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View Full Version : Raising Money for Fireworks Idea

04-19-2022, 09:35 AM
Thanks to Ed input 2 years ago how he raises funds for his show, ours has been a huge success. Although I dont do it the same way it did give me some great ideas and a starting point.

As many of you know I have been working for years with my HOA to let me have a fireworks show for our community with there backing (no money) as our family as the sponsor to make it a full day for families within our HOA. Which turned into starting a gofundme account last year and basket raffle that the ladies in our community had put together. At the end we ended up raising a little over $10,600.

This year I had a couple of new ideas that I thought I would let all of you know about incase you would like to try the same things to raise funds for your show this year.

One has no financial risk and the other does.

First I had 4 shirts designed by a friend and we have them on a website where we dont have to pay for anything upfront and we raise money for each shirt sold. So this is a no cost win-win for me and they all look amazing


The other idea I had was to do a blind raffle for a mystery box at $20 per raffle ticket. I am not sure I will break even on this, but I promise you I will raise a lot of money next year to cover the cost for this year and pay for a good chunk of the fireworks next year.

Whats is the item ... 70 inch 4k TV for $680 from Sams Club

If you do any of the ideas let me know how it goes for you, have any new ideas or find something that works please let me know. Need any help kick starting your fundraising let me know too

All Feedback Welcomed


04-20-2022, 01:17 AM
I appreciate you sharing the ideas of funding and what you are doing.

There is no HOA here. We may do this all backwards - LOL. I'm just thankful neighbors help setup and cleanup, and maybe a few people leave us a few bills.

My attitude is, I'm going to do it regardless.

Our fire chief has been encouraging me to move this up to a community show in one of the famers larger fields. There are ~600 homes in this generally rural area and we have 300+ people here on the 4th - including the fire department. If we make that move in the future, I'll probably go for funding plans, too. So, I'm taking notes. For now, I just appreciate the convenience of shooting it in our "small" field.

04-20-2022, 07:45 AM
@ Withreport

Glad to hear it’s helping you out with some ideas and like you I was going to do it anyways.

The only difference for me between what am doing now and I was going to do it anyways is $7,500 in more fireworks.

Between my father/brother-in-law and I we would all 3 chip in $700-800 each coming up with $2,100 to $2,400 for fireworks.

We had amazing shows for years and years that everyone could enjoy.

To do the level of show we were looking to do we didn’t have the budget so why not ask for donations and raise money.

We still spend the same amount but now we have the extra money to do a better and bigger show along with day events to build our Community.

Just 2 years ago we were just a family on top of a small hill shooting off fireworks over a pond at our HOA.

So here are some ideas for you that we’re doing this year. We have step our game up a lot over the last 2 year.

- Golf Cart Independence day decoration contest with parade
- DJ
- 20x70 tent for craft fair
- Donated baskets of themed items, including local business donations to raffle off
- Face painting for the kids
- 2 water slide 1 bouncy house
- Outdoor yard games
- Sack race & Bicycle race for the kids by age group
- 2 food trucks & 1 ice cream truck during the day then the ice cream truck comes back 45 mins before the firework show
- Fire truck coming to spray the kids in the hot sun and coming back later for the firework show
- Drinks tent with soda, water and 14 cases of free beer donated by the local brewery
- The pyro crew are from our HOA who don’t mind helping out
- Local company donates there time for cleaning up the used fireworks and cleanup around our HOA

Another idea for you, maybe put out some donation baskets to test the waters.

If you don’t like that idea another thing we’re going to start this year is charge a door fee per say. Which is 2 cans of whatever, to be donated to the local food bank for vets.

Further, both food trucks and the ice cream truck, our family has made it a requirement that vets and first responders eat and drink free all day. Believe it or not some companies had a problem with this and why they are not at our event.

Hope this helps spark some ideas

04-20-2022, 03:51 PM
When we lived in more of a residential area in the city, we would block off the neighborhood streets and may a similar all-day event with games food and activity up and down the street. That city has since banned the use and possession of fireworks.

As for our current setup, we do have food trucks coming this year. In the past we have had a big BBQ/potluck or nacho bar.

My attitude is this is our private family show and we have invited the neighborhood too. As it is shot on the 4th of July, I don't need insurance - per the county I would technically need insurance, even for consumer items, if shot on any other day. There could also be a debate that it wasn't really a private family show if there was an exchange of money.

