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07-15-2021, 03:44 PM
~I think because of all the inconsiderate people in my neighborhood, who shot non-stop mortar shells on the Fourth. I will show some needed mercy on the local veterans & pets. By shooting all "Safe and Sane" product for Labor Day weekend. I may continue this for upcoming legal shooting days. Leaving out the loud shells, cakes, rockets. In between the shells going off I could hear the pitiful yelps from the scared dogs. I won't be part of that anymore. Not to mention the vets and others who were bothered by the fireworks. I will still try to enjoy the holidays but in a lower key style. I used to be like those guys who fire mortar shells one after another. Not caring about those who might be suffering. I don't think a total fireworks ban is called for. Just allow those with licenses to shoot off the big aerial stuff in areas outside of neighborhoods. Just my thoughts.

07-15-2021, 04:11 PM
I respect your decision although I don't entirely agree with it. My rule of thumb is to always shoot during normal shooting hours, on the holiday weekend and keep it to no more than 30 minutes. If it's not a holiday weekend, then I alert the immediate neighbors (and invite them!). People with nervous pets can prepare for this. As far as veterans with PTSD, I have talked to several and every one has told me that it is random, unexpected shots that cause issues. When they are expecting fireworks to happen it's not a big deal. Of course, there are always exceptions and that is unfortunate but if we lived our lives around everyone else's phobias, likes and dislikes we'd never leave our homes......and even that would bother some people. 30 minutes a night or two a year should not be that big of an issue. I figure EVERYONE spends a minimum of 30 minutes a year bothering their neighbors in some way shape or form. I guarantee I spend more time being scared around other people's dogs in a year than their dogs spend being scared of my fireworks.

07-16-2021, 11:00 AM
thats 1 reason i shot a all fountain show plus 2 large crackle balls on the fourth.

07-16-2021, 04:29 PM
I respect your decision although I don't entirely agree with it. My rule of thumb is to always shoot during normal shooting hours, on the holiday weekend and keep it to no more than 30 minutes. If it's not a holiday weekend, then I alert the immediate neighbors (and invite them!). People with nervous pets can prepare for this. As far as veterans with PTSD, I have talked to several and every one has told me that it is random, unexpected shots that cause issues. When they are expecting fireworks to happen it's not a big deal. Of course, there are always exceptions and that is unfortunate but if we lived our lives around everyone else's phobias, likes and dislikes we'd never leave our homes......and even that would bother some people. 30 minutes a night or two a year should not be that big of an issue. I figure EVERYONE spends a minimum of 30 minutes a year bothering their neighbors in some way shape or form. I guarantee I spend more time being scared around other people's dogs in a year than their dogs spend being scared of my fireworks.

Strong Second to BMoore's Comments - Well summarized!

I chuckled at the last sentence about being more scared about dogs. I just shared some data for another discussion, I'll highlight it here:

In 2019 the CPSC estimated 7,100 to 12,900 injuries related to fireworks, with emergency department related injuries at 3.1 per 100,000 individuals.

The CDC stopped recording dog bite statistics in the 90s due to to a push from animal activists. But back in 1996 they did have statistics over a 17 year period. On average there were more annual deaths by dog attacks than from fireworks. Data from 1994 showed that 4.7 million people sustained dog bites and 800,000 required medical care. The US population was ~ 263M in 1994 so that is 243 per 100,000 individuals

So the science shows you should be more scared of dogs.

As for cats, I think I have more injuries form trying to bathe cats than fireworks. Actually, (knock on wood), the only fireworks injury I've occurred was do to someone else and the fact that I was wearing flip flops at the time.

07-16-2021, 05:32 PM
I don’t have any statistics or evidence, but I often wonder how may of the people posting memes on FB about Veteran PTSD and fireworks actually know any Veterans with PTSD that are impacted by fireworks. It just strikes me as something they can latch onto and use as a weapon to control the behavior of others that they don’t approve of. I find it terribly disingenuous and disrespectful to represent a group of people in that manner if you don’t have any actual first hand knowledge or experience, if that’s the case.

07-16-2021, 11:20 PM
The person that wrote me that letter threatening to shut me down this year mentioned military people who have "actually fought in wars" and have PTSD and hide under tables when fireworks go off, is one of the people you're talking about.

As someone that spent 22 years in the Air Force and was in a little skirmish called the first Gulf War; and who went places and did things on C-5's that I still can't talk about today; I find it reprehensible that someone would co-opt a serious mental health condition that someone else suffers with, in a lame attempt to further their own agenda. In my opinion that's worse than stolen valor. These people need to have their teeth kicked in. When you throw on a uniform and place your rear in harms way and if you come back with a condition you didn't leave with, come talk to me. Until then STFU.

07-17-2021, 08:32 AM
I work with disabled vets with Project Healing Waters. It's more the unexpected random shots that can be a problem for them. If they know they are coming they are not usually affected and very much enjoy the show. Had 2 marines, one army and one Air Force vet at this years show and they loved it.. I'll make a deal with the dog owners, you keep your dog from barking all year long I'll put down the noisy bangers.