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View Full Version : Bilusocn automation

06-28-2022, 09:52 AM
In my professional life I write embedded software and work on electronics hardware design from time to time.

After looking under the hood of the bilusocn firing system, it is RIPE for tinkering.

A) Either a module that you would piggy back with all of the buttons, that essentially "presses the buttons for you"


B) A full custom control desk that talks to the 4 cue modules and replaces the control desk entirely.

Have any of you seen or heard of anything like this? Either someone modifying/adding to the existing control desk,
or someone who has reverse engineered the protocol that is going out wirelessly?

I know, I know, just buy cobra or something else. I like tinkering. I also like the cost of the modules and the granularity of a 4 cue format.


Found the search function, looks like someone beat me to it! Love it!

06-28-2022, 10:40 AM
Some are using another new system this year too. They are not a sponsor of this site so I won't mention any names, but it basically replaces the control desk.

06-30-2022, 11:46 AM
I too have considered messing with my old biluscon,, yes underneath is super easy to solder and add some type of sequencer or raspberry pi ,,, BUT,, I just went to cobra,, and now that system is sitting in my attic collecting dust ,,, I bought a boatload of receivers too

Engineer Cat
07-01-2022, 01:26 AM
Sold mine to a buddy that shoots his shows by hand. Gave it to him dirt cheap with 72 cues. Showed him how it works, taught him how to poke and where to get initiators. It's a very affordable system for people that just want to hit the button when they want to fire something.