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View Full Version : just purchased daves video for type 54 license!

02-05-2012, 11:09 AM
i just purchased daves video for the type 54 license. I am an ohio resident on the border of pennsylvania. I do plan on asking for contingency storage from kellners and am within an hours drive there. i don't have a criminal record so i guess i'm good in that aspect! So wish me luck hopefully i can get it!:cool:

02-05-2012, 11:55 AM
i just purchased daves video for the type 54 license. I am an ohio resident on the border of pennsylvania. I do plan on asking for contingency storage from kellners and am within an hours drive there. i don't have a criminal record so i guess i'm good in that aspect! So wish me luck hopefully i can get it!:cool:

Great investment.....keep us posted ......Good luck!

02-05-2012, 12:36 PM
while you're waiting, go here and download the form:


You can get started on the easy to answer questions. Also, might as well either run to your nearest CVS or whatever and get a passport photo taken. Or take your own.

You can also go here:


This will allow you to order the fingerprint cards. Or, You can possibly go to your nearsest police station, sheriffs office, or whatever. I was actually working at a county jail (construction) and I asked the warden/sheriff in charge if they could do it for me and they provided me with the card and did the fingerprinting for free.

Also, as you stated you would be asking Kellners for contingency.....go ahead and call or visit them ASAP and talk to them and tell them you are in the process of obtaining your license and you would like a contingency letter for storage in return for purchasing your 1.3 fireworks from them. They'll probably already know, but you'll need the official letterhead from the company with all of your information on it (name, address, social....ect) to make it worth of the mighty ATF.

I tell you to go ahead and get all this now because it streamlines the process quite a bit. You wont be running aruond at the last minute trying to get all this stuff together. You cant send in your packet until you have everything put together.

Good luck and ask any questions you have. It's a lot easier than it appears to be.

02-05-2012, 05:32 PM
Good luck & let us know how things go. Once you get your 54 you will ask yourself [like I did] why you waited so long !!!

02-05-2012, 11:26 PM
I also have just ordered the videos from Dave. I'm hoping I can have everything done before Kellners open shoot in April.

02-06-2012, 02:38 PM
i just purchased daves video for the type 54 license. I am an ohio resident on the border of pennsylvania. I do plan on asking for contingency storage from kellners and am within an hours drive there. i don't have a criminal record so i guess i'm good in that aspect! So wish me luck hopefully i can get it!:cool:

Smart move on the videos, they clear up quite a bit on those form. I'm not positive about all this. I can only speak from my own past experiences. They are going to ask if you have a Ohio exhibitors or assistants card. I said "that I was working on it and that for know I only planned on shooting fireworks in PA". I also added that it would be nothing new, because I've been buying consumer fireworks for years and taking them to PA to light. The Ohio laws have kind of forced a lot of people to do this! They approved me but also called a few months later asking about my Ohio card. I had gotten one, so I don't know what they would have said or done if I didn't. So I'm guessing it would be a good idea to eventually get either one! Good luck and don't hesitate to shoot me any questions.

02-06-2012, 04:53 PM
I have contacted my local cop shop and they said they do will do my finger printing. They also have the finger print cards. They asked me which card I need because there are 2 different card. What cards do I need?

02-06-2012, 05:18 PM
On the link I provided, in the fingerprint card section, I would choose this one:

FBI FD-258EX - Explosives Applications ORI WVATF0900

Not sure 100% but it says for explosives applications. Maybe someone who knows for sure can thumbs up or down this.

02-06-2012, 08:54 PM
FD-258 is the proper fingerprint card.


Page 6, Paragraph 8

02-06-2012, 09:58 PM
I need form 258 thanks for your help.

Pyro Nation
02-06-2012, 10:29 PM
I remember when i got mine done... It felt so weird.. almost felt like i was being charged with something.. The officer picked up on it and was like are ya nervous? I said no, just feels weird being in here to get fingerprinted, He says so I take it you never been arrested. I said no... he said..lets keep it that way...LOL

02-06-2012, 11:35 PM
I think that I'll be more nervous for my interview than getting finger printed. Then I look at the other hand and say I never had the permit before so if I don't get the permit, it won't be the end of the world. Does anybody know of anyone that didn't get the permit and if so why?

02-07-2012, 07:29 AM
Relax. The interview isn't even an interview.

They will go down a checklist basically covering everything from forms, theft/loss, storage, storage, forms, loss, and storage.

There's really nothing right or wrong in the "interview". All they want to do is make sure you know all the ins and outs. And since that's impossible, they give you all the information or the proper channels to obtain that information. They say that the interview can last up to four hours. Mine was literally under an hour including that my agent was late. The more you research and know about the process, the better. I think my agent really appreciated that she didn't have to hold my hand and babysit me through the entire interview.

Also use the interview time to shoot the shit and build some rapport with the agent as well.

02-07-2012, 08:31 PM
Relax. The interview isn't even an interview.

They will go down a checklist basically covering everything from forms, theft/loss, storage, storage, forms, loss, and storage.

