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View Full Version : Board in Consumer Fireworks case.

02-28-2021, 07:53 PM
These pictures will also post when I find time to get video of my new fireworks cake Spooky Staircase. If you have been following this new repackaging of 500 Gram Consumer Fireworks coming out of China, first it started out with discussion of wire cages similar to what the United Kingdom has, well apparently it was settled with this. When I opened a case of newly arrived Spooky Staircase , this board was on top of my cakes. I'll give you a closer look at it in these two pictures.
I'm thinking there is benefit to this when stacking multiple cases on top of each other as occurs during storage and shipping. What other use can someone suggest for these boards we are all going to have pretty soon?

02-28-2021, 08:30 PM
I don't think there's too much benifit. The cardboard they use for the boxes are decent and the bottom of many cakes, especially noabs, is already particle board. How thick is it? From the Magnus video, it looke like it's 3/8" or 1/2".

02-28-2021, 09:36 PM
I'll have to measure the thickness in metric. On a side note, anyone who has worked in the display side of fireworks knows how bad and sloppy fireworks cardboard boxes can be. My assessment of things over the years has been fireworks cardboard boxes and shipping is sloppy for professional 1.3 fireworks. Consumer Fireworks packaging over the years has been fine. Curious to see what if anything has changed in 1.3 fireworks backpacking.

02-28-2021, 10:25 PM
Much better than wire cages since you can at least burn them. I don't think those wire cages are even recyclable. Think the board are suitable to glue cakes etc too?

Looking forward to learning more about Spooky Staircase.

03-27-2021, 07:04 PM
Much better than wire cages since you can at least burn them. I don't think those wire cages are even recyclable. Think the board are suitable to glue cakes etc too?

Looking forward to learning more about Spooky Staircase.

That "board" might be more glue than board. I'm not telling you not to burn it, but I'd rather not be downwind when you do.

03-27-2021, 08:10 PM
That "board" might be more glue than board. I'm not telling you not to burn it, but I'd rather not be downwind when you do.

Absolutely 100% agree with this. China is known to use formaldehyde in many, many products, especially those manufactured in Guangdong province.

03-27-2021, 08:50 PM
Its also used as a cheap form of glue there.