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View Full Version : Drones and Fireworks : Popular or Un-Popular Opinion?

09-13-2022, 09:08 AM
With the recent increase in drone use in firework shows (NFA display, and now there is going to be a show at Skywars), I wanted to get people's opinions.

First of all, I like Drones, I have 2 of them. They are cool and you can do some cool things with them. Drone shows have their place, but I don't get the use to replace or mix with fireworks. The recent NFA display was (in my opinion) annoying (boring) and the drones took away from the experience for me.
I am not a fan of the idea of drones replacing or being used with fireworks. I actually see this as a dangerous slope for the fireworks industry. There are several efforts around the globe that want to ban fireworks. I have heard the argument that drones could replace fireworks. I fear that display companies embracing drones in the shows may actually do more to enhance this argument and eventually cave to firework bans or more restrictions.

To me, nothing is ever going to be as sensory exciting as a firework show. Fireworks are LOUD, Smokey, bright, and somewhat unpredictable (in a good way). Nothing will replace the smell, the sights, the visual experience, the physical feel of the bang!


Engineer Cat
09-13-2022, 12:52 PM
I like drones as well. I actually have one I'm trying to sell because I just don't use it as much as I thought I would. When it comes to drone shows they are pretty cool but in my opinion they can't replace a firework show. They are to robotic in their movements to get me excited about them. I've seen some cool drone shows but nothing over the top. Seattle did a fireworks / drone / augmented reality show last year and I didn't find it entertaining at all. I actually found it quite annoying being that half the effects they are showing are not even real.

I don't understand everyone wanting an altered reality. Is your life so bad that reality doesn't work for you so you must augment it with little blue monsters running around to make you happy? SMH


09-13-2022, 12:59 PM
nice to film fireworks... that's about it for me. Like comparing an apple to a steak. Both food but not in the same category.

09-13-2022, 01:05 PM
Is it wrong of me to hope that these drone shows get booed at firework events? I mean, if I am paying for gas to drive 500 miles each way, a hotel and entry ticket to Sky Wars (or another event) and they waste what little dark time they have before the noise ordnance kicks in with drones, I feel cheated. There were enough issues with getting the shows fired within the allotted time last year, now adding a drone show to the mix?

09-13-2022, 01:08 PM
I like drones as well. I actually have one I'm trying to sell because I just don't use it as much as I thought I would. When it comes to drone shows they are pretty cool but in my opinion they can't replace a firework show. They are to robotic in their movements to get me excited about them. I've seen some cool drone shows but nothing over the top. Seattle did a fireworks / drone / augmented reality show last year and I didn't find it entertaining at all. I actually found it quite annoying being that half the effects they are showing are not even real.

I don't understand everyone wanting an altered reality. Is your life so bad that reality doesn't work for you so you must augment it with little blue monsters running around to make you happy? SMH


Oh man, that's awful! I am sure this will be used as an example of why we don't need fireworks anymore. If we can augment them, "Its better for the environment, dogs, those with PTSD...." And all that other crap the Karen's like to push....
And I say that as a Dog owner and a psychologist who is specifically trained in trauma treatment!!!

Engineer Cat
09-13-2022, 01:23 PM
Oh man, that's awful! I am sure this will be used as an example of why we don't need fireworks anymore. If we can augment them, "Its better for the environment, dogs, those with PTSD...." And all that other crap the Karen's like to push....
And I say that as a Dog owner and a psychologist who is specifically trained in trauma treatment!!!

Yea my dog and cats are not fans but they get over it. :)

09-13-2022, 01:56 PM
All drone light show - different but not meant to replace fireworks entirely.
However, a mix of drone show coupled with fireworks and music such as Rossi's did at NFA - very nice mix for sure! I was there and it literally gave me goose bumps - that is a GOOD THING!
But that is my personal opinion.

09-13-2022, 02:07 PM
All drone light show - different but not meant to replace fireworks entirely.
However, a mix of drone show coupled with fireworks and music such as Rossi's did at NFA - very nice mix for sure! I was there and it literally gave me goose bumps - that is a GOOD THING!
But that is my personal opinion.

I just watch hoping the fireworks will take out the drones....

09-13-2022, 06:53 PM
I've been thinking about investing in drones. I have an older one that I haven't touched since I started getting more serious about pyro. Haven't done much serious research though. They could never replace fireworks as for pure enjoyment but I could probably get similar satisfaction pulling off a successful drone show. It just seems like it may end up being the better investment in time and money for me if fireworks become any more of a hassle and expense. Right now though drone shows are just a thought I'm entertaining without much seriousness to it. Firework shows are still my passion and what I want to be doing/watching. I just think I'll eventually be priced or regulated out of that hobby and drones my end up being a good way to cut back on or even eventually replace pyro.

09-14-2022, 08:44 AM
I've seen a few nice firework and drone show combinations. It works well if the two actually compliment each other instead of drone show with fireworks or fireworks with drones if that makes sense. At the end of the day, I don't see drone shows ever replacing fireworks other than areas with major drought concerns. Right now drones are a neat technology. As drones and drone swarms become more and more common in our daily lives the novelty is going to fade.

