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View Full Version : What are the odds the fuse availability situation improves over the next year?

Fox One
07-05-2021, 11:55 PM
I had enough on hand to get me through this season. But I am now critically low and will need to resupply between now and next July 4th. While I initiate pretty much all of my show electronically with an import P1200 system, I still long fuse my mortar racks and finale boards. I'm more than a little concerned about being able to obtain the fuse I'll need for next year's show. I think that will now become my top priority, even more so than obtaining the fireworks themselves. I'm going to go to work trying to stock up on all the fuse I'll need for the next show before I even bother with buying up a new stash of fireworks, as without fuse for the finale boards and racks, it kind of makes the idea of doing a show useless. I'll probably have countless nightmares in the coming days about only being able to obtain 23 sec per foot green fuse, which will join my regular list of fireworks nightmares (the most frequent of which involves having a lawn full of guests and realizing the show hasn't even been set up or wired as darkness begins to set in). LOL.

Based on what I have seen over the spring and summer, I think my odds of eventually obtaining the amount of fuse I will need over the course of the next year are probably pretty good, though it appears likely I'll have to pay double what I bought the last stuff for. And that is okay. Prices are up on pretty much everything, to include fireworks and fuse. It is what it is. I may get out and visit some area fireworks stores and wholesalers. I might get lucky and run on on someone who has lots of old stock still sitting around at pre-2021 prices. Fuse doesn't seem to be a very high demand product in my immediate area, so someone somewhere has some, I just have to find it.

07-06-2021, 10:55 AM
Fuse unfortunately has become a target for the "no-no" list of exports from China. Recent regulations by China prohibit shipping of "loose cases" of fuse mixed in with containers of 1.4g & 1.3g product. The only way [technically] they will ship it is by a complete full container load. The same applies to ematch. They are now running all the cartons through a facility to scan with xray. This is why (???) the extra couple thousand dollars shipping cost has been added on to the already high shipping costs---plus the fact that the current administration in DC is doing nothing to squeeze China into easing up on the tariffs they are putting on exports to America.
My advice to everyone in our Pyro Community is to get what you can whenever & wherever you can & stockpile it.
There is a company in the USA that has a Visco manufacturing machine and is in the process of supplying quality American Made fuse to the market--but it will be a while till the production filters down to where the average consumer can get any of it. The "average Joe" is not in the position to buy a 10,000 foot roll of Visco from a manufacturer.

Fox One
07-06-2021, 07:48 PM
A source of American made fuse would be awesome! Now that I think about it, a source of American made fireworks would be rather nice as well. I just cannot understand why we as a country allow ourselves to be so dependent upon China to meet our manufacturing needs. There was a time about 80 years ago that America's vast manufacturing capacity allowed us to supply not only ourselves, but our allies. We prevailed in WWII largely because we could make more military hardware than our opponents could. Today we are in a much more precarious position and China is now in the position we were in during the early 1940's. And our politicians are too busy lining their pockets at the expense of our nation to step in and do anything about it. So I don't see the status quo changing. Sometimes you just have to shake your head at what goes on. I mean what else can we do?

07-06-2021, 07:58 PM
Aside from all the legal red tape and insurance costs, American companies can never compete with China's minimum wages that range from $1.50 to a couple USD more.

07-06-2021, 08:31 PM
Aside from all the legal red tape and insurance costs, American companies can never compete with China's minimum wages that range from $1.50 to a couple USD more.

What he said.

Fox One
07-22-2021, 08:13 PM
Well, so far I have managed to locate a source that has quick fuse (.20 second foot) in stock for $14.95 per 20 feet. I bought the limit of 5, so at least now I know I'll have 100 feet to use toward next year's finale. I'll try to grab another 100 feet on my next purchase. That should be enough to put my mind at ease, as surely 200 feet will be more than enough to fuse up my finale racks and finale cake boards. The 10 sec per foot perfect fuse seems to be more readily available, though just as expensive as the quick fuse. So I'll pick up some of that latter on for use on the non-finale mortar racks.

Man, if I had known this time last year that the cost of fuse was going to double or triple and be this scarce, I'd have squirreled away cases of the stuff! It has been a tough year for both of my favorite hobbies (fireworks and firearms). Though fireworks has noticeably gone up in terms of price, at least they didn't go up as much as ammunition prices. Those have been insane, though it appears the supply of certain target ammunition in the more popular calibers is starting to catch up to the demand and prices are getting down to around $0.50 per round. If this trend continues, soon I will be able to go to the range and have some fun and not be forced to wince, thinking "there goes another dollar" with each squeeze of the trigger.

07-22-2021, 08:52 PM
In the next two weeks I need to find time to add a commentary video to my Facebook where I have manufacturing friends from China. The quality of fuse on 1.3 products is terrible. Here is video clip from my recent Chicago display. On this finale I fused and spliced at least 36 four inch shells in the finale. If you listen to this clip you can hear how fast those 36 went up. It is more and more of that Perchlorate quick match. Its either gray in color of they add some charcoal to the mixture to give is slightly off gray color. I have been exposing this for years and it continues. The last report I received on this is each manufacturer use to make and measure out their own fuse formulation. Now they are required to purchase this already prepared mixture to make their fuse. The more I look back over my videos, this 1.3 fuse issue has been going on for some time now.

