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View Full Version : We lit some Coronavirus stress relief fireworks off

Lonely Bros Pyros
04-27-2020, 08:33 AM
So this has been a trying time right now for everyone in the world as we deal with this virus. The lockdowns however are starting to drag on for a lot of people.

For us personally, we are hoping our small business can survive the shutdown. It's tough. BUT, then this past wednesday morning our 79 year old father, who works with us every day, did not show up for work. We all live together right now for ease of $$ (my brother & I own the house we grew up in and our parents live with us). Anyway, I saw him feeding my 5 month old puppy (more on that girl later) early in the morning. But when he didn't show up for work, we got worried. We found his truck at the local convenience store he always stops at to buy the morning paper. He wasn't in the store. It turns out he tripped over a misplaced carpet and fell. He was taken to the hospital. When we finally located which hospital he was in, he was intubated and on a ventilator. It turns out he broke his back and needed to have fusion surgery t12-L1. With the covid 19 deal, we can't even go see him. Surgery has been done now and he's now of the ventilator. But it's going to be a long road back.

This has been really tough on our mother. So to make things worse, our 5 month old puppy was outside on friday evening with us prepping for this shoot. We were playing ball with her when she jumped high and came down bad AND BROKE HER LEG!!! UGH!!

We had to rush her to an emergency animal hospital. She is now doing better bud had a bad break in the rear hind leg.

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest.

Please enjoy the video. I have to run off right now but I will post more details about the shoot later but I wanted to get this posted.


Lonely Bros Pyros
04-27-2020, 09:36 AM
We sent out a mailer to our surrounding neighbors to let them know that we were doing a shoot. They were all for it. Some even had kids and grandkids come to their houses to watch. Others had kids there that needed to see or do something since there is a stay at home order here. We e-fired the show with our cheap system. It went fairly well. Two cakes didn't go and I missed sending up 3 individual cans. The wind picked up and kind of ruined our nishikis a bit.

04-27-2020, 09:45 AM
Sorry for all your grief this past week... but nice show! How do you like that Bilusocn system?

Do you have any ideas/speculation on why the cakes & shells didn't launch? Electrical connections? Were the igniters still in tact?

PS: Where abouts in Central PA? I lived in Waynesboro for a short time a long time ago.

04-27-2020, 09:53 AM
that was pretty nice to watch. let's hope it won't be the only display we see this year. *crosses fingers for 4th display by city*

i am sorry for your father, too. my dad is 73, so our fathers are pretty close in age, so i can relate. although your dad most likely isn't as stubern as mine. my dad still goes and does work people in their 20's (and skilled enough) should be doing. though that his generation for ya, right? comes home limping and stuff. worries the hell out of me, so yeah, having older parents now sucks. thanks a lot covid

Lonely Bros Pyros
04-27-2020, 09:53 AM
Thanks! I like the Bilusocn. It does what it's supposed to. I didn't troubleshoot the cakes yet. Too much other things happening right now. The shells were my fault. I missed switching zones back to let them go.

Lonely Bros Pyros
04-27-2020, 10:35 AM
Icooclast, my dad still was doing 8 appliance service calls a day until we made him stop going in people's houses with this virus. He's been working the shop instead and sending us home early every day when work got slow. So, stubborn? Absolutely. Hard worker? Definitely even at 79 1/2 years old. Something I strive for everyday but I know my body will never hold up like his has.

04-27-2020, 06:33 PM
Icooclast, my dad still was doing 8 appliance service calls a day until we made him stop going in people's houses with this virus. He's been working the shop instead and sending us home early every day when work got slow. So, stubborn? Absolutely. Hard worker? Definitely even at 79 1/2 years old. Something I strive for everyday but I know my body will never hold up like his has.

that's great to hear. it must just be the men in that generation or something. same thing goes with the whole emotions thing. that's a very complicated issue with his generation as well. trust me. lol

04-27-2020, 08:06 PM
At Lonely Bros Pyros . Sounds like you have a lot going on, in addition to the virus issues our country is experiencing. Wishing the best for you and your family. Nice to see you find time to put on a fireworks display for yourself and the neighborhood. I hope you inspire others to do the same. Looks like you purchased a little bit of fireworks from most retail outlets in Pennsylvania LOL. Thanks for getting the video and posting on the pyrotalk forums. I always like to see the daytime setup. Nice clear piece of property you were shooting on. If I had that clearance, I would be dangerous. LOL

04-28-2020, 12:08 AM
Very nice LBP! Great piece of property too. I wish I had a back yard like that.

Hope your dad and the dog recover quickly. It's great to hear that your dad is still that active. Never let him slow down. It's obviously what keeps him young.

04-28-2020, 01:21 AM
Love that little "meteor" remnant of a willow (?) that narrowly missed the camera at 18:33!

Lonely Bros Pyros
04-28-2020, 07:40 AM
Dave & Rick, thanks. We have about 2 1/2 acres and there are quite a few farms around us. We try not to tick off the neighbors. It gets tempting, believe me.

AxeElf, yeah, that's from a nishiki willow. The wind really picked up at then end.

We heard from a number of the neighbors in the past few days and they were so appreciative of the fireworks.

We only had 1 problem where a more-than-likely drunk ahole stopped along the road and was screaming at my one younger neighbor about it not being July 4th and there shouldn't be fireworks. He said he could hear them over a mile away at his house. Boo hoo. The residents of the two houses along the road all told him to pound sand and that the neighborhood all knew about it and wanted the fireworks. He wanted to fight my neighbor but when challenged peeled away. Other than that, we got a lot of thanks.

04-28-2020, 08:33 AM
Love that little "meteor" remnant of a willow (?) that narrowly missed the camera at 18:33!

I think you can hear that cranky guy cussing in the background right around then! Someone sounds pretty agitated.

Lonely Bros Pyros
04-28-2020, 09:22 AM
Not at that time. I am working on an alternate view video that was taken closer to where we were using the firing system and you can almost hear someone yelling FIREWORKS early in the video. Hopefully I can get that video edited and up in the next few days. The sound on that one is awesome. It was closer to the action but filmed handheld.

Lonely Bros Pyros
05-06-2020, 11:53 AM
So I finally got around to editing the other angle of the shoot. This camerman is right at the firing system table. The colors are better and so is the sound. I also labeled each cake/rack for reference. I did that mainly for us for when we plan out our July 4th show. We wanted to remember what each cake did.
