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View Full Version : What is the largest mortar size that can be put in a rack vs buried?

06-07-2020, 04:29 PM
Hi everyone, fresh account here from Indiana.

I have graduated from 6 inch to 10 inch mortars this upcoming 4th of July.
Could a 10 inch be put in a rack or does it have to be buried?

Is there a safe alternative to burying it?

Any advice would be appreciated. :)

06-07-2020, 05:41 PM
Based off of the various display videos I've watched, any mortar size greater than 6 inches needs to be either buried in the ground or put in a 55 gallon drum filled with dirt/concrete. If you end up putting them in the ground, be prepared to have a way to yank the mortar out of the ground as the shells powerful lift charge will jam it even tighter into the ground.

06-07-2020, 05:53 PM
My video from 2010 showing 8 inch racks. I did see 10 before using a rack of two.
At 4:22 in the video. I have it on this link

06-07-2020, 06:27 PM
My video from 2010 showing 8 inch racks. I did see 10 before using a rack of two.
At 4:22 in the video. I have it on this link

Even though someone used a 10" RACK = i would highly recommend NOT doing that. 8" rack is bad enough.

Scotty Rockets
06-08-2020, 11:24 AM
8” per NFPA can be racked if e-fired otherwise buried. 10” and above MUST be buried or in a drum with sand.