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View Full Version : Labor Day Show set to Danger Zone

09-05-2022, 10:40 AM
Shot this show Sat. night. It was a small show using Cobra firing System. I was surprised there wasn't more Pyromusical set to Danger Zone with how big Top Gun was this year.

So enjoy!


Engineer Cat
09-05-2022, 07:14 PM
Sounds like you added the music after the show. The fireworks not having any sounds really takes away from the overall effect. You should of added danger zone on top with fireworks audio with like a 50% volume so you can heard the firework breaks as well.

09-05-2022, 09:05 PM
Sounds like you added the music after the show. The fireworks not having any sounds really takes away from the overall effect. You should of added danger zone on top with fireworks audio with like a 50% volume so you can heard the firework breaks as well.

The problem with the sound is the I thought the drone had the audio setting set to record and it was. So we did not record any sound of the show. There is always something to learn/not miss on each show. Since it was just a small show its okay. You live and learn.

Engineer Cat
09-06-2022, 01:03 AM
Ahh, those things do happen. Was still a good shoot though.

Absolutely. That's the best thing about being able to shot short shows. Can shoot more times in the year and it doesn't cost to much to learn something for the next shoot. :D

I used my drone 1 time cause it was just a PITA to deal with along with everything else. I had a friend fly it and get the video but the video was hit and miss. Each year I learned something about videoing the shoots. I use my cell phone to record close up of the shoot zone now. That audio records good break sounds and also get some good audience audio. It does not pickup the music well so that is always my main audio track. Then I sync up the song as another track to that audio so it's on time and adjust the volume so it can be heard but not canceling out all the other audio that was picked up. Then I can add any video that I got or that others may have recorded with their phones to the final edit. That's what I did with this years show cause may main cam failed. (well the person who promised me he will handle it, did not handle it. ) :rolleyes:

09-06-2022, 12:22 PM
I've done several short shows like this one that I never got any video of for one reason or another. At least you got something. Nice little show....thanks for sharing!