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View Full Version : New shipping requirements

01-19-2021, 05:18 PM
Anything 2" or above needs to be wrapped in chickenwire and then the cases have to be secured with metal bands. Add in an additional $6k shipping cost per container, the declining value of the dollar. You'll be paying a few hundred to a few thousand more this year for the same amount of fireworks you bought last year.


01-19-2021, 06:31 PM
Anything 2" or above needs to be wrapped in chickenwire and then the cases have to be secured with metal bands. Add in an additional $6k shipping cost per container, the declining value of the dollar. You'll be paying a few hundred to a few thousand more this year for the same amount of fireworks you bought last year.


What or who came up with that bright idea to wrap anything 2" and above in chicken wire?
Sounds like a bunch of unnecessary steps taken to reduce what exactly? All they did was add to the weight per case of product.

Not good. Each year we all try and maximize our dollar so we can add a couple more modules. Its a balancing act with adding more modules and subtracting alittle bit of product in the process to increase our cue counts.

Ouch is all I need to say at this point!

01-19-2021, 06:41 PM
What or who came up with that bright idea to wrap anything 2" and above in chicken wire?
Sounds like a bunch of unnecessary steps taken to reduce what exactly? All they did was add to the weight per case of product.

Not good. Each year we all try and maximize our dollar so we can add a couple more modules. Its a balancing act with adding more modules and subtracting alittle bit of product in the process to increase our cue counts.

Ouch is all I need to say at this point!

Wait until they require it for anything bigger than 1.2", it's coming. Just like 1.4 articles of pyro being reclassified to 1.3 and no more salutes above 2" will be shipped from China.

Also here's a pro tip: Stock up on Firewire Now....Don't wait.

01-19-2021, 06:47 PM
Magnus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUUAXitjmIE) put a video on their youtube channel about how their 3" NOABs are going to become 2". Because they shrank them, they don't need to cage them. Only a piece of board and plastic straps are needed. What good it will do I don't know.

01-19-2021, 07:12 PM
Wait until they require it for anything bigger than 1.2", it's coming. Just like 1.4 articles of pyro being reclassified to 1.3 and no more salutes above 2" will be shipped from China.

Also here's a pro tip: Stock up on Firewire Now....Don't wait.

Wait, so your telling me people that currently have the documentation needed to purchase articles of pyro will no longer be able to when it gets reclassified to 1.3?

They are going to ruin it for the backyard hobbyist!
What is this world coming to!?

01-19-2021, 08:12 PM
Buy what you can now and shoot it sparingly! It's going to get very expensive from here. If you can get it at all.

01-19-2021, 08:28 PM
I can’t recall which thread I read This on but I believe I read that Even if China classifies it as 1.3 the articles Of Pyro could be classified as 1.4 once they are in the states. All this extra regulation is strictly a China thing.

01-19-2021, 08:42 PM
I can’t recall which thread I read This on but I believe I read that Even if China classifies it as 1.3 the articles Of Pyro could be classified as 1.4 once they are in the states. All this extra regulation is strictly a China thing.

And how does that work in relation to EX numbers?

01-19-2021, 08:47 PM
If you need to get worried about anything , its going to be price and supply. 2020 was a great year for Consumer Fireworks sales. Most major distributors were down to "crumbs" in their warehouses as best I heard it described this past July 4th. Shipping containers are in short supply, shipping companies are getting larger new vessels however only allotted a small percentage of that vessel to hazardous material, plus it must be transported topside , USA ports are backed up at the docks. Rumor has it Brothers Pyrotechnic lost 15 plus containers that are now at the bottom of the ocean due to a storm encountered by shipping vessel. All the warehouse space for pyrotechnics is full in China , Chinese New Year is now occurring everyone stops working. Shipping surcharges that were seasonal and temporary over the year are now carrying on longer into the season than anticipated.
Don't worry too much about how the product is packaged as far as Consumer Fireworks. Be grateful it makes it to us. Last I heard , we made through the Consumer packaging issues, the next issue for worry will be Articles of Pyrotechnics.

01-19-2021, 10:15 PM
Since December, Shipping containers freight prices increased 50% + (or $7 to $10) more per case to ship from China... ...no end in sight with a decrease...Beihai port is closing until further notice...

