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07-09-2020, 07:55 PM
Does anyone have any funny pyro stories. I have one back in 2014 I was on vacation at a condo on the beach for a week and I brought a box of Excalibur?s with me and I went on the beach one night and shot half the box off and it was so loud because the sound was bouncing off the condos around us and there was a echo, shot probably 10 off and the police was called and we almost got kicked out and now because of me there is no fireworks allowed on that beach now.

07-09-2020, 09:50 PM
Neighborhood block party years ago...started the show and the local PD arrived for the first time in years...the officer took one look at the crowd of families and kids a good safe distance away and then at us - bunch of middle aged guys - and just said he was only there because someone complained and said when he may or may not come back in an hour, wanted our show over ;). Handed him an ice cold Pepsi ;).

07-09-2020, 11:36 PM
This one time at band camp.......;)

07-10-2020, 12:20 AM
I used to fall for the buy one get one free sales gimmicks from Neptune Fireworks and the purple ghost. My excuse, I was still in grade school.

07-10-2020, 05:00 PM
I think everyone fell for the BOGO BS I finally realize 9 years ago pissed off the sky king manager because I went to a wholesale store instead of sky king and I wrote a review and said don’t go to scam king and phantom he told me off at a jiffy store

07-10-2020, 05:34 PM
Yep, those BOGO places are indeed the biggest scams...but that is where many of us likely started with our purchases...not me, of course not, no way man....;)

07-10-2020, 09:00 PM
When I was a teenager we were driving down the road in a single cab pickup...3 of us. There was a few gross of bottle rockets behind the seat of the truck. My buddy attempted to flip a spent cigarette out the window and it flew back in and went behind the seat of the truck.

Luckily it didn’t land on any of the packages, but we un-assed that truck in the middle of the highway.

07-10-2020, 11:51 PM
When I was a kid I used to buy M-80's from a guy that would show up at the gas station I worked at. This station was on a busy 6 lane road. Being the dimwit I was, I used to light them and throw them in the air to watch them explode. One time I threw one right over the road and it came down on a car, bounced off the windshield just when it should have gone off... then thankfully fell to the ground and never exploded. I about crapped my pants on that one. Not really funny then, or now. But that's all I got that's pyro related.

07-12-2020, 01:57 PM
I used to be the sound guy for a regional jam band, so camping at summer music festivals was the norm. One fine morning about 5am, after being up all night of course, another festival goer comes upon what was left standing of our crew and says “I got his firework shell but need some way to shoot it.” After some digging around on the bus someone came up with the plastic cup lid to a large Thermos container. (So what I know now that I didn’t at the time is that this was a 60g mortar shell). In an attempt at safety we placed the “cup” in an open gravel area and the guy lit the fuse. One my friends and I were standing what we thought was a safe distance away. The shell fell on its side and I saw this stream of smoke shoot right my friend, hit him in the chest, and exploded in ball of green light. Once the smoke cleared he was standing there, dazed and confused. Luckily no one got hurt.

07-12-2020, 09:02 PM
Its not really my story but my older brothers i was just a lil fella but he was throwing firecrackers at open car windows as they drove by he succeeded in making it in 1 the windows. Turns out it was an undercover cop lmao cop dragged him to the door where our mom tanned his rear something fierce i suppose that was punishment enough because there were no charges.

07-13-2020, 11:39 AM
my son and nephew had the great idea to light off 2 bottle rockets(texas pop rocket size) at the same time... they used an empty cereal box to hold them up. both fuses were lit, one rocket shoots up into the sky causing the box to tip over...other rocket then shoots into the garage and explodes. garage fills with smoke, fire alarm starts blaring. good times...

07-13-2020, 01:04 PM
probably about 30 years ago..when i was a kid, my uncle was the pyro of the family.. (he has since passed the torch,, and i have taken it to a whole other level..LOL).. but at this family party we learned the hard way why shells need to be used with the proper sized mortar... he had a 3" shell and only had a 4" tube... we were all standing well within any thought of a distance requirement.. we saw this thing come out about 3' over the tube.. and i can remember to this day,, my uncle said "oh $h!t,, RUN".. my whole family started jumping over fences, diving over parked cars.. as stars are flying all around us..very thankfully no one was hurt and no fires were started and we were all able to have a laugh about it... and was an invaluable lesson to a budding young pyro like myself

07-13-2020, 01:18 PM
ok, got another...last year, we unwrapped all our ball shells and stored them in a cardboard box. had about 30 of the them we were lighting off one by one for fun. We kept the box(open top) about 10 feet from the mortar tube for easy access and quick firing. On this day there was zero wind and after a few blasts we notices the embers floating gracefully back to the ground around us. cool sight, didn't think the open box of shells posed a threat until until a bit later we heard a random fuse "fusing?" I peaked in the box and sure enough one of the embers had lit a shell. Yelled "RUN" and took off. I still say that was the greatest ground display I've ever seen...again... good times.

07-14-2020, 05:58 AM
So Pgdark reminded me of another story from my corrupt, misspent youth...

Immediately across the street from our house, and one house to the right, lived a man that was the neighborhood a-hole. Every year when I would toss an M-80 in the street he would come out and complain. So one year I bought a mess of bottle rockets in addition to the M-80s. This one day I was blowing off M-80's and here he comes. Bitching a blue streak. I couldn't have been more than 14-15 at the time. I sat there and listened, he finally went away. As I was sitting there debating on whether I should stop making his life miserable, or drop another M-80 on him, I saw him in his back yard. That gave me an idea!! So I loaded up a handful of bottle rockets in a glass coke bottle (yes, that's how it came back then!) and I angled them towards his house. Like I knew what I was doing, about a half dozen shot right at his house, over the roof, and dropped into his back yard and went off. Man I ran like hell knowing what was coming next!! Sure enough he came running out looking (I assume) for me or anyone else who might have done that. Of course he didn't find anyone. Those were some good times!