There's really nothing right or wrong in the "interview". All they want to do is make sure you know all the ins and outs. And since that's impossible, they give you all the information or the proper channels to obtain that information. They say that the interview can last up to four hours. Mine was literally under an hour including that my agent was late. The more you research and know about the process, the better. I think my agent really appreciated that she didn't have to hold my hand and babysit me through the entire interview.

Also use the interview time to shoot the shit and build some rapport with the agent as well.

Thanks for the addvice. This may be a dumb question but what would I need to research? I know the basics but that is it.

02-07-2012, 09:52 PM
Just knowing about storage. For example the dos and donts. For example, not storing INSIDE a residence under any circumstances. Seems kind of no brainer, but they tell you these things because people do it, and in doing so get their license taken. The basics are all you ( in all probability) will need to know.

For example. I told my agent I was first and foremost planning on getting ematch and quickmatch. Then progressing into shells and cakes. Not interested in owning a display company and not into manufacturing. That right there gave her the roadmap for our discussion. She didn't need to obviously hit the rules and regs of manufacturing as I wasn't going to do it. Yours may differ, and may or may not do the same. Either way she asked if I wanted her to go over manufacturing and I told her no, it wasn't necessary. Same with storage. I live in a neighborhood in suburbs. Obviously can't throw a mag in my back yard next to neighbors mini-barn. So she only went over contingency and regs of that. Now, this is where I shot the shit. For example I just interjected some questions about the differences in type 1 through 4, can I use a daybox in my garage or barn out back, ect. So you could just see in her expression like "hey, he's actually read up on some of this and has actually done his homework...."

It's all relative to the agent that comes over. You might actually get the flat top, porn stash guy with a gun on his hip. He may want to use the full four hours to grind the check list into you. You won't know till then. But in all reality, this is the time for the agent to get face to face with you, have a talk about 1.3 and get to see if you're the real deal. Theyre looking at this convo to determine if your just another jackwagon looking to be irresponsible, or if you're actually listening, paying attention, showing some real KNOWLEDGE and so on and so forth. Btw, it wouldn't hurt for you to have maybe a pen and paper for notes as well.

Another idea that I used....the atf basically wants you to have everything logged. Dates, purchases, shoot dates/times, inventory (if there's a mag), how much was discharged (should be everything if you have contingency storage), ect ect. What I did was get a 3 ring binder, buy a bunch of tabs or manilla 3 hole folders and/or plastic protectors. Make up some tabs like "shoot dates", "training certificates", "physical license", "atf paperwork/phone numbers", ect. As soon as they give you a sheet of paper, FILE IT. It will make you look very professional and organized.

Also, one last thing....once you receive your blue envelopes in the mail, get your license out, DO NOT NOT NOT SIGN IT, and make copies of it. When using your license to purchase or what not, you are required to have an ORIGINAL signature on every copy. So keep a few stocked. Like Dave said keep one in your cars glove box just in case. Then file that physical UNSIGNED copy in that neat binder you just started.

Phew....okay I think I'm spent. Sorry for the rant but one idea just leads to another. Keep the questions coming if need be.

02-07-2012, 09:52 PM
Just knowing about storage. For example the dos and donts. For example, not storing INSIDE a residence under any circumstances. Seems kind of no brainer, but they tell you these things because people do it, and in doing so get their license taken. The basics are all you ( in all probability) will need to know.

For example. I told my agent I was first and foremost planning on getting ematch and quickmatch. Then progressing into shells and cakes. Not interested in owning a display company and not into manufacturing. That right there gave her the roadmap for our discussion. She didn't need to obviously hit the rules and regs of manufacturing as I wasn't going to do it. Yours may differ, and may or may not do the same. Either way she asked if I wanted her to go over manufacturing and I told her no, it wasn't necessary. Same with storage. I live in a neighborhood in suburbs. Obviously can't throw a mag in my back yard next to neighbors mini-barn. So she only went over contingency and regs of that. Now, this is where I shot the shit. For example I just interjected some questions about the differences in type 1 through 4, can I use a daybox in my garage or barn out back, ect. So you could just see in her expression like "hey, he's actually read up on some of this and has actually done his homework...."

It's all relative to the agent that comes over. You might actually get the flat top, porn stash guy with a gun on his hip. He may want to use the full four hours to grind the check list into you. You won't know till then. But in all reality, this is the time for the agent to get face to face with you, have a talk about 1.3 and get to see if you're the real deal. Theyre looking at this convo to determine if your just another jackwagon looking to be irresponsible, or if you're actually listening, paying attention, showing some real KNOWLEDGE and so on and so forth. Btw, it wouldn't hurt for you to have maybe a pen and paper for notes as well.

Another idea that I used....the atf basically wants you to have everything logged. Dates, purchases, shoot dates/times, inventory (if there's a mag), how much was discharged (should be everything if you have contingency storage), ect ect. What I did was get a 3 ring binder, buy a bunch of tabs or manilla 3 hole folders and/or plastic protectors. Make up some tabs like "shoot dates", "training certificates", "physical license", "atf paperwork/phone numbers", ect. As soon as they give you a sheet of paper, FILE IT. It will make you look very professional and organized.