The shipping cage idea is being replaced with plywood top and bottom for now...Increases the shipping cost of those 1.2" + items another $2.00 not including the 50% + freight price increase

01-20-2021, 01:32 AM
Be grateful it makes it to us.I'm happy that it does, but it won't be many years in the future before wholesale is close to retail currently. At some point, something's going to give. There will most likely be size/shot reductions not far off.

01-20-2021, 02:52 PM
I'm happy that it does, but it won't be many years in the future before wholesale is close to retail currently. At some point, something's going to give. There will most likely be size/shot reductions not far off.

I wouldn't be too concerned at this point. There's a lot of different factors contributing to the current situation that should improve over the next year or so. I'm not sure why you think size/shot reductions are not far off? I agree with Dave, what happens with AP is the biggest concern.

01-20-2021, 08:55 PM
Supply and demand. When the prices get too high and no one buys the stuff, prices will come back down again. It's probably going to make 2022 a painful year for us, but things should pick up again in 2023, barring any more nonsense between China and the USA. I'm with Dave. I think we should be more concerned with the AOP stuff going away. Besides the slices I bought this year, I have virtually no AOP stuff in my show this year. There was just nothing to buy. If the AOP goes 1.3G, then that's going to put a lot of the backyard pyro's out of business. At least it's going to dramatically alter the quality of the shows we do.

01-21-2021, 02:50 PM
I often wonder if they could take AP and construct it in such a way that it meets 1.4 standards. For example, putting multiple fan slices or single shot tubes into a cake while maintaining the ability to efire them individually. Is there something besides the construction (e.g. composition) that would make this impossible? I assume this would probably make it more expensive to produce, ship etc but would it be possible? It seems to me if there is a will (i.e. market) there is a way to thread this needle.

01-21-2021, 11:47 PM
I was told by a distributor that's a sponsor that the biggest problem is with one shots. I believe cakes will have fuse added to them this year.

Not sure about slices.

01-22-2021, 11:05 AM
I was told by a distributor that's a sponsor that the biggest problem is with one shots. I believe cakes will have fuse added to them this year.

Not sure about slices.

One would think they could put a base on single shots like on 1.4 single shots. Slices might be a bit more complicated. Maybe they could provide reusable bases or supports similar to how they provide tubes with shells.

01-22-2021, 09:46 PM
If you are following the current fireworks climate, at least two of my advertisers are reporting on the 2021 fireworks season via their social media and emails. That is , Dominator Fireworks and Wholesale Fireworks in Hubbard Ohio. The updates seems to change weekly, last I heard the USA wire cages may be a no go. The upside to the 1.4 Consumer Fireworks mortar size decreasing is, this will allow importers to add more product to the containers. Lets face it, who needs all that extra cardboard anyway. The downside is , don't expect off season discounts.Be happy if prices stay the same as 2020. The mood with importers is , since I don't know what to expect importing in the near future , I'm not going to discount out my current inventory in the off season until I can confirm my future drop dates. Looking at it from a business perspective, 2020 was probably one of the best years ever for Consumer Fireworks. One unnamed distributor described it as , all of our warehouses are down to crumbs , parts of the warehouse were so empty we finally were able to sweep that area, customers were calling in desperation looking for fireworks and relieved to hear we still had some. Customers were buying gender reveal items just glad to have something to light off. If July 4th selling was one day longer I would be completely sold out.
At the rate the COVID 19 vaccine is rolling out and current restrictions on public gatherings , I am predicting this July 4th sales will be at least 70 to 80 percent of the consumer demand as 2020.
My first drop date on the new displayfireworks1 product is mid February 2021. I am more than pleased to hear the news. I'll update when it arrives. I have multiple items including the previous displayfireworks1 favorites. Here is sneak peak of my February 2021 drop product. Its ready for pre-order sale and shipment to retail outlets.

01-22-2021, 10:51 PM
Concerning the eastern PA, NJ, NY and DE professional fireworks display market:

Many small to mid sized display companies are on the verge of bankruptcy and without a good season they will go out of business if they haven't already. US producers of Close Prox and stage fireworks are down to skeleton crews and prices are set to rise dramatically.

We have been in contact with our customers concerning 4th of July displays and so far about 1/3 of them have said they don't have the money in there budget this fiscal year so they will not be putting on 4th of July shows. Another 10 - 20% said they are considering alternative dates to save money over the higher cost of doing a show on the 4th. Increases in the cost of product will further reduce the number and quality of shows this season.

