View Full Version : Pet or PTSD Neighbor Complaint

12-29-2021, 09:01 PM
If you had a Firework related complaint from a close neighbor; for reasons of PETS or PTSD. Would you easily comply to their request or would you state your rights to them...?

12-30-2021, 01:29 AM
I would not “state your rights to them” as that will only exasperate the situation. Have a civil conversation and genuinely try to understand their concerns and see if there is anything you can do to assist. Kill them with kindness without caving to their demands. If they aren’t receptive and you don’t mind having an enemy then I’d say ahead and keep doing what you are doing provided you are doing it legally.

Making sure all my neighbors know when I’m going to shoot and inviting them to come over and enjoy it has always served me well.

Engineer Cat
12-31-2021, 11:53 PM
I would not “state your rights to them” as that will only exasperate the situation. Have a civil conversation and genuinely try to understand their concerns and see if there is anything you can do to assist. Kill them with kindness without caving to their demands. If they aren’t receptive and you don’t mind having an enemy then I’d say ahead and keep doing what you are doing provided you are doing it legally.

Making sure all my neighbors know when I’m going to shoot and inviting them to come over and enjoy it has always served me well.

I agree with this to a point. In my area there's so many people it's just not feasible to know everyone. The neighbors I know most are the ones with dogs because they walk past my house with them often. I probably know more of my neighbors pets names than I do theirs which keeps me from going full pyro around here.

Ironically, around 8pm one of my cats went army crawling past me like she does when she hears thunder. I had my headphones while going through songs to script the 2022 fireworks and when I took my headphones off I heard someone a few yards over shooting some shells. Because of that I prepped a few items to send up if I hear other peoples around the block do it. Just a few though. I feel bad for the pups and kitty's.

01-05-2022, 11:17 AM
When it comes to Fireworks you have most people that are pet owners and even people with ptsd who enjoy them. Hell when I would setup & shoot professional shows in the past some fellow pyrotechnicians were actually veterans. The issue is people who complain try to justify what they are actually complaining about. 8 out of 10 times those people that actually complain dont have ptsd or pets. They try to be advocates for those who do and justify their complaint just because they dislike fireworks and are more annoyed at the action. I have shoot professionally and I have also enjoyed setting up my own small backyard consumer shows just like all of you. Im lucky no has complained over the years. Im also a dog owner as well. I always do ask nearby neighboors if they mind that I will be discharing fireworks on a said date. I do get along with all my neighboors and I live right next to a field and have an oversized yard. So I havent had any issues. However if I did get complaints unfortunately I would probebly comply and stick with the few pro shows.

01-08-2022, 05:09 AM
If you had a Firework related complaint from a close neighbor; for reasons of PETS or PTSD. Would you easily comply to their request or would you state your rights to them...?

This is where being reasonable and practical and "neighborly" comes in. That requires people to compromise. You need to give a little to get a little.

I had a neighbor send me an anonymous letter last year, threatening all kinds of legal nonsense and babbling about PTSD and war vets, etc. and so on. This person said I will be "shut done." Yes. Done. I've never been shut "done" before and I was actually looking forward to seeing what that felt like!

Needless to say that letter had the opposite effect, and I think I shot my best show ever on the 4th.

Having said that.... I shoot my shows in a retention pond that is at the far end of our development. I'm not like a lot of the morons in my neighborhood (and others) that shoot 500G cakes and mortars in their driveway. That actually pisses me off too.

So to your question, the answer is, it depends. If I was shooting mortars in my driveway and my "close neighbor" asked me not to because it was giving his dog a heart attack, I would do the right thing and move to a more remote location That's a reasonable request. On the other hand, if I'm already shooting a show in the safest and most remote part of the development and you threaten to shut me down (or done!) while co-opting a serious medical condition as an excuse, then I'm probably going to add a few more cases of tannerite to my finale.

As I explained in a public post to the moron that sent me the letter, tolerance goes both ways. Being a good neighbor sometimes means putting up with neighbors that do things that you don't like. As long as it's not every other day and/or it places you or your property at risk, then suck it up and get on with your life. One day the shoe will be on the on the other foot and I would expect the same degree of tolerance from them.

03-20-2022, 11:41 AM
Sorry for being so late on this post. I make it a point to drop a post card to all neighbors surrounding my shoot site a few weeks in advance. I put a number on the postcard for them to call if they or a family member has PTSD so we can discuss and reach an amicable conclusion. Our troops are our heroes! But for their bravery and selflessness, we wouldn't have a country to shoot pyro from! Now, as for those curmudgeons that just get off on being miserabs, screw them! You know who I''m talking about, every area has at least one. I double down on the noise just to irritate them, as in Sun Tzu instructed in The Art of War :). Safe shooting this year everyone, hope you're all safe and well.

