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03-28-2012, 10:50 AM
Im going shopping for my fireworks for the fourth of july here in about a week( im hoping to catch some good deals before the season starts) but im just going to be getting consumer no license or permit. So does anyone have any ideas or good items to buy.

03-28-2012, 11:04 AM
Im not bringing any of the fireworks to minnesota they are still illegal till june 1

03-28-2012, 12:11 PM
Tons of good product out there for consumer use. Depends on how big your budget is, how big of an area do you have to shoot in, do you plan on putting together a "show" or just want to light random stuff off? What suppliers are near you & what brands do they carry?

03-28-2012, 12:21 PM
about 300$ maybe little more i was hoping for a small show i have 6 six tube racks and for carriers no big brand name stores but they carry pretty much any brand if you would like to check google wisconsin firework stores

03-28-2012, 04:05 PM
oh and for area im going to shoot them in my backyard its a pretty big yard so plenty of space for any consumer items

03-29-2012, 12:15 PM
If you're shopping in a week, but not bringing them to MN.....what are you doing with them until June 1?

03-29-2012, 05:18 PM
leaving at a friends house in Wisconsin

03-30-2012, 12:01 AM
For $300 you should be able to get enough for a decent back yard display. I would recommend diversifying your display. In other words, buy a little of everything (Sky rockets, shells, 500g cakes, 200g cakes, roman candles, ect.) What you get and how much is purely up to you. If you are asking for certain names of different items let us know, I'm sure everyone has input on that.

Pyro Nation
03-30-2012, 12:51 AM
As a follow up to what JD said...

What kind of area do you have for your show??? Remember safety and fallout zone.... 70 feet per inch of shell used for rule of thumb... some say 100 feet per inch... I tend toward the 100 feet per inch for my fallout zone and minimum distance from show to audience to be...

Now... There are a lot of items you can use... Decide what kind of show ya want to have...

03-30-2012, 02:01 AM
How far are you from Ellsworth, WI?

03-30-2012, 11:08 PM
Choose a place your going to buy from. Get a product list from them. Go online to the sites that have video's of products whether it be a forum or a manufacturers site. Decide what you like, make a list and buy it. 70' per inch for shells 125' for cakes or 70' per inch for the largest tube in the cake. There are distances for all products, fountains etc. Check out my 2011 pig roast shoot for some ideas, there are many ways of doing a shoot.

03-30-2012, 11:35 PM
where are you shopping? chances are if you throw a name of a retailer/wholesaler out there, a few of us will know what the good stuff is.

03-31-2012, 09:15 AM
At the sadpyro

Now I see why you are sad. LOL The “Sad” reality is $300.00 in fireworks money is not a large amount. If we named every fireworks retailer in your surrounding states, it may not matter much because you are geographically limited with the budget at $300.00. It may not make good economic sense to drive hundreds and hundreds of miles to save a few dollars on a $300.00 budget.
Dollar for dollar, the best value in consumer fireworks is artillery shells. This is why when a professional fireworks company does a fireworks display they use the equivalent “Display Shells”. You are the right track by having a rack. You can look for artillery shells that are sold with fiberglass or high density plastic mortars and set up something with those. Recruit additional helpers and have each person shooting artillery shells in the air. If five people are shooting artillery shells, it should keep something in the sky. Finish up with a cake or two.
Your strategy of buying before fireworks are legal may not be good thing either. When June 1st comes around there may be multiple retailers selling fireworks and that may drop the price in your area. Particularly if you are buying fireworks a la carte or each piece separate, instead of by the case.
For $300.00 you can not have convenience of setting up in 10 minutes and just lighting everything and putting on a fabulous display. If you do not have the money you always have the labor, use the mortars provided with the artillery shells and put some of your friends to work. Be sure to educate them first on how to shoot artillery shells.
I have to close this threat because encouraging members to name fireworks retailers that sell cheap fireworks in surrounding states on a $300.00 budget is going to break the advertising rule on the forums. If anyone wants to purchase fireworks or fireworks related accessories, I encourage you to visit my sponsors. If you can increase your budget there are many shipping options available to you.
please visit pyrotalk sponsors list http://www.pyrotalk.com/sponsors.php