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View Full Version : My first real show with the Cobra

07-11-2021, 09:11 AM
My first show was a huge success! It took me two days to set it up because I didn?t have anyone who could help poke or wire anything up but it was so worth it. I didn?t notice at the time because I was so busy walking around the shoot site managing the show but cars stopped all along the road. One couple found my wife afterwards and they were crying and told her the show made them so proud to be Americans. That made my whole night.

The video was shot by my daughter who later handed the phone to my wife so please forgive the minute her fingertip is in the shot. They also got fooled by my fake finales and stopped filming twice so I had to stitch the videos together. Next year I?ll use a tripod lol.



07-11-2021, 09:36 AM
Nicely done. My first show was with 2 mods as well. Get the wallet warmed up... it will grow. Trust me lol

07-11-2021, 11:34 AM
Nice show! You made good use of those 2 mods.

07-11-2021, 11:51 PM
Great show!! I realize as we grow in the display art, we get a little critical of our work. For me all I have to do is look at all of the happy faces as the sky lights up. That makes it all worth while. BTW...already planning next years show. Happy Shooting!!

Engineer Cat
07-12-2021, 02:37 AM
Good show Cutch!

Nicely done. My first show was with 2 mods as well. Get the wallet warmed up... it will grow. Trust me lol

If B.O.A.T stands for Break Out Another Thousand, we need to come up with something that P.Y.R.O stands for.

Did Rick's HOA travel to TX to try and shut you down too Ed? lmao

07-12-2021, 12:42 PM
Good show Cutch!

If B.O.A.T stands for Break Out Another Thousand, we need to come up with something that P.Y.R.O stands for.

Did Rick's HOA travel to TX to try and shut you down too Ed? lmao

LMAO.... no major fireworks nazis in my neighborhood. My HOA VP, who happens to be a local fire marshal was at my shoot site a couple days before my setup day for another reason. I went to talk to him because I knew there would be some question of the 54 pallets I had staged there lol. He was super cool. Said he watches the show from a few streets over because the the parking situation is insane on the 4th near my house. I invited to park in my driveway. lol.... all good. My NJ upbringing coming through... grease the palm baby lmao

07-12-2021, 04:34 PM
Cool set up, nice way to make the best with limited equipment

07-13-2021, 02:14 AM
Nice show! Great choice of effects. As Ed already said. Get out the wallet. It gets expensive from here!

07-13-2021, 02:15 AM
grease the palm baby lmao

That's where I've been going wrong!! I've been putting something else in their corn flakes... :p

07-15-2021, 01:11 PM
nice job!! nice finales, i like how the slices fit in the milk crates.. haven't seen that before .. and YES on the start to spending... i started out with 1 18m last year.. which i barely got to use because of you know "2020".. and this year i have added 2 36m and 4 18s slats!!