As far as consumer fireworks I would not expect to see much in the way of demos and wholesale if shipments come in after the 4th.

My best advice is buy whatever you can now.

Conditions in other parts of the country may vary.

01-23-2021, 08:33 PM
Biggest problem is logistics. Both NYC and LA ports are experiencing backups with no chassis for trucks , lack of haz mat drivers and backups offloading ships...On top of the 6 to 7,000.00 increase on shipping from China, demurrage charges are now being added to containers that can not be delivered in time.. Increasing the cost of the container shipping $1,000.00 to 2,000.00 more, thus the cost is passed to the importer...With the backlog of containers now stuck in ports in the U.S., there are not enough empty containers being shipped back to China...The problem is perpetual thus China will also have issues shipping product to the U.S. We had one recent container delivered , with a total price increase of $8000.00 (Increased shipping of 6K + 2K demurrage)

01-24-2021, 10:22 PM
Why the backlog?? What happened to all the truck drivers and dock workers? These guys should all be essential workers necessary to keep the economy going and people eating and being able to buy toilet paper. So where are they??

01-25-2021, 01:24 AM
Seems logistics are goofed in a lot of industries right now. Can't blame em.

01-25-2021, 11:35 AM
a big issue is ports are very backed up.

Looked at long beach port as an example: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-118.2/centery:33.6/zoom:9

01-26-2021, 10:11 PM
I was told by a distributor that's a sponsor that the biggest problem is with one shots. I believe cakes will have fuse added to them this year.

Not sure about slices.

Today, I too was told this by a distributor. The workaround for the 1.4 Pro cakes is adding Visco in addition to the port. They indicated to me that no workarounds exist yet for 1.4 pro Shells or for Slices.

The distributor indicated that a lot of people were working on this implying that there is reason for hope. I wonder if there is anything that consumer or enthusiast groups can do in terms of lobbying, etc?

Carbide Cannons
01-26-2021, 10:54 PM
Today, I too was told this by a distributor. The workaround for the 1.4 Pro cakes is adding Visco in addition to the port. They indicated to me that no workarounds exist yet for 1.4 pro Shells or for Slices.

The distributor indicated that a lot of people were working on this implying that there is reason for hope. I wonder if there is anything that consumer or enthusiast groups can do in terms of lobbying, etc?

There is already one wholesaler that just announced fused slices. Not one of Dave's advertisers so I wont post company name, but AP replacements are in the pipeline.

01-27-2021, 12:34 AM
There is already one wholesaler that just announced fused slices. Not one of Dave's advertisers so I wont post company name, but AP replacements are in the pipeline.

Wow! That is great. I am looking forward to the other guys getting these as well. If it is not too much to ask, would be great if they retained the 3 ports as well for creativity.

Thanks for the information!

01-27-2021, 12:18 PM
Today, I too was told this by a distributor. The workaround for the 1.4 Pro cakes is adding Visco in addition to the port. They indicated to me that no workarounds exist yet for 1.4 pro Shells or for Slices.

The distributor indicated that a lot of people were working on this implying that there is reason for hope. I wonder if there is anything that consumer or enthusiast groups can do in terms of lobbying, etc?

They will also have to have a base to pass a tip test. 76 used to have this exact method several years ago for comets...and stopped doing it since it was not required. The base pops off easy. I think I still have some singles of that style laying around lol

01-27-2021, 12:44 PM
They will also have to have a base to pass a tip test. 76 used to have this exact method several years ago for comets...and stopped doing it since it was not required. The base pops off easy. I think I still have some singles of that style laying around lol

So pretty much how I envisioned how they could get around the construction requirements. So now my question is, if these are essentially going to be constructed to meet 1.4 requirements, are they really AP that would have purchasing requirements (i.e. training certification) or could they simply be sold as any 1.4 consumer firework? Seems to me that the line between all other 1.4 and AP is being very blurred if not completely erased by these changes.

Carbide Cannons
01-27-2021, 12:56 PM
They will also have to have a base to pass a tip test. 76 used to have this exact method several years ago for comets...and stopped doing it since it was not required. The base pops off easy. I think I still have some singles of that style laying around lol

Yes, they have wooden bases.