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View Full Version : Staking Mortar Racks

03-15-2012, 10:37 PM
I noticed the guys staking the mortar racks on Dave's Collier Sportsman show video from last year, and saw that the metal stakes they were using had a nice T bar at the top and seemed to be the perfect length...

I've always been an 'end boarder' but I like the speed of staking if I can find the right kind.

Any advice on where to find these? Thanks

03-15-2012, 10:55 PM
Rebar that is used for concrete work. I'm a big fan of swivel legs for racks up to three inch racks. four inch and bigger we've always end boarded.

03-16-2012, 07:11 AM
I prefer end boards now, but for staking I just have plain Jain rebar and pound it in with a mini sledge

03-16-2012, 08:15 AM
I'm an end board guy myself given the fact there are some places you just can't use stakes (or wouldn't want to). That being said, my advice would be to head down to your local welding shop and talk to the guys there about making some stakes for you. I've found most guys like fireworks and think what we do is "cool" so they are usually more than willing to help out and give you a decent price, especially if you explain to them you do this as a hobby and invite them to come out when you shoot :)

pyro man 205
03-16-2012, 09:39 PM
I'm also an end board guy myself, i shoot in a parking lot. but when did do this on grass still end boards. i would go with what timmy said.

03-18-2012, 08:05 PM
Thanks everyone, I had a feeling they might have had someone weld the T-bar across the top of the rebar; but I wasnt sure.

I appreciate the input.

03-19-2012, 10:40 AM
I end board but also have put eye hooks in most of my commercial racks. I got a 20 foot piece of rebar at the local lumber yard for just a few bucks--they cut it half so I could tie the two 10 foot pieces to my roof rack. Cut it in pieces with a hand held grinder & have been using it like that. I did cut a bunch of 4" pieces for the tops--I have to get one of my buddies to weld them on for me. I store them in 4" PVC pipe with an end cap on one end. [Don't anyone go "postal" on me cause I said the "PVC" word!! LOL

03-19-2012, 09:38 PM
I end board but also have put eye hooks in most of my commercial racks. I got a 20 foot piece of rebar at the local lumber yard for just a few bucks--they cut it half so I could tie the two 10 foot pieces to my roof rack. Cut it in pieces with a hand held grinder & have been using it like that. I did cut a bunch of 4" pieces for the tops--I have to get one of my buddies to weld them on for me. I store them in 4" PVC pipe with an end cap on one end. [Don't anyone go "postal" on me cause I said the "PVC" word!! LOL

I can't believe you said it! All of what PyroJoe said is solid info. I still recommend swivel legs for mortor racks up to and including 3". Big time saver.

03-20-2012, 09:44 AM
I still recommend swivel legs for mortor racks up to and including 3". Big time saver.
Jay is right on with his swivel leg design. You can see it up close & personal on Dave's video "366 salutes". Check it out.