09-14-2022, 09:36 AM
I think the question is going to be answered by the audience. For us that set off fireworks, it's not only the end visual effect but also the thrill of the whole process, from picking out the fireworks up up until the last explosion. For the audience they only get the visual and hearing effect and for the most part not caring about how it all works, the dangers, setup and the clean up, just as long as they are entertained.
One thing drones have going is that they are quiet, and a lot of people like that. But they also lose or miss the hearing stimulation part. They are new and neat and interesting to view, are these a fade or a foundation of what is to come?
One thing Birdman, I don't know what the rules are for drones are now, they seem to keep flip flopping, but I can guarantee that if the drone shows keep growing, so will the hassles and expense and the rules and regulation. You will have licensing, tests, insurance - apprenticeships programs, you will have to become involved in groups like the PGI in the end no difference in hassles and expense. That's what governments do.

09-14-2022, 10:28 AM
I think the question is going to be answered by the audience. For us that set off fireworks, it's not only the end visual effect but also the thrill of the whole process, from picking out the fireworks up up until the last explosion. For the audience they only get the visual and hearing effect and for the most part not caring about how it all works, the dangers, setup and the clean up, just as long as they are entertained.
One thing drones have going is that they are quiet, and a lot of people like that. But they also lose or miss the hearing stimulation part. They are new and neat and interesting to view, are these a fade or a foundation of what is to come?
One thing Birdman, I don't know what the rules are for drones are now, they seem to keep flip flopping, but I can guarantee that if the drone shows keep growing, so will the hassles and expense and the rules and regulation. You will have licensing, tests, insurance - apprenticeships programs, you will have to become involved in groups like the PGI in the end no difference in hassles and expense. That's what governments do.

I agree and that is one reason I'm not willing to make the investment in this technology just yet. Drone regulations have become more complicated just in the few years since I first purchased the one I have. Another reason is that I think drone shows will become fairly common, and therefore less intriguing over time, is that the technology will likely become so easy to use that just about anyone will be able to do a show. I suspect this could lead to even more regulations, especially if the professional companies see this as a threat to their industry.

I don't see drone shows replacing fireworks and I think to keep audiences captivated drone shows will need to consist of more than just drones. I think other technology will need to always be incorporated to keep the shows interesting to audiences. I can see drones being just one part of a show that could also consist of lasers, holograms and who knows what other technology or becoming as common as DMX lighting is at concert venues. So while I see this as an interesting option I'm not convinced it's something worth pursuing at this time.

Engineer Cat
09-14-2022, 09:14 PM
Just the thought of maintaining a fleet of 100+ drones makes me frown. The are like pixels. If you want highly defined images or effects you are going to need more and more drones. Kind of like cues. lol

Intel created the Shooting Star drones for these types of shows. Even though they are small I'm sure the are more expensive than your average drone. From what I have read if you bought the same components and build them it will cost around $600 per drone. In 2018 Intel used 1,200 of them for the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics.. In the smaller shows they use 300 - 500. Yikes!

And check this out. SPH Engineering offers a year long Drone Dance Controller license for $12,000. They offer and require training with this license for an additional $8,000. To renew the license, it costs $8,000 per year.

I'll stick to burning my money :)

09-15-2022, 12:52 AM
Just the thought of maintaining a fleet of 100+ drones makes me frown. The are like pixels. If you want highly defined images or effects you are going to need more and more drones. Kind of like cues. lol

Intel created the Shooting Star drones for these types of shows. Even though they are small I'm sure the are more expensive than your average drone. From what I have read if you bought the same components and build them it will cost around $600 per drone. In 2018 Intel used 1,200 of them for the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics.. In the smaller shows they use 300 - 500. Yikes!

And check this out. SPH Engineering offers a year long Drone Dance Controller license for $12,000. They offer and require training with this license for an additional $8,000. To renew the license, it costs $8,000 per year.

I'll stick to burning my money :)

My research turned up much of the same although I recall seeing cheaper drone costs. Over time I could see these costs coming down significantly, especially if a community forms around it. Just like with pyro, I don't think you need to do professional level shows for it to be entertaining or, at the very least, amusing.

09-15-2022, 04:14 PM
In 2018 Intel used 1,200 of them for the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics..

Well, did they really? Kinda, but not live.

Intel’s drone light show never got off the ground for the 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony
They aired pre-recorded footage anyway.


Engineer Cat
09-15-2022, 10:22 PM
Well, did they really? Kinda, but not live.

Intel’s drone light show never got off the ground for the 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony
They aired pre-recorded footage anyway.


Ha interesting. I found the "show" on youtube and it was incredibly weak. Then I came across these guys who used 3000+ and there show stomps all over what intel is doing. And it looks like they used off the shelf DJI Phantoms.


09-16-2022, 10:53 AM
Check out the Ras Al Khaimah’s NYE 2022 drone fireworks. Since they are not restricted to US laws/rules, they can attach fireworks to the drones.


The show is so big, you don't really appreciate the scale. They have a "tower of pyrotechnic drones 1,055.8 meters in height, taller than any skyscraper in the world."