If I did a larger community show, the fundraising would likely go for insurance and product - unless I could find a company to donate insurance (which I have arranged for a HS football half-time show in the past)

04-20-2022, 06:30 PM
Our show started in a backyard, moved to the outskirts of a cemetery (for more space), and after five years the cemetery finally asked us to move it. Not because we left a mess or caused damage, but because OTHER people left a mess and caused damage with their own stupid fireworks. So now we are shooting at the local fairgrounds -- which will be the best location of all, and the local fair comes in two weeks after the 4th so any burns that we do to the grass will be covered up by the carnival rides, so the groundskeeper is cool with it.

We've always just mentioned that we rely on donations on our own Facebook pages, and we also record a musical program for the hour leading up to the show -- during which we mention, repeatedly, that we are looking for donations. We also set up a special email address to which people can send money through Venmo or Paypal, and we set up a donation jar onsite the evening of the show. The efforts have paid off -- our show is about 3/4 funded by donations, so we only have to put in a couple hundred bucks of our own each every year. Bonus, our wives are cool with it. :D

07-13-2022, 04:39 PM
2022 Update

Thought I would give a update on my 4th event of what worked and what didnt.

My win-win shirt idea. We sold 74 shirts of that I purchased 30 of them for the volunteers the other 34 shirts were sold to people in our HOA. With all the people that live within our HOA we sold to less than 3% and made $152 for next year firework budget. Would I do it again, I dont believe so with only getting less than 3% of the people getting shirts. The time that was put into getting $154 wasnt worth it in the end. I will still get the volunteers shirts every year but the idea of offering to everyone is now closed. No real ROI

Mystery box giveaway at $20 per ticket, this was risk as I wasnt sure people would pay $20 for not knowing what was in the box. I ended up selling 50 tickets with the 75' 4K TV costing me $920 with tax with $80 for next year firework budget ... not much but I will do this again .. 100% am doing it!! When the people seen what the grand prize was they all flipped out and went crazy it was amazing, there was a lot of talk about regretting not getting a $20 ticket and my wife tells me that there is chatter on facebook about next year and what the prize could be.

The only thing I would change, is not doing it as a mystery box and just have the TV in the open for all to see. I am sure I would had gotten a lot more tickets sold for next year firework budget. I am sure next year my $1,000 investment will get back $3,000-4,000 cash for the following year firework budget.

In all with Gofundme, raffle tickets, soda/pop beer sales, we raised $16195 and banked for next year $1735

Last year was our first year doing this with gofundme and the raffle with the day events and we raised just over $10000 and had just over $2200 for this year ... All in all very successful year with being our 2nd year and getting 60% more in donations ... That extra 6000 really help make this year even better

BIG PLANS for next year

07-20-2022, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the update - I appreciate it.

We are still an all-out-of-our-pocket show, which is getting more expensive. We are considering a way to do the go-fund me for next year.

As another idea... Gas mines are always a big hit, and we are considering raffling off tickets and the winner gets to push the button to fire off a gas mine prior to the show. I'd probably just rig up some wired door-bell system or use one of my simpler controllers for that part.

We did have food trucks this year, but no proceeds went towards the show. I may have to consider just selling soda.

Engineer Cat
07-20-2022, 04:20 PM
We are still an all-out-of-our-pocket show, which is getting more expensive. We are considering a way to do the go-fund me for next year.

Your show was long, plus the teaser. What kind of damage did that do to your pocket? Looked expensive. lol

07-20-2022, 08:04 PM
Your show was long, plus the teaser. What kind of damage did that do to your pocket? Looked expensive. lol

"In all with Gofundme, raffle tickets, soda/pop beer sales, we raised $16195 and banked for next year $1735 "

Including the overhead for the various fundraisers etc., I assumed that meant somewhere around 14K was spent.

07-21-2022, 07:47 AM
How are you all avoiding some of the regulations that come with donations? In my recent PGI Display Operator course training, it was clearly laid out that ANY form of donations would leave you subject to commerce rules and regulations, including but not limited to needing to have a CDL and Hazmat certification for transport of fireworks (yes, even just going to your local store and buying 1.4). Also, doesn't this open you up to liability if something were to go wrong? I am thinking lawsuits, needing a hefty insurance policy, high deductibles, etc.... Just repeating what I have been told, but I have turned away donations for the past 2 years out of these warnings and just wanting it to stay a clean show on my personal property....
I dropped over $7500 on my show this year, not counting the increased investment in Cobra modules (taking it easily over $10,000). I would love to be able to safely and without any fears take the donations that have been offered....

