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View Full Version : Looking for a display fireworks company close to Moscow Mills, MO. Lincoln co.

03-14-2012, 06:23 PM
I'm going to a shooters class at a place in Missouri. They said they will help with my type 54 license. I don't have any storage so they will write a contingency letter.
The problem is, they are a 3 hour drive from my house. I was hoping to find a company just a bit closer. I won't mention the name since I don't believe they are a sponsor on here but if anyone know of a company that sells display fireworks and will work with me for storage I would greatly appreciate any info.

03-14-2012, 08:27 PM
Mr mike Martin.....

Welcome to the forums.

First, let them give you the contingency letter. There is nothing wrong with the letter from that company. By having their letter, you have fulfilled the contingency storage requirement for the application. Should you find a company closer and choose to use that new company, great! Just get a letter from them and contact the agent and let them know you have a new contingency with the accompanying letter (this is assuming after you get your license with the storage 3 hours away).

In terms of finding one closer, you might look in the fireworks trade directory. Or.....wait for it.....here it comes.....join a club! I'm not from MO but I can guaranteed you that by joining a local club you will be able to network and find companies or other means of storage closer to you perhaps.

Good luck in your search. Don't stop just bc the storage is 3 hours away....sometimes you just gotta drive a litter further.

03-14-2012, 09:23 PM
You are doing great with what you have. You have a 1.3 fireworks distributor that is going to train you to shoot fireworks and give you the documentation to help you to get your ATF license. I do not think it will get better than that. It sounds like you are still a reasonable driving distance away so you should be good. When you purchase fireworks, keep this distributor in mind.
Thanks for respecting the advertising rule. Please send me a private message who is training you I want to send them an advertising request.

03-14-2012, 09:32 PM
The ATF might not like the 3 hours away thing. Contact your local office and see what they have to say.

03-14-2012, 09:51 PM
I am not trying to step on you Jay but I would not recommend calling anyone. My theory about the ATF, fireworks permits or most everything is. Just send that application in with the information you have. The ATF will tell you all kind of stuff over the phone depending on who answers the phone.
I can tell you most of the ATF people here in the Pittsburgh area where I live are very knowledgeable most like because of the close proximity to two of the major fireworks companies in United States. However, that may not necessarily be true throughout United States. Therefore, you may hear all sorts of information over the phone. Word I am getting from my sources is, ATF offices from various parts of United States are calling Pennsylvania ATF people on how to handle license applications from hobbyist. When you send in a hard copy, it has to be dealt with and put through the system. Therefore, you send that application in and do not call anyone. I am not sure if you purchased my video or not because I do not see your real name, but it looks like you covered all that is needed.

03-14-2012, 10:01 PM
Give it a shot, I was told 2 hours 100 miles. You would think being federal the rules would be the same straight across the board. State trumps fed perhaps NY wants tighter regs.

03-14-2012, 10:17 PM
I was told there is no physical rule stating any such distance requirements. Send in your app. If the atf doesn't like something on it, they'll tell you!

03-14-2012, 10:38 PM
Being from Missouri and Indiana areas I can see it working, I'm just stating my experience here in NY. As a matter of fact when I had my state license interview the inspector was questioning the fact that my employer was going to drive the 1 hour to his mags after shoots to return unused product.

03-14-2012, 11:20 PM
mrmike, Dave and Indiana are more than likely giving you solid concepts to work from. NY is a different bag of tricks than a lot of the other states in the union. I've always been a ask before you do guy myself, it's just the way I was raised.

03-14-2012, 11:31 PM
J'12, I love your sig (If you see me running try to keep up!)
And here my neighbors thought I was being funny when I said if something goes wrong, Run!
There's a lot of good info on here. As with anything, I try to take it all in and go with what makes sense. (It doesn't always.)
I was just trying to cut down on a 3 hour drive the day of the 4th to pick up my product. That makes for quite a long day.
something tells me I'm going to have to look into shipping charges and see if it's worth it. With the price of gas going up everyday I'm sure shipping will to.
Thanks for replying


03-15-2012, 10:13 PM
J'12, I love your sig (If you see me running try to keep up!)
And here my neighbors thought I was being funny when I said if something goes wrong, Run!
There's a lot of good info on here. As with anything, I try to take it all in and go with what makes sense. (It doesn't always.)
I was just trying to cut down on a 3 hour drive the day of the 4th to pick up my product. That makes for quite a long day.
something tells me I'm going to have to look into shipping charges and see if it's worth it. With the price of gas going up everyday I'm sure shipping will to.
Thanks for replying


Mike, gonna be tough to get product delivered on the 4th from just about anyone without paying "retail", in other words, purchasing a ship show which is going to be well above the cost of wholesale.

