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View Full Version : Job Box Indoor Magazine - Structure Requirements

07-26-2022, 11:58 AM
Someone offered to sell me a small plastic storage shed. The kind typically used to store a couple of garbage cans in with an opening top and front. I don't have much use for it, but my first thought is it would be just the right size to enclose a job box magazine. Has anyone used anything similar? Are there minimum requirements for the size/sturdiness of the structure containing an indoor magazine in terms of size, foundation, materials, how anchored, etc? Per the Orange Book it seems like it would meet the requirements but I also feel like it is little more than a box inside a box and not sure if that would fly.

07-26-2022, 12:57 PM
i remembered a thread from a few years ago with this same question.. i dont know how to forward a link to an old thread,,,but at the time i came across this atf document ,, i dont know what the outcome was for the person asking the thread question... but the orange book does not have a clear answer on what a "structure" is,,, this doc also has an email address of where to send questions specifically about this

07-26-2022, 02:11 PM
They definitely consider a shipping container or shed to be a structure, but don't seem to care about sun shades. I think at least one wall needs to be open for it to be considered "outdoor."