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View Full Version : ATF Forms Help

02-10-2022, 08:58 PM
Here's the background: I'm a FEL holder in the state of Indiana. I have a friend who just received his FEL and will soon be placing approved 1.3 storage upon his property. Storage will be located near shoot site. I plan on helping him with setup, etc., with planning and the shoot. Seems like I read somewhere that "helpers" should have an ATF form(s) filled out to assist and basically look over site as needed. Shoot is for personal enjoyment only, no money will exchange hands. As usual, even being a retired federal employee myself, I am unable to look through ATF documents or Orange Book to explain/find applicable form(s). Any help appreciate for providing appropriate Form Number(s).

Also, while at it, does Indiana's Homeland Security require anything like this besides their donation and scheduling of shoot paperwork?

Thanks in advance.

02-10-2022, 10:31 PM
Employee possessor form is 5400.28:


02-11-2022, 09:30 PM
Here are two of my videos from 2016 and 2017, these are currently unlisted but should play here on the forums. This should help explain some of your inquiry.


The short answer is no , if the show is a hobbyist display for friends and family with free helpers and they are of good moral and non-criminal history, an Employee Possessor form is not necessary. This mean you as a an ATF license holder does not do any "For Profit" displays under your own license.

02-12-2022, 07:13 PM
Many thanks to responses. I was "leaning" towards the Employee Possessor Form 5400.28 but as a hobbyist and not a for profit display it's use makes no sense. I'll be talking to an ATF agent soon since my FEL renewal interview is due and respectfully pose this quandary.

02-14-2022, 10:13 AM
I was once under the assumption that anyone handling product required either their own license or an employee possessor. Then I was attending a shooter school and I asked out of curiosity how they were able to get permission to have trainees handling live shells without employee possessors on file. The answer was simple. "There is no possessor clearance. There is only an EMPLOYEE Possessor clearance and no one is an employee until an agreement is reached to work for compensation." Personally, I do have one employee possessor for my backyard show. I feel more comfortable knowing that I have a vetted person who I trust and who has a decent understanding of the rules just in case something should happen to me. God forbid I should get carted off to the hospital during a shoot and later learn that my show walked off with my helpers and guests.

02-14-2022, 03:19 PM
Another nice thing about having at least one employee possessor on your license is. They can drive to the distributor and pick the 1.3 order up. Most 1.3 distributors will not release your order to someone other than you, unless you have an employee possessor on file with them. The person you designate can pick the order up in AM while you stay at home and rest. Then meet them at the shoot site. There is no guarantee the ATF is going to go along with this listing someone that does not really work for you. However my experience has been listing one person is not something their expressing concern over. I am referencing a hobbyist doing a not for profit personal display. If you ever saw an Employee Possessor clearance it does not allow them to purchase 1.3 under your license and it specifies it is only good for them to operate under your dealings ( events , transporting etc. ). Of course there more to all of this , but this is the short story.

02-18-2022, 06:02 AM
At my renewal I asked the ATF inspector about possibly putting a magazine on my brothers property in PA.. I’m in NY.. he said as long as it was all good with AHJ wouldn’t be a problem.. knowing I am not in commerce.. he then recommended I get my brother listed as an employee possessor to make my life easier for traveling reasons.. so he can legally keep an eye on the magazine

02-22-2022, 11:03 PM
At my renewal I asked the ATF inspector about possibly putting a magazine on my brothers property in PA.. I’m in NY.. he said as long as it was all good with AHJ wouldn’t be a problem.. knowing I am not in commerce.. he then recommended I get my brother listed as an employee possessor to make my life easier for traveling reasons.. so he can legally keep an eye on the magazine

This should be no problem, as long as you have some sort of contingency storage in your home state. I wrote a couple of letters last year for friends in that situation. They are working out here but keep product elsewhere.