07-21-2022, 09:46 AM
How are you all avoiding some of the regulations that come with donations? In my recent PGI Display Operator course training, it was clearly laid out that ANY form of donations would leave you subject to commerce rules and regulations, including but not limited to needing to have a CDL and Hazmat certification for transport of fireworks (yes, even just going to your local store and buying 1.4). Also, doesn't this open you up to liability if something were to go wrong? I am thinking lawsuits, needing a hefty insurance policy, high deductibles, etc.... Just repeating what I have been told, but I have turned away donations for the past 2 years out of these warnings and just wanting it to stay a clean show on my personal property....
I dropped over $7500 on my show this year, not counting the increased investment in Cobra modules (taking it easily over $10,000). I would love to be able to safely and without any fears take the donations that have been offered....


Amazing questions let me answer each one.

Although I do have a class “A” CDL with endorsements for work I never use it or need it.

All my product I received from American wholesale fireworks which is a contributor here on the boards ships via of FedEx freight with the proper licensing to send product.

They show up and they bring it right into my garage on pallets. End of transport worries.

With or without donations.

As far as liability, if you have a simple firecracker and something goes wrong you will be responsible even on your own property if one of your family members or neighbors gets injured. Full stop.

If your at a friends house and set off that same simple firecracker and someone there gets injured, the homeowner (your friend) and you are open for a lawsuit. Full stop.

If you set off that firecracker any where your personally responsible for any Injury that may occur. Full stop.

Doesn’t matter if you purchased it with your money and you only purchased a 50 pack or if you spent $10,000 of donations money and your shooting anyplace including your own property you’re responsible. Full stop.

One of the things you can do to help protect yourself is have a umbrella policy, which my wife and I have from our home insurance for 1 million.

But this will not fully protect you if your taking donations.

I also have the pyro crew all sign a liability waiver and that even goes for kids parents who enter day event activities.

Next I have event insurance that costed me $760 for 1 day on the 4th with $1,000 deductible.

With this insurance this covers the day events at the pool area which is considered to be a “Block party” under the Insurance policy, this also includes people drinking alcohol at the event and why the insurance is higher then normal and my 1.4 firework show.

As for the alcohol part, we DO NOT sale alcohol, but what we do is sale drink tickets and it’s up to that person with the ticket to decide what drink they would like. Soda/pop, water, gatorade or even a beer. Then we trade a drink ticket for whatever drink they would like.

Under no circumstances may the ladies at the drink tent sale anything besides drink tickets with a full exchange, money for ticket, ticket for drink as we’re not selling drinks we’re selling tickets that can be used for drinks.

07-21-2022, 10:21 AM
That is very helpful PyroFL, although it sounds like your event has grown much bigger than mine. Although, I imagine mine may grow eventually. We do have an umbrella policy, and I may consider event waver forms to be drawn up down the road. At this point, we just have people bring their own food/drinks. I am not to the point where I have all my product shipped to my house just yet. I am doing a lot of pickups at this point, so I may have to cross that bridge as I continue to grow...

07-21-2022, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the update - I appreciate it.

We are still an all-out-of-our-pocket show, which is getting more expensive. We are considering a way to do the go-fund me for next year.

As another idea... Gas mines are always a big hit, and we are considering raffling off tickets and the winner gets to push the button to fire off a gas mine prior to the show. I'd probably just rig up some wired door-bell system or use one of my simpler controllers for that part.

We did have food trucks this year, but no proceeds went towards the show. I may have to consider just selling soda.

Raising money from drink

We only do it as a extra Service not to make money.

We only charge $1 for a drink ticket for whatever people would like to drink.

Soda/pop we make .53 cents, gatorade .25 and the beer is 100% profit as the local brewery donates 24 cases of beer for free.

We could make it $2 per drink but it’s more about providing drinks not about making money on it.

A few things about the food trucks that some are not aware of.

Food trucks pay money to be at events like ours. This could be as little as $250 to $5,000+ for one day events.

Also some food trucks that are smaller companies or only have 1 truck and don’t have the money to pay those upfront fees will give back “xx” percentage of the sales which am sure there all honest about and give you your full percentage (joking).

What you could also find is some food trucks will try to charge YOU a fee or flat rate to show up.

I have a problem with a food truck charging me a fee so they can make money which makes no business sense to me, we’re not doing a birthday party with 30-50 people.

I had to make many calls and after I got done laughing on the phone I moved on to the next vendor. I will not pay you to make money, I told them.

The arrangement I have with our food trucks and ice cream truck is as follows.

All Vets, Active military personnel and first responders eat FREE and drink FREE all day. I don’t need a percentage back just take care of them. Believe it our not a few food trucks had a problem with that and why there not at our event.

To our family as the full sponsor of the event it’s about giving back to the Community and our Vets and first responders.