Also, one last thing....once you receive your blue envelopes in the mail, get your license out, DO NOT NOT NOT SIGN IT, and make copies of it. When using your license to purchase or what not, you are required to have an ORIGINAL signature on every copy. So keep a few stocked. Like Dave said keep one in your cars glove box just in case. Then file that physical UNSIGNED copy in that neat binder you just started.

Phew....okay I think I'm spent. Sorry for the rant but one idea just leads to another. Keep the questions coming if need be.

Pyro Nation
02-07-2012, 11:07 PM
Ok... double posted the storage... So guess you wanted to pound it into everyone's head.... Do you have short hair and a gun on your hip? : OP

02-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Haha, no....the "smart" phone for some reason was lagging and I guess posted it twice.

02-07-2012, 11:24 PM
Thanks Indiana this will be a great help. I think I know all that you mentioned for the most part. I didn't know if I was missing anything big. I do like the idea of the 3 ring binder.

02-08-2012, 06:51 PM
Just knowing about storage. For example the dos and donts. For example, not storing INSIDE a residence under any circumstances. Seems kind of no brainer, but they tell you these things because people do it, and in doing so get their license taken. The basics are all you ( in all probability) will need to know.

For example. I told my agent I was first and foremost planning on getting ematch and quickmatch. Then progressing into shells and cakes. Not interested in owning a display company and not into manufacturing. That right there gave her the roadmap for our discussion. She didn't need to obviously hit the rules and regs of manufacturing as I wasn't going to do it. Yours may differ, and may or may not do the same. Either way she asked if I wanted her to go over manufacturing and I told her no, it wasn't necessary. Same with storage. I live in a neighborhood in suburbs. Obviously can't throw a mag in my back yard next to neighbors mini-barn. So she only went over contingency and regs of that. Now, this is where I shot the shit. For example I just interjected some questions about the differences in type 1 through 4, can I use a daybox in my garage or barn out back, ect. So you could just see in her expression like "hey, he's actually read up on some of this and has actually done his homework...."

It's all relative to the agent that comes over. You might actually get the flat top, porn stash guy with a gun on his hip. He may want to use the full four hours to grind the check list into you. You won't know till then. But in all reality, this is the time for the agent to get face to face with you, have a talk about 1.3 and get to see if you're the real deal. Theyre looking at this convo to determine if your just another jackwagon looking to be irresponsible, or if you're actually listening, paying attention, showing some real KNOWLEDGE and so on and so forth. Btw, it wouldn't hurt for you to have maybe a pen and paper for notes as well.

Another idea that I used....the atf basically wants you to have everything logged. Dates, purchases, shoot dates/times, inventory (if there's a mag), how much was discharged (should be everything if you have contingency storage), ect ect. What I did was get a 3 ring binder, buy a bunch of tabs or manilla 3 hole folders and/or plastic protectors. Make up some tabs like "shoot dates", "training certificates", "physical license", "atf paperwork/phone numbers", ect. As soon as they give you a sheet of paper, FILE IT. It will make you look very professional and organized.

Also, one last thing....once you receive your blue envelopes in the mail, get your license out, DO NOT NOT NOT SIGN IT, and make copies of it. When using your license to purchase or what not, you are required to have an ORIGINAL signature on every copy. So keep a few stocked. Like Dave said keep one in your cars glove box just in case. Then file that physical UNSIGNED copy in that neat binder you just started.

Phew....okay I think I'm spent. Sorry for the rant but one idea just leads to another. Keep the questions coming if need be.

Wow! perfect! Just what I was looking for to get ready. I also just sent my application in (yesterday) Thnaks to DAVE. How long usually does it take after its sent for them to contact you?
Thanks for the awesome advice and help. This is an awesome forum/site.

02-08-2012, 08:56 PM
I think mine was right about a month from mailing to interview, then another month when the blue envelopes arrive........but that's just one experience. I believe they can take 90 days tops. You'll be fine since you did yours now.

02-09-2012, 11:34 AM
The biggest wall I hit in the process-believe it or not-was getting fingerprinted. My office is just across the county line from my residence. Local police said I had to have it done in my county of residence. OK--contacted township police--they said they don't fingerprint anymore--have to go to the State Police. Called the State Police to find out when I could go in: they said there isn't always an officer there in the barracks to do it--that I would have to come in & see if someone was off of patrol. Took two trips [18 miles one way]until I got a live breathing officer to print me. He asked me a dozen questions because he never had anyone applying for an ATF license before. Not giving me a hard time--just curious questions.
Took three weeks to get the call for the appointment interview [which was a breeze & was about an hour] same questions like others said here. Then the blue envelopes arrived in 9 days!

02-09-2012, 09:03 PM
I cant wait, I got finger printed today. just waiting for the video....

02-09-2012, 11:52 PM
I just hope after I get it I dont' have to jump throught 10 million hoops to shoot in Ohio....... I'm only about 15 mins from PA line but my 4th of July setup is in Ohio.

02-10-2012, 08:19 PM
I got the video package from Dave today. Dave used magic tape to hold the flaps closed. I couldn't put the tape off I had to cut the envelope. Just another great idea for the magic tape.

02-10-2012, 09:02 PM
It could have possibly been quick fused....