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View Full Version : help! ebay seller left me hanging :(

07-01-2020, 01:58 PM
hey fellow pyros - i need some immediate assistance.

i'm in the WFBOOM area (about an hour north of the hubbard store) and am in a bit of a pickle.

this is my first year into the booms. i went all out - got cakes, mortars, salutes, everything and anything my heart and kids desired. got a bilusocn/remote firing system, the 1200 channel one, finally (after first buying a 4 channel with 25 talons, then a 12 channel on ebay, finally the 1200 channel from pyrodirect.)

i got the 25 talons a few weeks ago, those were fine. i tested, making sure all of my remotes worked, and checked my distance to make sure all would be good.

last tuesday i ordered a 100 pack of e-matches from an ebay seller - the same one i bought the 12 channel from, which came saturday - this was the only one listed to be in the US and guaranteed delivery of yesterday. figured june 30 would be a good enough date, just to make sure - no last minute stuff.

well, its july 1. no package. seller hasn't answered any messages. DHL tracking number goes nowhere. ebay shipping status says 'in transit' but besides 'ETA 6/30' i got nothing.

i'm WAY past the point of not using the remotes - i've got 5 firing sites, all synced depending on the time of the show. i've got a cue sheet, buttons synced to time on an excel spreadsheet and even giving the kids the 12 channel for the finale so they can help dad.

but i've only got about 16 talon's left - and i was hoping to use 80 - 40 for the show, 40 for the finale (i was going to run over and swap out the receivers when the shows over, give it a quick break with a few silly longer cakes while i grabbed them and reconnected to finale boards)

can anyone point me in the right direction of something that i can overnight and ship out today? even UPS/fedex says unless i ship today, im SOL.

i'll even meet in a couple hour range if possible...but without them, i don't know what else to do besides hand lighting.

07-01-2020, 02:02 PM
Pretty sure you can overnight MJG's from Cobra. Shipping will probably be in the hundreds of dollars range to overnight.

07-01-2020, 02:24 PM
I didn't realize cobra sold it direct like that. I got talons as they aren't flammable so they aren't hazmat - but they'll be here Friday. Cost a decent dollar to ship, but not 200$ like the MJG lol.

07-01-2020, 02:41 PM
Dang, wish I wasn't late to the post. I'm about an hour from you and have some extras of mjgs and talons

07-01-2020, 02:54 PM
i'd always be down to grab more but since i needed so many (80 at least) i wasn't gonna ask to take someones stash haha. at this point, if the ebay shipment ever comes i'll have a shit ton of extra e-match too. i got the talons with the first shipment, they were okay but e-match seems a bit more durable/foolproof (no tiny wire to break, no notching the fuse either) but i'll make do. thanks tho! i see you're in stow - i'm up in the geneva area.

have a good show!

07-01-2020, 03:23 PM
Awesome, glad they got you fixed up!

07-01-2020, 03:52 PM
Yes I am! I have a TON of family up there, Ashtabula specifically

07-01-2020, 07:20 PM
If the seller is from China they can’t ship to the United States right now because of the Covid-19

07-01-2020, 11:01 PM
I would bet the seller was somehow lying about not being in China. (I think I saw that same listing, FWIW I remember checking on thursday and seeing one.) But the fact that it's supposed to be shipping DHL suggesstes to me that it's definitely from China. Totally anecdotal, but I feel pretty sure that everything I've seen shipped from china in the past few years has come via DHL. And I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a domestic shipper use DHL in forever.