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05-08-2020, 03:45 PM

On this board I have four cues. All of the cues will not be fired back to back they are spread out across the show. Should I be concerned about one setting the others off? I was considering using aluminum foil over each set to ensure this doesn?t happen, is this a good idea? It would also serve to protect any fuse or sticky match being used. My later boards I?ve gotten away from most if the fusing I?m matching just about everything, for example if I?m firing four cakes I?m using igniters that will be wired together so four in parallel. If I have, say 4 200g cakes going of at three positions I have the four at each position fused using sticky match and the three positions running in series.

05-08-2020, 04:41 PM
As long as your fuses aren't touching each other, there's usually not a problem with fallout from one aerial cake setting off another. Fountains would be another matter. I think you should be ok.

05-09-2020, 03:31 AM
Unless you're using that paper fast fuse, I wouldn't worry about it. Back in 2016 I was using long runs of green visco to string cakes together on boards. I never had a crossfire situation. I'll attach a picture so you can see my old setup.

05-09-2020, 07:26 AM
If I am at a large club shoot and I'm concerned with someone elses show setting mine off I use foil tape. Protects the exposed fuse and helps with passfire. Pretty quick and easy to do and helps with peace of mind.

05-09-2020, 09:51 AM
I'd cover all fuse a bit to reduce the chance of side ignition especially, if using any type of "fast-fuse". Heavier lacquered slower safety fuse is less prone but I would that as well.