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View Full Version : Hello from TN!

07-19-2020, 04:33 PM
Hello! Ended up on this forum through searches and YT videos before the 4th. Decided to go ahead and join cause just maybe I'll have something to add to a discussion here and there. Haha

07-19-2020, 05:57 PM
Welcome to PyroTalk Jordan. Tell us a little about your involvement in the Pyro hobby.

07-19-2020, 06:12 PM
I've loved fireworks since I was a kid. Don't think there's been a 4th when I haven't lit something off since before I was allowed to. Always hand lit everything till this year when I fused a show together. Went off pretty well for my first attempt, timing was a bit quick, but everyone that watched it loved it so I suppose it was a success. I know I've raised the bar for next year so I've been looking at electronic firing systems, mainly the cobra. So that's where I'm at, life long pyro getting more serious about the hobby as an adult.

07-19-2020, 08:13 PM
Welcome to pyrotalk forums. How many miles are you from Bells Tennessee. A store called Rods Fireworks Megastore sells some of my fireworks products there.

07-19-2020, 09:02 PM
Not too far to drive for fireworks. 130 miles. They have some brands I haven't found around me before, may end up having to take a trip out there sometime.

07-20-2020, 07:35 AM
Jordon - welcome to Pyro Talk! Great place to learn.
Also - remember - the NFA convention is at your back door!!! At Kingsport, Tn this year. Join the NFA as "Friends of fireworks" and make plans to go. you won't regret it!

07-20-2020, 09:57 AM
Jordon - welcome to Pyro Talk! Great place to learn.
Also - remember - the NFA convention is at your back door!!! At Kingsport, Tn this year. Join the NFA as "Friends of fireworks" and make plans to go. you won't regret it!

I went for the show when it was in PA a couple years ago, what a display!

07-21-2020, 04:39 AM
Hello from Buffalo
Hey Jordan where in the same boat ive always loved fireworks and this year was my first year fusing cakes together and using a e firing system...Id would love a cobra but its a bit pricey for me right now. I used a 12 cue with remote system got from pyroboom or mortar supply for just under 100 bucks. Next year Ill be stepping up even more hopefully with ATF license in hand and possibly the firefly firing system!!!

07-21-2020, 12:14 PM
Hello from Buffalo
Hey Jordan where in the same boat ive always loved fireworks and this year was my first year fusing cakes together and using a e firing system...Id would love a cobra but its a bit pricey for me right now. I used a 12 cue with remote system got from pyroboom or mortar supply for just under 100 bucks. Next year Ill be stepping up even more hopefully with ATF license in hand and possibly the firefly firing system!!!

I've looked at those manual firing systems and considered them, but I've decided to just save my money and get the Cobra. I'd end up wanting to upgrade anyways. At this point I'm not too worried about getting an ATF license. If they make you get it for the 1.4 pro items then I'd do it, but at the moment that stuff is gonna be plenty enough for me above regular consumer product. I haven't watched much of anything on the Firefly, seem like a good product?