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View Full Version : Hello everyone I'm New Displayfireworks1 and fan of Dave now and I have a question

06-29-2020, 12:32 AM
Hey everyone! I stumbled onto Daves youtube channel just a few days ago and have been watching tons of his videos starting all the way back near the beginning 10 years ago. I've probably watched about 40 videos in 2 days. I'm 36 years old and live in Illinois. I have been a fireworks fanatic my whole life. It all started when I was a kid and my dad would buy fireworks for the Fourth of July every year for our annual party. My moms Birthday is the 4th of JULY! I have very fond memories of my friend and I blowing off grosses of bottle rockets and bricks of Black Cats all day long until the bigger stuff and bonfire started at dark. The bbq ribs and food my parents made was to die for and the swimming pool was a blast. The Fourth of July is near and dear to my heart. It's my favorite holiday and time of year. Even more so than Christmas or my own Birthday. Each year after the 4th of July parties we had growing up I'd be sad and depressed for days, as I knew I had to wait an entire year to do it all over again. Anyway enough about that, I have become very interested in attaining my ATF form 54 fireworks license to get my hands on some of the bigger and better stuff for personal use on friends or families property in the future. I know I'm way to late to the party for this year but am hoping to get it for next year possibly. My only concern right now is that I live in an apartment complex and don't know if that is frowned upon with the ATF and state I live in. My wife and I plan on purchasing our first home next summer. Has anyone had any issues attaining the ATF license due to living situation or location? I have no criminal history or any other factors that concern me at this point. Thanks in Advance and I look forward to being an active member on this Forum!

06-30-2020, 03:48 PM
Here is the link to my ATF/DVD license application package that explain the process .

07-01-2020, 05:48 AM
Welcome aboard Kaboom!! Nice to have new blood on the boards. Have a safe and happy 4th!

07-01-2020, 09:43 AM
From experience, get your hands on Dave's ATF/DVD license application package. I did, it helped tremendously. It your are serious about obtaining an Federal Explosive License (FEL) do NOT, repeat do NOT let fear slow you down. Welcome aboard......

07-01-2020, 02:17 PM
Welcome to the forum. Your memories of the 4th as a kid sound very similar to my own. The 4th has always been my favorite holiday. My birthday is on the 23rd so I would always ask for fireworks for my birthday but only one year did my father surprise me with a brick of lady fingers. Usually I'd just get a cap gun or something like that. When I was little older I got into model rocketry and bangsite cannons and they kept me entertained. At least until I ran out of rocket engines and bangsite.