Unlisted .. Listen how fast 36 color shells go up. Granted it still looked good. However you can hear the speed of the percholorate fuse on the color shells.


07-22-2021, 09:14 PM
I just got an email today "Fuse is back in stock!" from a supplier. Seems like at least one company got some back in at reasonable price ($7.99 for 20 feet). I don't believe they are an advertiser here, so I won't mention the name.


07-23-2021, 07:59 AM
I know China basically has the market covered for fireworks and accessories. But I often wonder why other countries with cheap labor don't pick up the slack. right now and into the future, with china's new regulations, costs, supplies, and quality of their products, why aren't other countries getting into the market? I know set up costs and such, but we are taking about a world wide market place and now would be a good time to undercut the china market place.

07-23-2021, 08:58 AM
I just got an email today "Fuse is back in stock!" from a supplier. Seems like at least one company got some back in at reasonable price ($7.99 for 20 feet). I don't believe they are an advertiser here, so I won't mention the name.


I go the same email... 12 rolls for 89.99 super fast fuse.

07-23-2021, 10:16 AM
Should be a few money men out there that can buy and import a container or two of nothing but fuse..Would have a pretty good market for it..

07-23-2021, 10:43 AM
Should be a few money men out there that can buy and import a container or two of nothing but fuse..Would have a pretty good market for it..

The man that controls fireworks shipping out of China would probably never allow a container of all fuse leave China. Anyone care to speculate why?

07-23-2021, 11:57 AM
I know China basically has the market covered for fireworks and accessories. But I often wonder why other countries with cheap labor don't pick up the slack. right now and into the future, with china's new regulations, costs, supplies, and quality of their products, why aren't other countries getting into the market? I know set up costs and such, but we are taking about a world wide market place and now would be a good time to undercut the china market place.

It does seem like a good market for Vietnam, India or Latin America.

Greenville Pyro
07-23-2021, 01:20 PM
The man that controls fireworks shipping out of China would probably never allow a container of all fuse leave China. Anyone care to speculate why?

Basic economics: China is a monopoly. A monopoly controls the price that the consumer will pay if the quantity demanded. If supply remains low, they continue to charge a large price and the demand stays high. There is no incentive to flood the market. Should a competitor enter the market, things change. In that case the two entities should collude together as a cartel to maximize profit rather than open competition. This is why China is China, and we live in a free world of capitalism. Unfortunately we still see monopolistic behavior in the US, just to a less degree (hence Apple etc)

07-23-2021, 02:09 PM
The man that controls fireworks shipping out of China would probably never allow a container of all fuse leave China. Anyone care to speculate why?
ALTHOUGH I AM CERTAINLY NO EXPERT - THAT IS ACTUALLY WHAT an IMPORTER JUST DID - A WHOLE CAN OF FUSE. From my understanding - 2 yrs in the making - but finally got through. ALL SOLD BEFORE IT EVER HIT THE STATES.....

Fox One
07-23-2021, 02:14 PM
The man that controls fireworks shipping out of China would probably never allow a container of all fuse leave China. Anyone care to speculate why?

Well, on the surface it would seem that keeping the supply low while the demand remains high is an excellent way to make sure the prices skyrocket and remain high. China may be a communist nation, but they sure seem to have a few capitalist atoms floating around inside of them.

07-23-2021, 02:39 PM
The man that controls fireworks shipping out of China would probably never allow a container of all fuse leave China. Anyone care to speculate why?

I once heard that China kept fuse exports at a minimum to discourage manufacturing elsewhere. I guess the reasoning is that if anyone took on manufacturing they would probably still source their fuse from China. Whatever the reason, I do question the safety of a container full of fuse. That amounts to a very large amount of explosive material, even more than a container full of 1.3. I would think that a fire on a container of fuse would be more devastating than just about any other 1.4 or 1.3 product.

07-23-2021, 06:03 PM
I go the same email... 12 rolls for 89.99 super fast fuse.

Got the same. Need it for the bump bear lol.

07-23-2021, 07:34 PM
China has a policy of trying to export higher value materials instead of raw materials so this would make sense. For instance, I know it's illegal to export fuel from China, but it is legal to export high-value products like lubricants and specialty chemicals.

07-23-2021, 08:20 PM
ALTHOUGH I AM CERTAINLY NO EXPERT - THAT IS ACTUALLY WHAT an IMPORTER JUST DID - A WHOLE CAN OF FUSE. From my understanding - 2 yrs in the making - but finally got through. ALL SOLD BEFORE IT EVER HIT THE STATES.....

Oh boy, if Mr. Ding ( AKA chain smoking fireworks shipper monopolizer ) ever finds out one got through, he going to be a mad Mo-Fo. In a way I loved to hear it because it is an example of how people in the fireworks industry can keep certain things a secret. Once it lands in USA , its all good. This is why I tell people don't waste worry on the availability of fireworks products. Joyce, when I see you at the NFA in September we have something to talk about. Over the years when I do videos I sometimes will ask a location, "Is there anything you do not want me to video"? They would respond "Don't video those cases of fuse". I look over at 30 cases of fuse. I'm thinking , I don't get it. Now that I am little deeper into the fireworks industry myself, I start to get it. There is more to fireworks fuse than initially meets the eye.
Great read on Mr Ding and fireworks shipping , when you find the time.