03-20-2022, 06:22 PM
It's worth pointing out that "Make everyone avoid anything that could trigger you" is not how PTSD is supposed to be treated. It's a coping strategy for some people and is not any type of official recommendation.


While I'm sure there are some folks that are actively working on their PTSD or were recently diagnosed, I believe the majority of fireworks-complainers just dislike fireworks and want to give their personal preference a higher standing than it would otherwise have.

03-20-2022, 10:22 PM
I almost forgot about until this past week - a wholesaler in the midwest has developed a series of 200gr and 500 gr cakes that are made specifically for pets, PTSD and autistic or that extra loud noises bother them. Since this company is not a supportive member - you could contact me off line for their info. OR just simply study other companies vids for quiter/silent fireworks. Falling leaves and willowing type horsetails are most of the time UN-NOISY!

03-21-2022, 12:13 PM
I almost forgot about until this past week - a wholesaler in the midwest has developed a series of 200gr and 500 gr cakes that are made specifically for pets, PTSD and autistic or that extra loud noises bother them. Since this company is not a supportive member - you could contact me off line for their info. OR just simply study other companies vids for quiter/silent fireworks. Falling leaves and willowing type horsetails are most of the time UN-NOISY!

Been seeing a lot more quiet fountains hitting the market and have purchased a few. They're great if you want to have a little late night pyro fun without disturbing the neighbors. I also keep some roman candles around that don't have reports for this purpose. I also like to have some quieter effects (comets, crossettes falling leaves, horsetails etc) in my shows because I don't have a powerful sound system.

I agree most people are using PTSD and pets to further their own agenda and that those people who actually suffer from PTSD or have pets that are effected by fireworks aren't typically the ones doing the most complaining. Instead they have learned to cope with the reality of situation.

03-21-2022, 09:48 PM
I struggle with this. I live in a neighborhood where fireworks are legal, but there is a deed restriction against them. The debate flares up on social media around New Years and the 4th of July every year. Most of the neighborhood supports, likes, and shoots fireworks. However, there is always a vocal minority using the "Pets and PSTD" argument as to how evil fireworks are and shame on you if dare shoot them. Having said that, I am planning a large event this year, complete with insurance and a display permit. I found a loophole in the HOA deed restrictions that allows a company to produce a display on MUD land. I started a display company for the sole purpose of putting on the show. I have many resident volunteers who are excited about it and want to help with the display.

Still, I am sure, I will be public enemy #1 for a few folks. I will let people know in advance and remind folks that the show will only last 12-15 minutes. Having said all of that, I do agree with what others have said. The people who complain rarely have pet issues or PTSD, but feel they are advocating for the ones that do. This will sound harsh, but I really don't care if a few people complain anymore. You will never make everyone happy.

03-22-2022, 09:39 AM
I struggle with this. I live in a neighborhood where fireworks are legal, but there is a deed restriction against them. The debate flares up on social media around New Years and the 4th of July every year. Most of the neighborhood supports, likes, and shoots fireworks. However, there is always a vocal minority using the "Pets and PSTD" argument as to how evil fireworks are and shame on you if dare shoot them. Having said that, I am planning a large event this year, complete with insurance and a display permit. I found a loophole in the HOA deed restrictions that allows a company to produce a display on MUD land. I started a display company for the sole purpose of putting on the show. I have many resident volunteers who are excited about it and want to help with the display.

Still, I am sure, I will be public enemy #1 for a few folks. I will let people know in advance and remind folks that the show will only last 12-15 minutes. Having said all of that, I do agree with what others have said. The people who complain rarely have pet issues or PTSD, but feel they are advocating for the ones that do. This will sound harsh, but I really don't care if a few people complain anymore. You will never make everyone happy.

Sounds like you have done everything possible to have your show be as professional as possible. Your right, you can never make everyone happy. We have several very vocal "community activists" on social media that complain about fireworks every summer. Ironically most also post about how wonderful our towns annual fireworks display is each year or even about neighboring towns displays. So maybe there is a slight chance you'll get a pass if they see your show as a professional display. It does seem giving people advanced warning about shows goes a long way even if it's not good enough for everyone.

04-13-2022, 07:22 PM
Sounds like you have done everything possible to have your show be as professional as possible. Your right, you can never make everyone happy. We have several very vocal "community activists" on social media that complain about fireworks every summer. Ironically most also post about how wonderful our towns annual fireworks display is each year or even about neighboring towns displays. So maybe there is a slight chance you'll get a pass if they see your show as a professional display. It does seem giving people advanced warning about shows goes a long way even if it's not good enough for everyone.

Thank you! I am hoping for the best!