View Full Version : Porch Pirate snatched my MJG Initiators

Engineer Cat
09-13-2022, 05:24 PM
So back on Aug 4th I wanted to order some initiators for a club shoot coming up the 3rd week of Sept. Knowing that the last time I checked MJG after the 4th nothing was in stock so figured I better check around. Well they were still out of stock so I found that the guys at Cobra had some so I ordered from them. Jump to Aug 18th and I’m still waiting on the initiators to be delivered. Cobra sent them via USPS with tracking so I could see they were still sitting in Gansevoort NY (about 3 hours north of me) for 3 weeks. I emailed Cobra and Anvar told me deliveries have been taking up to 5 weeks with USPS. Not sure why that is but no problem I still have time before the shoot. Jump to Sept 3rd and now I’m worried I’m not going to have them in time or not get them at all. I jump on MJG’s website and they have them in stock again. I order them. MJG (about 2 hours south of me) also shipped them via USPS. 3 days later the MJG package shows up at 1pm and left on my porch. At 3 pm I notice a neighborhood alert from Ring. I look at the video and it’s my neighbors ring cam across the street from me alerting to her package being stolen. I call my wife and tell her to go outside and see if my package is there. She tells me there is no package and our gate is wide open.

GRRRRR, I call the cops and file a report about my stolen “rocketry initiators” ;). I contact the postal services who pretty much said I’m beat since there is no insurance on the package. So the next day I order another box from MJG. On Sept 9th they get delivered and I tell me wife to go outside and get them. Lol On Sept 10th the Cobra package shows up with the first box of initiators I ordered. LOL

I don’t know what the hell is happening at the Gansevoort, NY post office. I’m guessing they wait till the truck is filled up then send everything at once. LOL. It must drive the guys at Cobra crazy with people asking where their packages are because the post office taking a month to move a package 3 hours away is ridiculous. How does one post office get a package to you in 3 days and the other 4 weeks?

Anyway here’s the video of the porch pirate looking all sneaky in broad daylight. Worst part is he probably just threw them in the garbage because he has no idea what they are. And I'm guessing he's not wearing my neighbors size 6 dresses he stole from her. LMAO

https://neighbors.ring.com/n/ZomwkLEC0z?fbclid=IwAR3eabR7OH2YJeTHuYuD_4TU2nCd9n aoHI-DE6l3yhjekHfFlnxWiTkP77I

09-14-2022, 07:31 AM
That kind of stuff makes me so angry,, as much as it sucks,, and stolen money.. at least you got what you need now!! and funny but before the 4th when I was ordering stuff,, cobra was telling me the same thing about usps shipping times ,, but because of the price difference I was will to take the chance and wait,, but every order I did came within 3-4 days ,, very odd,,, we’re probably about the same distance from them too

09-14-2022, 09:47 AM
Glad you got them and hope they catch the people involved.
So in my area the past few month, the postal mailboxes out side the post offices are being smashed into, checks collected, washed and reissued. Supposedly organized by groups. Also home mailboxes are being hit, especially the mailboxes where people put the flag up to notify the mailperson you have out going mail.
Best practice, don't put the flag up on your mailbox, and take anything of value, especially bills being paid by check, take those directly into the post office.

Engineer Cat
09-14-2022, 08:51 PM
It's happening all over. The detective called me today and asked if they get the guy if I would provide a sworn statement and testify and a whole bunch of nonsense. I told him these laws allowing people to get away with stealing things under a certain amount of money and not having any significant consequences are BS so I'm not going to waste my time or yours.

Yea it's like a $6 difference in price with shipping for a box of 40 7 footers. Cobra must buy them by the pallet to have such a big difference in price. There's a reason why I prefer to buy them from MJG but I wont get into that. However if I was buying a case of them it only makes sense to get them from Cobra to save that $6 per box.

09-15-2022, 12:25 PM
Yep crime does pay!

09-16-2022, 10:45 AM
I always thought the penalties for messing with mail were pretty stiff. Maybe that is only for USP mail and not other carriers?

Engineer Cat
09-17-2022, 02:07 AM
It was USPS. You would think that's a federal charge like mail fraud or something.