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View Full Version : Previous Banned Pyrotalk Forums Accounts

07-09-2023, 11:14 AM
I mentioned this in a previous post and decided to make a new post so it is more visible.
From now until July 15, 2023. If requested, I will open up any previously banned pyrotalk account if requested to do so. I am hoping you see the general direction things are going for the advanced fireworks enthusiast and will participate and review the posting rules . Or, you get banned a second time. You accounts are still there just currently inactive. Send your username to pyrotalk@gmail.com. I recently honored a request from a previous member and decided to offer it out to everyone for one week only.
Please don't ask past July 15, 2023 .

07-13-2023, 01:11 PM
A couple of days left on this offer. After July 15, 2023 it will probably be gone forever. Don't say you didn't see it .

07-17-2023, 07:39 AM
07/17/2023 Let the record show not one previously banned account requested to return. With the one exception of the member that ask before the offer was posted. The offer to return is now closed. Pyrotalk forums continue to move forward