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View Full Version : Pyrotalk Registration is Open

03-22-2022, 07:05 PM
Registration was recently closed as I tried to clean up a spammer. If you reading this and tried to register , please do so now. I believe you will know the security question. Also, please use a good email because you need to verify the account. The good news you can make your first post without moderation. If you register, please take a moment to say hello in the Introduction section. Even if you do not post, the benefit of having an account is it allows you to see all of the pictures and document that other members post. It is delicate balance to allow ease of registering/posting and at the same time prevent spammers from getting onto the forums. Please add your state or country to your registration so other may see it. It adds credibility to your account and post plus it allows other to possible network with you.