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12-25-2022, 02:13 PM
Merry Christmas,

I have a question. With my family having a Trucking business and having a connection with Hazmat endorsed driver. Would I be able to use that individual to transport 1.3g product to my magazine? All insurance cost would be covered through their trucking business. I'm looking at doing a shoot for a private lake and if they paid me for product I wanted to see if I'm clear to receive funds from them. Also, with my magazine being very close to where the shoot site would be, would I be able to transport from magazine to the shoot site? There would be no HWYs all private roads.

12-25-2022, 03:04 PM
If you doing a display for your own person use , you do not need Hazmat commercial requirements. If someone is paying you to do a display. you are in commerce and need to meet commercial requirements. To me it sounds like you are trying to test the waters of being in the display business. And/or testing some workarounds of the display business. I personally only advise fireworks enthusiast enjoying fireworks for fun and entertainment. If you try to operate on that thin line between hobby and commercial, don't listen to any business advise you get here. Or talk to one of the insurance companies that advertise on my website for guidance.

12-25-2022, 04:17 PM
I will still be doing a display for personal use. I have however been asked to shoot off at another location. I would gladly shoot there but don't think I could financially cover both shows. So the 2nd wouldn't be for personal use. I'm not trying to do it as a business and I would provide my services for free just can't afford to buy product for them.

12-25-2022, 04:45 PM
If anything the money never touches your hands. It goes directly to the fireworks distributor.

shake the cove
01-16-2023, 10:37 AM
FBlaster...Anyone with a CDL and Hazmat can transport 1.3. Hopefully they have all the insurance and licenses to do so. If your private roads are paved and also listed by town or county not a dirt road connecting multiple farm fields etc it would be considered a public road and the CDL/Hazmat applies. As to the rest Dave is right all of the advise you see online here or other forums not worth diddly check with insurers and possibly lawyers your trucking firm has probably used one.. And always get it in writing. Anytime money gets involved its tricky and even if all volunteer when sh..t hits fan you are probably still liable when injuries occur. The more bodies a lawyer can include in a lawsuit the better for them not you. Good luck

01-16-2023, 04:32 PM
If you have a hookup for affordable licensed trucking, that is very handy. Some suppliers will not release product to you if you don't send a commercial carrier to get it and as Dave said, you definitely need legit hazmat transport if you want to do anything pyro or explosives-related for money.

You need to check to see if their DOT insurance includes 1.3 material.