If you can’t give away a few dogs, burgers and pull pork sandwiches … I have no time for you

If you need any help with setting up your campaign or anyone else I would be happy to do so.

I did a lot of testing with CTR (click through rate) on various wording to get the highest CTR I could for donations.

I started with many different URL links and tested each one to get the best results.

Up my donations by 60% and CTR more then doubled.

PM me if you/anyone would like a hand and I would be happy to send over what I have found what works.

07-21-2022, 12:15 PM
Interesting conversation. Of particular interest to me is the signed waivers. I had an issue this year and years past where some people wanted to watch the show at an unsafe distance. Fortunately I have been able to convince, by threat of cancelling the show, to watch from a safe location. One solution was to have people sign waivers if they were willing to accept responsibility for their decision. I decided against this because A) it's about more than just liability concerns. B) I didn't know how this would stand up in court, especially since fireworks aren't legal in the state I shoot in.

07-21-2022, 12:57 PM
Interesting conversation. Of particular interest to me is the signed waivers. I had an issue this year and years past where some people wanted to watch the show at an unsafe distance. Fortunately I have been able to convince, by threat of cancelling the show, to watch from a safe location. One solution was to have people sign waivers if they were willing to accept responsibility for their decision. I decided against this because A) it's about more than just liability concerns. B) I didn't know how this would stand up in court, especially since fireworks aren't legal in the state I shoot in.

Embarrassment always works really good as a motivator with an announcement over your speakers if you have them.

“Unfortunately the show will not start until the people in the no go zone go back to the safe zone. Please standby until they have relocated back to the safety area. Then we will start the show”

You get a few hundred people yelling at them to move you would be surprised at their motivation to move back to the safe zone

Works like a charm promise

07-21-2022, 01:14 PM

Amazing questions let me answer each one.

Although I do have a class “A” CDL with endorsements for work I never use it or need it.

All my product I received from American wholesale fireworks which is a contributor here on the boards ships via of FedEx freight with the proper licensing to send product.

They show up and they bring it right into my garage on pallets. End of transport worries.

With or without donations.

As far as liability, if you have a simple firecracker and something goes wrong you will be responsible even on your own property if one of your family members or neighbors gets injured. Full stop.

If your at a friends house and set off that same simple firecracker and someone there gets injured, the homeowner (your friend) and you are open for a lawsuit. Full stop.

If you set off that firecracker any where your personally responsible for any Injury that may occur. Full stop.

Doesn’t matter if you purchased it with your money and you only purchased a 50 pack or if you spent $10,000 of donations money and your shooting anyplace including your own property you’re responsible. Full stop.

One of the things you can do to help protect yourself is have a umbrella policy, which my wife and I have from our home insurance for 1 million.

But this will not fully protect you if your taking donations.

I also have the pyro crew all sign a liability waiver and that even goes for kids parents who enter day event activities.

Next I have event insurance that costed me $760 for 1 day on the 4th with $1,000 deductible.

With this insurance this covers the day events at the pool area which is considered to be a “Block party” under the Insurance policy, this also includes people drinking alcohol at the event and why the insurance is higher then normal and my 1.4 firework show.

As for the alcohol part, we DO NOT sale alcohol, but what we do is sale drink tickets and it’s up to that person with the ticket to decide what drink they would like. Soda/pop, water, gatorade or even a beer. Then we trade a drink ticket for whatever drink they would like.

Under no circumstances may the ladies at the drink tent sale anything besides drink tickets with a full exchange, money for ticket, ticket for drink as we’re not selling drinks we’re selling tickets that can be used for drinks.

When you take donations of any kind, does that not put you into the in commerce/public display category where you have to have a permit from the city/county and whatever other state licenses FL requires? seems like a pretty gray area

07-21-2022, 02:37 PM
When you take donations of any kind, does that not put you into the in commerce/public display category where you have to have a permit from the city/county and whatever other state licenses FL requires? seems like a pretty gray area

Forgive me, I should had been a little more clear in how am doing things with fundraising and donations.

Not one penny that comes in from donations is used to purchase any fireworks at all or any part of the event.

I would not advise to take donations in and use those funds out of that account to order fireworks or pay for any part of your event.

Here is what I do, I pay for everything cash upfront and I don’t do it in one lump sum but is broken up so all the funds are not needed up front to start.

As I am the “sponsor” of the event which means I am paying for it all upfront so no one’s money is being used but mine.

Next, I ask for donations to help “OFFSET” the over all cost of the event that I have paid for.

As donations come in I use that money so I can afford to offset my spending, order more items and book more vendors.

