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View Full Version : Visco into ematch port - Will it work? (out of cues on 18M)

08-04-2020, 11:41 AM

Continuing with my line of "total newbie" questions (thanks for patience and help). I am out of cues on my 18M (only firing module I own until black Friday). So... can I simply run some standard visco into the ematch port? My thought is to fuse a line of 1.4 comets (35mm) the same way one would fuse a mortar rack with consumer shells. A "main line" of visco with "branches" off every so many inches (2.67 in my case) that would go directly into the ematch port while the "main line" continued on to the next branch.

Highly confident I am overthinking this and over typing but that is what you do when you are new!


08-04-2020, 03:15 PM
I am interested in this too as I want to add these effects but run low on cues

08-04-2020, 05:19 PM
easy way to find out would be to try it....

08-04-2020, 06:03 PM
Yes it works. I do it with 62mm instead of buying noabs. The powder is right inside that port. Any fire near it will ignite the lift. I've never done it with comets but I'm sure it will work. Just secure it all as if something will go wrong.

08-04-2020, 06:09 PM
Use some good tape like the uhaul/magic tape. If the fuse comes out you'll have a mess with the powder.

08-04-2020, 07:39 PM
Yes, you can do that. As was mentioned above, be sure to secure the fuse very well. You can make "timed comet runs" this way using different speed visco.

08-24-2020, 01:40 PM
Hya pyros! I did just that this year and it worked beautifully. I just built a plywood box around the tubes to fit kinda loose. I saw the u tube video where he made racks and fused them after routing a channel. I'll make some for next 4th.This was just quicker for me this year.

08-24-2020, 02:39 PM
Ive done that with 1.3 items occasionally ad it works but had more confidence and no failures with cutting of the port, cutting into the ematch with a nice and safe "anvil" type scissors, then inserting fuse into e-match sleeve and taping it up.