View Full Version : Posting picture attachments.

01-14-2012, 11:08 PM
The discussion forum is having trouble posting picture attachments. I am not sure what is going on. I will try to look into it. Has anyone else noticed this?

Dave displayfireworks1 pyrotalk

01-14-2012, 11:50 PM
they only way that i know how to do it on these blogs is if it is on a photo sharing website where there is a web address attached to the photo if you want a list of websites PM me but you should be able to. also if want people to upload pictures with out using a photo sharing website you have to have the blog set up for that but once you do this than expect more space on your server to be used one way to manage that is to set a size limit for the pictures. pictures might be small but once people start than it will fill up space on your server fast. the current way you have it you need it on a photo sharing site and paste the URL of the photo in the insert image box that comes up this just makes a short cut for your server to refer to it when people open the post. the server does not keep the photo on its hard drive but it knows where to find the image through the internet by the url you gave it. i don't know how familiar you are with HTML or website development if you need more explanation i will dig up a website for you that might help

01-15-2012, 12:10 AM
Oh yeh I've noticed, its been a problem for awhile now, Dave.