Before we started the gofundme on average we spent around $2,400.

When we started last year with the gofundme I spent $2,400 in fireworks, donations came in to help offset my costs and then I ordered another $2,400 in fireworks, when another $2,400 came in donations I ordered $2,200 worth of fireworks and used the other $200 for a deposit for waterslides for the kids and then paid it off when we had more donations.

I was never out more then I would normally spend. I would had been fine with if I didn’t get that money back as I was going to spend it anyways.

Baby steps …

07-21-2022, 09:19 PM
Your show was long, plus the teaser. What kind of damage did that do to your pocket? Looked expensive. lol

I spent retail prices $15/flat for the Apache Battalions and stopped at dozens of stands before I found some. But it was worth it, they were one of the hits of the show.

I didn't keep track of any other prices :rolleyes:

07-21-2022, 09:31 PM
@ PyroFL and others, thanks for all the thoughts and suggestions.

The food trucks was a 1/2 baked idea. Yeah, some wanted us to pay up front. Didn't happen. We may have had too many for the amount of people - 2 meals and 3 deserts.

We don't want everyone here all day long, so that limits the events. People start showing up around 7, show is around 9:30.

The crew is me, one friend who flys out and stays with us for a few days, and my father in-law - no waivers.

So did the "event insurance" cover the firework show or the other activities?

We have umbrella policy, but it doesn't specifically state large fireworks show - but like you said whether it is one cracker or 100 cakes - it really is the same situation. I'm not sure what they would say if I asked up front. It would be like one insurance company I asked about a treehouse. They would cover it, if I removed the ladders to it.

I might have to hit you up on PMs later on the go fund me techniques.

Oh, as for the side discussion on stay out zone. We have a zone marked off with field paint and caution tape before everyone shows up.

07-22-2022, 01:48 AM
Forgive me, I should had been a little more clear in how am doing things with fundraising and donations.

Not one penny that comes in from donations is used to purchase any fireworks at all or any part of the event.

I would not advise to take donations in and use those funds out of that account to order fireworks or pay for any part of your event.

Here is what I do, I pay for everything cash upfront and I don’t do it in one lump sum but is broken up so all the funds are not needed up front to start.

As I am the “sponsor” of the event which means I am paying for it all upfront so no one’s money is being used but mine.

Next, I ask for donations to help “OFFSET” the over all cost of the event that I have paid for.

As donations come in I use that money so I can afford to offset my spending, order more items and book more vendors.

Before we started the gofundme on average we spent around $2,400.

When we started last year with the gofundme I spent $2,400 in fireworks, donations came in to help offset my costs and then I ordered another $2,400 in fireworks, when another $2,400 came in donations I ordered $2,200 worth of fireworks and used the other $200 for a deposit for waterslides for the kids and then paid it off when we had more donations.

I was never out more then I would normally spend. I would had been fine with if I didn’t get that money back as I was going to spend it anyways.

Baby steps …

I would submit that you are using donation money to buy fireworks and all the other stuff even if you are using 2 accounts to pay for things. Simply using the term "offset my costs" does not change the facts.
I personally don't care and think it's a wonderful thing that people donate to the cause! However, if shit hit the fan I think it would be quite the battle trying to convince the government that no no I pay for everything, donations just offset the costs.

07-22-2022, 07:41 AM
Oh, as for the side discussion on stay out zone. We have a zone marked off with field paint and caution tape before everyone shows up.

I have a unique situation, that I've posted about previously before, in that my site is on a small strip of shoreline on a lake. Caution tape would need to placed out into the water. I'm actually glad I don't get many other boats coming to watch because then I would need to be concerned about boats wanting to get too close the shoreline.

07-22-2022, 07:52 AM
I have a unique situation, that I've posted about previously before, in that my site is on a small strip of shoreline on a lake. Caution tape would need to placed out into the water. I'm actually glad I don't get many other boats coming to watch because then I would need to be concerned about boats wanting to get too close the shoreline.

I am thinking a few warning shots across the bow of the boat would do it :o

07-22-2022, 04:53 PM
I would submit that you are using donation money to buy fireworks and all the other stuff even if you are using 2 accounts to pay for things. Simply using the term "offset my costs" does not change the facts.
I personally don't care and think it's a wonderful thing that people donate to the cause! However, if shit hit the fan I think it would be quite the battle trying to convince the government that no no I pay for everything, donations just offset the costs.

This is my thought exactly! Unless you are somehow documenting that people paid for pop, t-shirts, even lighting or sound equipment, I don't think the "offset costs" would fly.