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View Full Version : Firecracker deception in USA

03-10-2012, 08:16 PM
I ran across this video of a young man that took apart a “M-98” firecracker from Phantom Fireworks. He discovered the same firecracker exist in the M-98 as it does in the smaller firecrackers for sale at Phantom. American consumer fireworks, masters of deception. People that make and sell fireworks should be embarrassed they resort to this kind of deception.
To new people reading the forums looking for a fireworks education. You are never going to find a good firecracker in any “Big Box” chain of stores that sells consumer fireworks. No matter what they appear to be they all have the same amount of explosive composition (very little).
People from outside of United States may find this type of thing amusing, now that we see the type of firecrackers they are purchasing in their countries.


03-11-2012, 09:04 PM
I saw this all the time when I was employed by the purple ghost. MANY customers would come in wanting their m-98s or silver salutes or whatever the "Large" firecracker was called costing them $20. I would TRY and TRY and TRY to tell them to pick up the "hydrocrackers" for $4 because they were 1/5 of the cost for 5 times as many of the EXACT SAME FIRECRACKER. Sadly, most didnt care because the hydrocrackers didnt look cool enough or werent THE BIG ONES!...............severe sarcasm there.

03-14-2012, 02:09 AM
the truth is we sale 1000s of m1000/m98/m60 ect ect. they are all the same.

03-14-2012, 06:36 AM
hmmm - I am going to have to take apart the M crackers we have - and see if the same thing applies. ALL M crackers are NOT made the same. I remember the Forward Hammer Crackers was really pretty darn good for 1.4. Do they still make those? That has been the best one of M type I have seen to date.
With just 50 mg of comp - it is all about how it is packed to get the better noise.
hydro or water crackers do sound pretty sharp for their size - that is for sure

03-14-2012, 11:09 PM
when we were allowed to sell crackers we had the m60s etc, I always told my customers they were nothing more than a firecracker in a tuxedo

03-15-2012, 09:50 PM
when we were allowed to sell crackers we had the m60s etc, I always told my customers they were nothing more than a firecracker in a tuxedo


05-29-2012, 11:28 PM
Everyone is looking for that classic "m-80" "block buster" "quarter stick" caliber boom. In the 90's I see and hear M-80's and such (they are unmistakable) but the government had to have cracked down big time because I never see or hear them anymore. I know they have been illegal since the 60s but now it's almost impossible to find them.

05-30-2012, 12:30 AM
Kellners makes a nice 1.3 cracker called M-88 MAXI-POP FIRECRACKERS that are louder than most 1.3 "m-80" look-a-likes. Still it's no 1.4 cracker but louder than most.

02-10-2013, 11:28 PM
Hammer crackers are still around but hard to find, we sell them at the retailer I work for, they go in and out of production so we got a huge qty last time they were in, I can tell you they are way more than 50mg!

02-13-2013, 01:30 PM
If they are a consumer 1.4 product,they are limited by law to be at a specific spec #. ?