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View Full Version : Audience in Ohio not expecting gasoline fireball.

11-09-2020, 08:22 PM
Send to me.
Apparently this Ohio audience is not ready for a gasoline fireball in a public fireworks display.
https://www.wfmj.com/story/42880187/niles-fire-department-says-flame-effect-at-malls-november-rain-event-was-planned?fbclid=IwAR0y7f0JtK3DEtAtZ544WgdhHXY0pYPJ8 i_l_7I9bJFABo3s_uVrOKy0FtI
Word I am getting is a fireworks club in Ohio shot this display. If someone finds video of the fireball, please post it. Be great to hear the audience reaction


11-09-2020, 10:51 PM
Lol.... I love how they put the words "fire ball" in quotations like it's some kind of technical term. Lol...

Looks like they did a great job with it. Nice mushroom cloud.

11-09-2020, 11:36 PM
Maybe this is what they expected?


11-11-2020, 01:33 PM
Show was shot by Northeast Ohio Pyrotechics Group. They have a slow motion video on their Facebook page. There is most likely some video on their website as well but I can't get onto it right now. Here is one "audience member" video that is on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn5p4ZxJo0w.


11-11-2020, 05:11 PM
Show was shot by Northeast Ohio Pyrotechics Group. They have a slow motion video on their Facebook page. There is most likely some video on their website as well but I can't get onto it right now. Here is one "audience member" video that is on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn5p4ZxJo0w.

I was reading some of the comments on that video - some still didn't believe it was suppose to happen. 1 even said - "I WAS THERE AND I SAW SOMEONE DIE" WHAT???

11-12-2020, 11:50 AM
My club did this show. We have been doing the show for years. We have had fireballs for the past few years, but they were more spread out and smaller. Every year someone thinks it's a mistake and every year rumors fly. I, unfortunately, didn't make it this year due to an injury that has me stuck at home. Sigh. I believe they used 73 gallons this year. I'm hoping one of them jumps on here and can give more details.

11-12-2020, 01:29 PM
So I was one of the Leads on this shoot. We had 6 - 12" and 15 - 6" with a total of 73 gallons. We put them in a circle as opposed to a line to get more of a mushroom cloud as compared to a wall of fire. It was the last hit at the end of the finale along with 7 - 3" ground salutes across the front. The sponsor and the State Fire Inspector were fully aware of what we were doing. There were also 2 Licensed Flame Effects Pyrotechnicians on site overseeing everything. It was fully permitted and insured. It was the exact effect we were going for. The response was a little confusing since we've done them there for the past few years and will do it again next year. Thanks Rick_In_Tampa, we were pretty happy with the results ourselves!

11-13-2020, 09:47 PM
Sometimes it helps to promote these fireballs to the audience. Have the DJ or someone get the word out. I know when I started shooting these gas fireballs at my sportsman club I would get the word out through the day we were going to have them . I see this was a club shoot, we are probably never going to see a large professional company shooting these things. I must say that Bill Corbett really got us all shooting these gasoline fireballs. I told him he put Cremora fireballs out of business. LOL I'm still wondering what an E-85 gas fireball will look like. There may also be potential for adding color to E-85 since it is 85% Ethyl Alcohol and may be able to readily dissolve some of the flame color agents better than 100% gasoline.

11-14-2020, 12:41 PM
I just don't understand why people would call 911 if they knew they were watching a professional show. Let the professionals do their job and decide if they need emergency services. The overuse of 911 is one of my pet peeves. Seems almost nightly I see on social media conversations about things that go "bang" in the night in my area. The answer for too many is to call 911 even though there is no evidence there is any emergency. No evidence someones life/health or property is danger. The phrase "minding your own business" is very relevant in this case. Let the professionals mind their business.

11-15-2020, 09:54 AM
So I was one of the Leads on this shoot. We had 6 - 12" and 15 - 6" with a total of 73 gallons. We put them in a circle as opposed to a line to get more of a mushroom cloud as compared to a wall of fire. It was the last hit at the end of the finale along with 7 - 3" ground salutes across the front. The sponsor and the State Fire Inspector were fully aware of what we were doing. There were also 2 Licensed Flame Effects Pyrotechnicians on site overseeing everything. It was fully permitted and insured. It was the exact effect we were going for. The response was a little confusing since we've done them there for the past few years and will do it again next year. Thanks Rick_In_Tampa, we were pretty happy with the results ourselves!

What no one is talking about on here is you guys shot one hell of a show!!! Great job.

I'm going to have to incorporate the " fireballs in a circle" as opposed to a line/front!!

Again great job with the show!

Not sure if there is a better video floating around but...


11-15-2020, 08:48 PM
Maybe this is what they expected?


Okay... That's just nasty, and it needs to be blown up.

11-16-2020, 09:55 PM



11-18-2020, 01:00 PM
That was a nice show!

In related news:

Surprise firework show delights, angers Bend residents (https://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/crimeandjustice/surprise-firework-show-delights-angers-bend-residents/article_5a1e49ce-2936-11eb-a2e8-bb6a7f564873.html)

11-18-2020, 03:08 PM
That was a nice show!

In related news:

Surprise firework show delights, angers Bend residents (https://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/crimeandjustice/surprise-firework-show-delights-angers-bend-residents/article_5a1e49ce-2936-11eb-a2e8-bb6a7f564873.html)

Funny how they use the word "angers" in the headline, but nowhere else in the article. Some folks were scared based on the civil unrest that has been seen in some parts of the country, which seems reasonable depending on where you live. (Oregon being a hot spot). Aside from that, read like the rest of the complaints were "Karens" whining about dogs. Must be a slow news day in Bend Oregon, lol.

11-18-2020, 03:46 PM
Great video and camera angles

11-19-2020, 12:15 AM
Aside from that, read like the rest of the complaints were "Karens" whining about dogs.

OMFG... If I hear "Karens" one more time... What the hell is a Karen??! Every article I read these days has someone calling someone a Karen. Have I really been in covid lock down for too long?! What is all this Karen talk?

11-19-2020, 11:23 AM
In my own words: It's the new term for people that have nothing better to do than complain about anything and everything. Typically portrayed as a middle-aged white woman with a goofy (in my opinion) haircut.

Wikipedia says: "Karen is a pejorative term for someone perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others"

The BBC's take on it: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53588201

11-19-2020, 10:03 PM
Ahhh... Got it now. Thank you Sir!

12-03-2020, 03:13 PM
Thanks for the props joed2323. Really appreciate it.

12-03-2020, 03:16 PM
Great video and camera angles

The video was the work of one of our members Mike Randall. There were several members that brought cameras so he could get multiple angles.

05-21-2021, 01:40 AM
Sorry I'm late to the party on this thread. I just came across it and couldn't help but comment. That fireball was AMAZING! I'm sitting in my house at 1:40 AM cheering and laughing watching the videos of it. My dogs are looking at me like I'm crazy. GREAT job!

06-27-2021, 01:20 PM
at my towns 2018 township day ( before i moved ) same thing happened where it was never set to music but that year and last cue was a big gas fireball and the crowd was like wtf? and fire department got 4 complaints about it.