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View Full Version : First local tents are popping up (EXPENSIVE!!!)

06-17-2021, 07:25 PM
The first local fireworks tent in my town has finally popped up and i went to see just how bad it could possibly be?..it was horrible! D: $3.00 for a pack of 6 morning glory sparklers, $4.00 for 12 ground blooms!? Those were the cheap items smh. Im glad to know there is more to fireworks than just the tents.

06-17-2021, 07:30 PM
1.99 for 6 ground blooms in the grocery store in NY. Welcome to the new normal. Buy wholesale or Cry when you buy

06-17-2021, 08:27 PM
For the interest of knowledge on the forums. Pennsylvania legalized Consumer Fireworks in 2017 thanks in large part to Governor Wolf. Tents and brick and mortar stores began selling the FULL line of Consumer Fireworks. Shortly after 2017 Phantom Fireworks filed and won a legal argument that only brick and mortar stores should be permitted to sell the full line of Consumer Fireworks. Any tent in Pennsylvania you see now or in the future should only be selling "Safe and Sane" type items. I received instructions from some people and organizations in the industry to immediately report any tent in Pennsylvania that is selling anything other than Safe and Sane type ground based items. The new Pennsylvania rules further give protection to Brick and Mortar full line Consumer Fireworks sales by regulating the distance between the future brick and mortar full line stores. I will provide a link here to the website.
After learning all the issue of the fireworks legalization in Pennsylvania. As far as Pennsylvania , I think the permanence of brick and mortar stores protects future legislation from being introduced to make Consumer Fireworks illegal again in PA. I thought it was a brilliant legal strategy. It would take me 50 paragraphs to explain it.
On a side note one of my new future Consumer Fireworks cakes "Wolf Moon" is a indirect reference to Governor Thomas Wolf of Pennsylvania for doing what no other Pennsylvania governor was able to do in prior years.

06-18-2021, 03:22 AM
very nice effect, dave. any word on a performance vid, yet? or is it too soon?