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View Full Version : Lawton, Oklahoma

08-10-2021, 01:38 PM
Greeting fellow pyros! I'm headed down to Lawton, OK mid September for my daughter's graduation from basic training. I've got rooms at the Days Inn there. My plan is to do a short 5min scripted show at the hotel for her and her buddies before they have to return to base. What do I need to do/not do to ensure that I don't end up in jail?? Any OK peeps have a perspective? Do tell, please! Thanks!

08-18-2021, 12:21 AM
I don't know anything about Oklahoma, but my initial thought is, it might be a great idea to ask the hotel manager if it's okay to do a show on their property.

08-19-2021, 07:40 PM
if I did this research correctly, this link should should be the Google Maps view of the hotel. Move your mouse around to see if I picked the correct location. I'm glad to hear you say it was only 5 minutes. I'm thinking it should only be 3 minutes with a bigger finale. 3 minutes in fireworks time is a long time. Set it up quick and tight to fire between 9:00 PM and 9:30 PM on that flat lot in the back of the hotel. Have someone in the lobby near the check in on standby. Once the show starts and they see the reaction of the front desk have the lobby person tell the desk workers its all cool , they are on that back lot doing a short send off for some military people. Clean up has to be quick. Everyone adjacent to the hotel will think its a wedding. The only people you need to worry about is the hotel desk workers. but you will have that covered so they don't call anyone. LOL I feel like I just planned a Mission Impossible episode. LOL Again, make it 3 minutes and clean up quick. You can not leave spent cakes on that property.
https://www.google.com/maps/place/601+NW+2nd+St,+Lawton,+OK+73507/@34.6160698,-98.3901005,3a,56.6y,224.99h,81.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDafbVtDV0HPdR5mYaxrMXQ!2e0!7i1 6384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x87ad18d615175d1d:0x9b4284b bee3c4420!8m2!3d34.616539!4d-98.3899422

08-19-2021, 09:17 PM
You should inquire with that city/county on fireworks policy and mentioning it to the hotel wouldn't be a bad idea either. Maybe see if you can find the actual property owner for that empty piece of land?

Sometimes, asking for forgiveness instead of permission is a dumb idea......

08-20-2021, 12:22 AM
I'd imagine a $20 bill to each of the on-duty staff at the front desk would also go a long way.

08-20-2021, 08:05 AM
Have you confirmed how long your daughter will be released for family day? I don't remember getting to stay out until dark, but it was a long time ago and it was at Fort Benning.

08-21-2021, 03:56 PM
Thanks for all the replies and tips!! I'll probably combine a few of these tactics... I'll get my show to 3:00 minutes. I'll also reach out to the property with the goal of gaining their blessings. I may also contact local fire protection and invite them to the show (Thoughts on THIS?). Unfortunately, she'll have to be back to base by 7:40PM, so it's going to have to be a little early--far from ideal, but it should be semi-dark by ~7:30, so not a total waste by any means. Thanks again everyone! I'll post the video afterwards.

08-21-2021, 03:59 PM
Yes Dave, you did your research properly, the hotel seems to have a good spot for what I'm wanting to do, and I'm working on my script now to condense it. I'll soak everything immediately after, and get them to the dumpster pronto. I'll also invite the hotel staff to watch, and throw them a bone if necessary. Thanks again for chiming in, I'm glad people understood my intent; it was not malicious. :-)

08-21-2021, 04:25 PM
Do you think I could get away with 3:38? http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=5968&stc=1