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View Full Version : Amazing New Effects. 1.3 or 1.4?

07-31-2023, 09:31 AM
Continue to be amazed at the new effects showing up in the 1.4 world...the one below from Wizard is amazing...can't tell if is a single cake or several, or 1.4 or 1.3? Post your favorite 1.4 items.


07-31-2023, 02:06 PM
I believe that effect has been out while. Dominator may have something similar. It may be a mix using a daytime product.

07-31-2023, 03:49 PM
Any Idea of the name?

08-01-2023, 12:56 PM
Based on the size, I would guess its a 1.3 product, but it could very well be a 1.4 firework cake with a 1.4 smoke cake as well. It is a beautiful effect.

08-01-2023, 02:18 PM
Most Wizard videos will have the product code somewhere in the description. When it doesn't it seems to be something they are testing. So it could be a cake that hasn't been released yet or it could be a combination of cakes they are testing to see how they work together. I've seen wizard videos of all these examples. My guess is this is a combination of two 1.4 products....but just a guess.

08-01-2023, 05:58 PM
Clever. Like using smoke generators with strobes, but aerial......I really like it......

Engineer Cat
08-04-2023, 12:10 AM
Very creative. I would use this.

08-04-2023, 09:23 AM
My only concern would be what if it was breezy. Would the effect look the same? Also looking at it again it might be 1.3.

08-04-2023, 11:32 AM
Wow,, that is amazing looking,, the hang time is unreal for a 1.4… curious if the video is slowed.. or a little special effect help ,,if not,, I want it!!.. LOL

08-07-2023, 06:51 AM
I still can't find any info on that cake, some people on other forums are saying it might be a couple of different cakes, if it is the timing is great because it looks like one shot.

08-07-2023, 08:55 AM
Looks like 1.3 or a mix to me. Seems like way too much hang time on those strobes to be 1.4. Agree with Birdman that any breeze might be a concern. Also, how long is that smoke going to linger negatively affecting your next cues? Smoke is usually the enemy for a nighttime display so not sure about adding more. It is a neat effect though.

08-10-2023, 08:16 PM
Those white strobe horsetails seem to be to big for a cake insert. Had they were to be a cake insert, it would jet out on one side of the insert tube like a mine with force. In this case its weak, as it has weaker burst that resembles a horsetail (pokamono) ball shell. Also the stars last very long like how BMoore said. Most likely shells imo.

08-10-2023, 08:27 PM
Also the individual shells seem to have a very high star count.