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View Full Version : My 2020 July 4th show

Bad Alibi Scott
07-11-2020, 02:01 PM
My third year shooting with Cobra and definitely my best show to date. A few hiccups but I was pleased. The video needs work. My brother in law was doing the video using an SLR camera and it wouldn't let him video continuously, so you can see the breaks where we had to edit clips together. Also he needs to find a better vantage point, he cut off the bottom and missed several gerbs, flames, strobes and fountains. I even used the intro piece from one of Dave's sponsors, Jeff Collins Voiceovers, which the crowd loved. All in all I was pretty happy with the show and I know where I can get better. For starters I'll be looking for a good video camera or Go Pro for the future. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qw8pzSYXauMcp8Kp8?fbclid=IwAR2j1FyxLu9Hp9U4KLbD-3wNwhVSp2UtItY_YGgX0vylj6xF9P7-fXahPwc.

07-11-2020, 02:31 PM
Lol 2 people using My Way this year, what are the chances of that. Yeah just get a gopro field of view is huge. Nice show!

Bad Alibi Scott
07-11-2020, 03:25 PM
Thanks Ed, It was kind of ironic that I chose My Way as my dad passed away on 6/19/20 and he loved Elvis and my fireworks shows. I chose the song last year but it had all new meaning over the last few weeks. Love your shows by the way, always a pleasure to watch. How many cameras did you use and what were they?

07-11-2020, 04:19 PM
1) backside of retention pond - GoPro Hero 5
2) My house - GoPro Hero 5
3) Ground zero - GoPro knockoff (great for some close ups but I use the entire sound track off this one for fireworks sound)
4) Drone 1 - Assume GoPro
5) Drone 2 - Assume GoPro
6) Audience shots... iPhones I guess for most part. (I use a few seconds video here and there but also great for crowd reaction soundtrack)

I also overlay the original soundtrack .mp3 over everything so it is consistent. Synching all of them is a PIA but I think worth it.

Having a camera front side and back side is always a good idea IMO just in case one is smoked out which did happen to me this year.

Bad Alibi Scott
07-11-2020, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the info. Will definitely being looking to get a Go Pro.

07-11-2020, 06:11 PM
Really amazing show! Great job!

Bad Alibi Scott
07-12-2020, 12:01 AM
Thanks chetubet!!!

07-13-2020, 12:15 PM
Very Nice Scott, Really liked the Slice timing on Pour some Sugar on the hits. Nice choices in products too!

07-13-2020, 12:39 PM
oh man,, that was great.. i thoroughly enjoyed it... music, effects, timing,, great job,, you used alot of angled product that came out really well ,, i really likee the angled crossette section to the show... and of course all the nishikis at the end!!! but great job all the way through!!

Bad Alibi Scott
07-13-2020, 03:26 PM
Thanks PyroKing31, Some of the hits were a series of comets & mines as well as slices. There is a lyric in the song Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light Go where I used comets & mines and it turned out really well. My brother in law who also plays drums picked up on it right away.

Bad Alibi Scott
07-13-2020, 03:58 PM
Thanks Mattp, I think the angled crossettes was actually a cake called After Hours by Brothers. I used a bunch of new cakes this year that I was really happy with. And yes a good portion of the finale was a combo of 4-9shot Nishiki Kamuro cakes, 18-60mm Nishiki Kamuro single shot tubes, and 96 Supernova Gold Willow cans in two 48 shot racks fast fused together. My timing was a little off on the two 48 shot racks but I was still pleased. My shoot site has a slight grade to it so it throws some of the comet and mine angles off a little. I'm thinking about making some level pads in the future to correct it but have other priority's first