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View Full Version : Pyrotecnico announces PyroFest in Pittsburgh, PA!

02-12-2012, 11:11 AM

I am new to this board and a pyro from the Pittsburgh area but recently moved to Louisiana. I enjoyed watching all the shows at PNC Park, the Regatta, and all around Pittsburgh.

I saw this and wanted to share as it looks really cool!


02-12-2012, 02:44 PM
That is May 26, 2012 here in the Pittsburgh area. I just mailed out a letter to Steven Vitale of Pyrotecnico requesting they let me get some behind the scene video for pyrotalk.com. The Pyrotecncio fireworks setup videos I have posted are some of my more popular videos. If anyone has any influence at Pyrotecnico and can get my access that would be great. I heard they have been working on this for a while and it should be great. Better yet maybe they can put me to work for a day.
Here is video of one of their displays from 2008. It has one of my favorite finales for a medium size display It starts around the 5:20 mark


03-24-2012, 09:21 PM
Tickets are now available. Based on the pyro lineup, I may make the trip! Especially since they are doing Rock Loves...


05-25-2012, 03:58 PM
Dave any word if your going to attend the show?

05-25-2012, 10:03 PM
Sorry for delaying my answers to any questions on the forums but I have been running non-stop every day not only with the website but everyday obligations. I believe I did post earlier I am attending Pyrofest. I purchased a VIP ticket only to get better access to the events. I will of course video as much as I can about the event. Therefore, if anyone does not make it you will be able to see my video of Pyrofest free of charge. I hope they do not place any restrictions on people doing a video. Another problem for me is youtube related with copyright hits on any videos that have music in them. I have a few leads going with getting better access to view things from a pyro-technician perspective but will not know for sure until I get there tomorrow.
This is an important event as far as pyrotechnics are concerned because it is an event centered on fireworks. There are music acts and other things but the focus are the fireworks as opposed to the usual way, which is the event is the focus and the fireworks follow.
I heard Pyrotecnico envisioned an event like this for years. It is nice to see it finally coming to life. From my perspective, it will be interesting to see the audience reaction to the Rock Love display. The local Pittsburgh audience is used to Zambelli displays over the years. A typical large Zambelli display in Pittsburgh always finished with a massive amount of salutes. The Pyrotecnico display does not finish that way, thus it leaves some viewers feeling like it did not end properly. The Rock Love display is more a high tech display. You need a more refined palate so to speak to enjoy it. I am predicting they will be displaying girandoles that respond differently than the usually ones we see. Normally a typical 1.3 girandola will go straight up non-stop. I predict the ones they will use tomorrow will go up so far and float down and go up again three or four times in that pattern. It will appear like floating girandoles. I saw a video of these once but can not seem to find the video.
I am looking forward to attending the event and if any pyro-technician from Pyrotecnico is reading this please feel to approach me at the event. The same goes for any pyrotalk member that see’s me at the event. Look forward to seeing my video from this event soon.

05-27-2012, 12:34 AM
I just returned from Pyrofest. I have some great video of the displays. Pyrotecnico welcomed me to the event and the turn out was great. They premiered their newest pyrotechnic device called a Pyro-Sun and their newest pyro-musical called “Voyage Through the Universe”. The night finished with the Rock Loves display. Seeing the Rock Loves display in person is truly an emotional experience. After witnessing these two displays there is no doubt that Pyrotecnico is a leading display fireworks company in United States.

05-27-2012, 01:10 AM
It was a nice event. I hope to be able to go again next year.

05-27-2012, 09:54 AM
I agree. The show was outstanding! Voyage Through the Universe and Rock Love were amazing. The day time smoke shows were also well done. That was my first experience with the day time smoke show and it did not disappoint at all. I took the family and we had a great time. It was my little guys first time watching fireworks and he loved them. I was a little weary spending $18 for our tickets but it was worth every penny. I hope they make this an annual event in the Pittsburgh area. I recorded the displays and will post them when I can.