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View Full Version : Fire Ball no longer part of display. Ohio

05-26-2023, 10:48 AM
The Mount Healthy Fire Department says a fireball at the end of its fireworks show will not be part of the show next year after causing confusion among spectators.

The fireball was captured on video by one resident, showing what appeared to be a large fireball and explosion.
The Mount Healthy Fire Department said the large fireball was part of the grand finale of the fireworks show.

"We have heard that there was a large concern over this as a possible safety issue. We have spoken with the fireworks company and we have both decided that this portion of the display will not be a part of the show next year. We apologize for any confusion that this has been to everyone," the fire department said in the post.
Curious what display company shot this last year. Sometimes using a pyro effect the audience does not know can cause alarm .

05-27-2023, 10:53 AM
What doesn't concern people these days? I was just complaining the other day how it seems the whole world is afraid of their own shadow any more. The other day I got an alert on my Ring Doorbell neighbor app about a "scary creepy guy" that was on someone's porch late at night. The video posted showed a rather innocent looking gentleman looking at his phone and what appeared to be the house number. It was clear he was confused and trying to determine if he was at the correct home. Just last weekend I was talking to a woman that asked if I ever heard a loon. She had heard one for the first time recently and didn't know what it was....she said she almost called the police!

Sorry for the rant but this topic has been a pet peeve of mine recently.

Scotty Rockets
05-27-2023, 02:30 PM
I have seen posts on social media and talked to co-workers over the years that we’re confused and swear it was a fireworks accident. This is fairly common thinking when spectators are a long distance away from the effect. Fireballs imo should be used only in a much more closed intimate fireworks display setting such as events like skywars, PGI, and outdoor racing venue. That is where the effect is fully appreciated, understood and doesn’t lead to confusion.

05-27-2023, 06:51 PM
A word of caution about making and/or transporting the lift charges on the fireballs.
