-04-2012, 10:32 PM
I know right.. I cant take it.. time is so slow... right now... wish it was the 18th..lol

04-04-2012, 10:42 PM
A wise man once told me when I said it wasn't friday yet. Never rush the days, you never know how many you have. Make the best of each one as it comes along and be grateful.