View Full Version : Anybody from Ohio?!

02-07-2020, 11:41 AM
Have anybody hear about in Ohio Bills this year for use fireworks and shooting on own properties as legal?!

02-07-2020, 11:52 AM
i'm from Ohio, but haven't heard this. is it recent, though? because there has been talk about it for a long time, but nothing ever happens. can anyone else shed light on this

02-07-2020, 01:52 PM
Hopefully it passes and becomes law but seems like every year or 2 a bill comes up but stalls in the other chamber. https://www.mahoningmatters.com/regional-news/ohio-lawmakers-consider-legislation-to-legalize-fireworks-2074860

02-07-2020, 08:12 PM
Hopefully it passes and becomes law but seems like every year or 2 a bill comes up but stalls in the other chamber. https://www.mahoningmatters.com/regional-news/ohio-lawmakers-consider-legislation-to-legalize-fireworks-2074860

if Ohio ever make fireworks legal, i am concerned they'll put a high tax on them like PA did. 18% is freaking insane. this bill (according to what i read in the link) proposes a 4% tax. so, sales tax being 10 or so % (if reg. sales tax is included) i can live with that. but not much higher. after all shipping or driving there is also a tax of sorts for some.

02-07-2020, 08:52 PM
I worry about the tax thing as well but i feel like 4% is a fair trade to b legal. I just noticed at the bottom of the article is a place to vote please do and any1 else who reads this even if your not from ohio if ut lets you

02-08-2020, 01:11 AM
Is Ohio also the state that has a standing moratorium on new magazine permits? In addition to fireworks, WTF are builders, mining companies, etc. supposed to do?

02-08-2020, 09:21 AM
Come to think of it, didn't that State of Ohio moratorium on new explosive storage expired in December 2019? Did they vote to continue it? I'm not an expert on this but I heard the State of Ohio has not issued a retail fireworks store a license in many years. Thus all the current license to sell in Ohio are probably worth a Zillion dollars. I didn't read the bill to legalize shooting in Ohio however, I suspect if the bill includes the state selling new retail license similar to what Pennsylvania did , all of the current license holders will fight it because it will drop the value of current license holders and introduce competition.
If you are new at this, don't necessarily think that people in the fireworks business want Consumer Fireworks to go full legal in their own state or even a neighboring state.

02-08-2020, 01:22 PM
I hadnt heard of the moratorium expiring in 2019 ill have to look in2 that. In both this bill and the bill working its way through the Senate lifts the moratorium and does change laws to allow for the sale of 1.3 and touches on 1.3 throughout, but is mostly to allow people to shoot 1.4 and i suspect to make it easier for police to stop people from shooting in the cities that choose not to legalize or lack the distances. What i had heard was unless people are doing something very dumb/reckless police cant confiscate fireworks because the way the law is written it would have to b taken out of state to be *disposed" of and the cost of doing that just doesnt make sense. I also heard from a person working at 1 of your sponsers that was phantom and a judge who was partnered with phantom wrote the current law basically to stop their competition i have no proof of either of these but makes sense to me.