View Full Version : Changing Pennsylvania Fireworks Laws

07-01-2022, 07:17 PM
Has anyone seen this?


Here's hoping they don't become illegal here again because of people abusing and misusing them constantly!

07-01-2022, 10:25 PM
Yes - they are in the process of being changed - but its not a done deal yet.
HB2157 printer number 3332. Was voted in both house and senate - with 3 or 4 different revisions in the process. Goes now to the Appropriations committee - and it may or may not go thru another revision. So time will tell what will actually happen.
Basically for the consumer - it might set time limits (10 am to 10 pm) except for the certain holidays then till 1 am. It was originally a statewide thing - now they will leave that part in the hands of the municiplaties to deal with. That 150' rule was just for houses - now ALL BUILDING - occupied or unoccupied, vehicles (including recreational vehicles) people. Also if your neighbor has farm animals - then you HAVE TO tell them you are doing fireworks AT LEAST 72 hrs in advance.
Got rid of the extra tax on the 6% = but you are still paying 18% tax on fireworks (only 6% on S&S)
Penalties - stiffer now if you get caught - use to be $100 fine summary - now up to $500 fine summary. Second offence is up to $1000 summary.
Illegal sales (bootleggers) - 2nd degree misdeamenor - $10,000 fine - YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!!
And other things here and there. mostly just adressing some common sense things that wasn't done before.
My opinion it is going to pass! But how many more tweeks and revisons is anyones guess. Once the gov signs - will go into effect in 60 days

07-01-2022, 11:28 PM
Does this mean fireworks are just for holidays?

What has been happening for them to consider this bill? People hurting themselves from being morons?

07-02-2022, 08:17 AM
Does this mean fireworks are just for holidays?

What has been happening for them to consider this bill? People hurting themselves from being morons?

No - just means your shows other than the holidays needs to be DONE by 10 pm. There has been thousands and thousands of complaints since 2017 changes passed. With that there has been a couple dozen attempts from capital hill for changes - including outright banning fireworks. This is the only bill that has stuck.