As for being afraid to contact your local ATF agent prior to beginning your process and asking for guidance, I couldn't disagree more (not with you, I was referring to those who advised you not to). No matter what anyone tells you, the ATF agents really are there to help you IF you plan to do everything legally. I've dealt with the ATF, as well as State Firemarshals in quite a few states now and have yet to find one who wasn't down-right helpful in whatever my endeavor was at the time. Give your local agent a call and begin a positive working relationship with them.

As for a rules placed on physical distance from contingency storage to shoot site, no, there isn't one that I have found, but it is within the rights of the ATF to deny allowance if they feel you would not be able to return the product to legal storage should something happen and you could not shoot it the day of. IF something were to happen, could you get the product back to storage 3 hours away on the night of the 4th? This is where purchasing a ship show (in order to get your product delivered the day of) gets a little hairy. Technically, since you are purchasing a "show", you could now be considered "in commerce" (most likely would be) and would have to follow all the laws including DOT placarding and whole rest of the loophole. Since you are the one "working" the show, those hours would be counted towards your "day" and a three hour drive would put you over your limits with the DOT.

Have you thought about the idea of having your own storage? Or does where you live not offer you the option?

My advice would be to look into MOPYRO, a great club in your area. I'm certain you could make the contacts you're looking for there.

03-15-2012, 10:37 PM
Mike, gonna be tough to get product delivered on the 4th from just about anyone without paying "retail", in other words, purchasing a ship show which is going to be well above the cost of wholesale.

As for being afraid to contact your local ATF agent prior to beginning your process and asking for guidance, I couldn't disagree more (not with you, I was referring to those who advised you not to). No matter what anyone tells you, the ATF agents really are there to help you IF you plan to do everything legally. I've dealt with the ATF, as well as State Firemarshals in quite a few states now and have yet to find one who wasn't down-right helpful in whatever my endeavor was at the time. Give your local agent a call and begin a positive working relationship with them.

As for a rules placed on physical distance from contingency storage to shoot site, no, there isn't one that I have found, but it is within the rights of the ATF to deny allowance if they feel you would not be able to return the product to legal storage should something happen and you could not shoot it the day of. IF something were to happen, could you get the product back to storage 3 hours away on the night of the 4th? This is where purchasing a ship show (in order to get your product delivered the day of) gets a little hairy. Technically, since you are purchasing a "show", you could now be considered "in commerce" (most likely would be) and would have to follow all the laws including DOT placarding and whole rest of the loophole. Since you are the one "working" the show, those hours would be counted towards your "day" and a three hour drive would put you over your limits with the DOT.

Have you thought about the idea of having your own storage? Or does where you live not offer you the option?

My advice would be to look into MOPYRO, a great club in your area. I'm certain you could make the contacts you're looking for there.
Thank you, coach.

03-16-2012, 07:43 AM
I'm familiar with MOPYRO. Well, at least their fireworks anyhow. They shoot at one of the members properties about twice a year. They are less than 2 miles from my house. They usually have a shoot sometime in April so I was thinking about going by there during their shoot. They haven't posted the dates on the website yet. May be I could barter some storage from them? Not sure how to work that out legally but they may have some ideas about it. Hopefully it can be done.

My property isn't big enough for a storage magazine. I couldn't meet the distance requirements.

Thanks for all the good info!

03-16-2012, 08:10 AM
I'm familiar with MOPYRO. Well, at least their fireworks anyhow. They shoot at one of the members properties about twice a year. They are less than 2 miles from my house. They usually have a shoot sometime in April so I was thinking about going by there during their shoot. They haven't posted the dates on the website yet. May be I could barter some storage from them? Not sure how to work that out legally but they may have some ideas about it. Hopefully it can be done.

My property isn't big enough for a storage magazine. I couldn't meet the distance requirements.

Thanks for all the good info!

Shoot me a pm and I can get you in touch with the club president or one of the other board members. You won't regret joining, they are a great club. They also sponsor an event in St. Louis every September (which seems like it's pretty close to you) that is probably my favorite event I've attended.

03-17-2012, 02:34 AM
are you going to the shooters class on the 03/24/12? Ill be there.

03-17-2012, 08:50 AM
Yes, I'm scheduled for shooters class on the 24th in Richland, MO. I'll actually be going on Friday. They said I could get my 1st shoot in on Friday night, then Saturday would be considered my 2nd. Then I have to schedule one more date with them to get my 3 shoots in.

03-27-2012, 09:32 AM
are you going to the shooters class on the 03/24/12? Ill be there.

I went to the shooters class over the weekend. Met a lot of great folks, including Pyromustang. Good people, all of them. I was actually able to get all 3 of my required shoots in (We did another shoot on Sunday) and got my certificate of completion. Now to call and schedule my test. Also, thanks Coach! I got an invite from mopyro and look forward to attending some shoots with them.
