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View Full Version : July 3rd shoot using the Firelinx

Engineer Cat
07-07-2021, 10:28 PM
All in all it was a great time. I ran into rain issues the night before when trying to poke cakes but I was able to get it all together. The night of the shoot it started to drizzle right at the time I was going to fire away. Wasn't an issue though. I wired up 17 500g cakes and 7 200g, 25 shells with 6 initiators wired to those. Total initiators on 24 firing pins was 35. I had 4 pins that had initiators setup in series. One of the cakes that was in series didn't go off but it was due to poor pokin'. All the others fired.

My script didn't run exactly as planned but it wasn't anything I couldn't recover from. Everyone loved the show and kept telling me how much they enjoyed it. It was a bit to much on top of each other for my taste but the dock I'm shooting from is only 12 x 12. I spread the stuff out as much as I could but it pretty much ends up in the same parts of the sky. I learned a number of things so that's good for me.

The setup took a while doing it solo but that's due to having to use some old cat5 cable to extend the initiators to reach where I had the Firelinx firing module. And I don't trust anyone to do it the way I would do it, or do it with safety in mind. I will teach one of my peeps how to do it properly so I have help next year. Maybe even my Wife since she probably knows more about it being she sees and hears everything I learn. She helped this year by not bitching about buying the Firelinx. ;) It helped that I didn't have to buy any fireworks this year.

It's a short 4 mins but next year I'm going 10. The cops didn't show and about an hour later one of the neighbors ran into 2 cops at the 7 - 11 and he asked why they didn't come this year. They told him "we don't care about that anymore." I keep it short because a neighbor always calls them. By the time the usually show up it's just about over. That neighbor sold his house and moved! I didn't learn that till I got to the location to setup so it was to late to extend it.

Glad everyone had a great and safe time on PYRO day! I'm enjoying reading and watching everyone's debriefings.


Testing the script with Firelinks internal clock


July 3, 2021 Firelinx layout


Firelinx firing system continuity test


3th of July 2021 fireworks Tom Cam


Time lapse of 2021 3rd of July
